Degree in English Studies: Language and Literature

2024/2025 · 240 credits


The Degree in English: Linguistic and Literary Studies, through its diverse subjects and 240 mandatory credits, it offers solid training in the language, literatures and cultures of the English-speaking world. It also provides a wide overview of linguistic theories and literary studies as applied to English. Furthermore, it promotes students’ high-level comprehension of Galicianand Spanish and their literatures, as well as practical instruction on other languages of the student’s choice (French, Italian, Portuguese).

This officially recognized degree programme was published in the BOE (Official State Bulletin) on 5/01/2010 and subsequently validated. Its Quality Assurance System is certified by the ACSUG (Galician agency for quality in the university system) via the Fides-Audit programme.

This study is verified and published

This study renewed its accreditation on 11 July 2017.


Prices for Spain or EU resident students
Approximate price of one academic course (60 ECTS) for first enrollment with residence in Spain or EU
Prices for Spain or EU non resident students
Approximate price of one academic course (60 ECTS) for first enrollment without residence in Spain or EU
Offered place for academic course 2024/2025

Why study

  • A solid grounding in language and anglophone literatures and cultures.
  • International mobility, with over 50 destinations to choose from.
  • Internships in local companies and institutions.
  • Small groups and personalized teaching
  • Personalized curriculum: 40 optional modules (cinema, philosophy…).
  • Additional tuition in French, Italian or Portuguese.
  • Practical classes in all languages with native assistant teachers.
  • Proficient knowledge of language.
  • Lecturers holding teaching and research credentials.
  • Dual degree option with the University of South Wales (UK).
  • A second degree option (in Spanish, or Galician and Portuguese) after just two additional years.
  • Virtual campus with support materials.

 Information booklet


Starting academic year 2009/2010
Last update/verification ACSUG date 29/06/2009
Authorization Xunta Council date 27/08/2009
Authorization DOG publication date 16/09/2009
Official BOE publication date 05/01/2010
DOG syllabus publication date 14/05/2010
BOE syllabus publication date 26/04/2010