All UDC centers have a Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS), verified by the Agency to Calidade do Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ACSUG) and ANECA in FIDES programs and AUDIT, respectively, and in accordance with the standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA. Within IQAS centers integrate all their degrees and masters. IQAS procedures established who and how to follow up and monitoring of the results and the student's learning process in the titration, establishing coordinating bodies and mechanisms, evaluation and continuous improvement of the studies, which are the academic comittee and the quality assurance commision of center.
The IQAS establish how UDC centers measure and analyze the learning outcomes. To do the IQAS uses rates and global indicators for assessing the quality of training provided. Included among the results, in addition to the fees included in the title verification reports (efficiency rates, graduation and dropout), assessment rates, success and performance. We compare the results obtained in the title with the center's results for each indicator.
To ensure that the title is developed in accordance with the verification report presented the center conducts an annual monitoring report in accordance with the procedures of the center IQAS and results. This report is reviewed by the ACSUG, external evaluation agency.
The outcome of this analysis will emerge corrective actions and improvement proposals that achieve the intended objectives and the improvement of the degree.
In order to ensure proper standards and quality at UDC, an academic management committee and a quality assurance committee are appointed for each faculty/school. In addition to, each faculty/school will be able to establish a specific academic management committee of the study.
Students enrollment | Period | Value |
Students count | 2024/2025 | 535 |
Men | 2024/2025 | 92 |
Women | 2024/2025 | 443 |
Credits enrolled | Period | Value |
Total enrolled credits | 2024/2025 | 30,280 |
Credits on 1st enrollment | 2024/2025 | 29,200 |
Credits on 2nd enrollment | 2024/2025 | 714 |
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above | 2024/2025 | 364.5 |
% credits repeated | 2024/2025 | 3.56 |
Academic results | Period | Value |
Average credits by student | 2024/2025 | 56.6 |
Student enrollment | Period | Value |
Students count | 2024/2025 | 1,675 |
Men | 2024/2025 | 302 |
Women | 2024/2025 | 1,373 |
Credits enrolled | Period | Value |
Total enrolled credits | 2024/2025 | 96,420 |
Credits on 1st enrollment | 2024/2025 | 90,890 |
Credits on 2nd enrollment | 2024/2025 | 3,626 |
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above | 2024/2025 | 1,898 |
% credits repeated | 2024/2025 | 5.73 |
Academics results | Period | Value |
Average credits by student | 2024/2025 | 57.56 |
Students enrollment | Period | Value |
Students count | 2023/2024 | 525 |
Men | 2023/2024 | 94 |
Women | 2023/2024 | 431 |
Credits enrolled | Period | Value |
Total enrolled credits | 2023/2024 | 29,930 |
Credits on 1st enrollment | 2023/2024 | 28,830 |
Credits on 2nd enrollment | 2023/2024 | 591 |
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above | 2023/2024 | 504 |
% credits repeated | 2023/2024 | 3.66 |
Academic results | Period | Value |
Average credits by student | 2023/2024 | 57.01 |
Evaluation rate | 2023/2024 | 98.15 |
Success rate | 2023/2024 | 97.39 |
Performance rate | 2023/2024 | 95.59 |
SEGUIMIENTO rates | Period | Value |
Efficiency rate | 2023/2024 | 97.49 |
Graduation rate | 2019/2020 | 76.82 |
Leaving rate | 2021/2022 | 3.79 |
Student enrollment | Period | Value |
Students count | 2023/2024 | 1,795 |
Men | 2023/2024 | 343 |
Women | 2023/2024 | 1,452 |
Credits enrolled | Period | Value |
Total enrolled credits | 2023/2024 | 102,800 |
Credits on 1st enrollment | 2023/2024 | 97,120 |
Credits on 2nd enrollment | 2023/2024 | 3,591 |
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above | 2023/2024 | 2,138 |
% credits repeated | 2023/2024 | 5.57 |
Academics results | Period | Value |
Average credits by student | 2023/2024 | 57.3 |
Evaluation rate | 2023/2024 | 90.24 |
Success rate | 2023/2024 | 95.54 |
Performance rate | 2023/2024 | 86.22 |
Students enrollment | Period | Value |
Students count | 2022/2023 | 532 |
Men | 2022/2023 | 92 |
Women | 2022/2023 | 440 |
Credits enrolled | Period | Value |
Total enrolled credits | 2022/2023 | 30,210 |
Credits on 1st enrollment | 2022/2023 | 29,020 |
Credits on 2nd enrollment | 2022/2023 | 826.5 |
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above | 2022/2023 | 360 |
% credits repeated | 2022/2023 | 3.93 |
Academic results | Period | Value |
Average credits by student | 2022/2023 | 56.79 |
Evaluation rate | 2022/2023 | 97.48 |
Success rate | 2022/2023 | 97.61 |
Performance rate | 2022/2023 | 95.15 |
SEGUIMIENTO rates | Period | Value |
Efficiency rate | 2022/2023 | 97.1 |
Graduation rate | 2018/2019 | 76.55 |
Leaving rate | 2020/2021 | 3.13 |
Student enrollment | Period | Value |
Students count | 2022/2023 | 2,049 |
Men | 2022/2023 | 453 |
Women | 2022/2023 | 1,596 |
Credits enrolled | Period | Value |
Total enrolled credits | 2022/2023 | 114,300 |
Credits on 1st enrollment | 2022/2023 | 107,800 |
Credits on 2nd enrollment | 2022/2023 | 4,600 |
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above | 2022/2023 | 1,932 |
% credits repeated | 2022/2023 | 5.71 |
Academics results | Period | Value |
Average credits by student | 2022/2023 | 55.79 |
Evaluation rate | 2022/2023 | 95.93 |
Success rate | 2022/2023 | 96.14 |
Performance rate | 2022/2023 | 92.23 |
Success Not success Not presented
Success Not success Not presented
Success Not success Not presented
These are the end of grade works that have been read in recent academic years. For more information, visit our search engine of EOG works
"Educating for the future": Teacher training in Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda
"The Awakening of Emotions through Music: A Didactic Unit for Early Childhood Education"
“Sowing Values” The garden as a means of learning in an Early Childhood Education classroom.
A CLIL proposal for Early Childhood Education
A didactic unit on the Bee-Bot as a resource in Early Childhood Education classrooms.
A new teacher and a second republic: Research from a classroom diary
A proposal to stimulate of phonological awareness for children from 3 to 6 years old
A review of literatura on grief in childhood. Approach and resources for the educational community.
Agenda 2030 and sustainable development goals: Resources for teacher training
An artistic approach to cultural diversity in Early Childhood Education
An artistic approach to cultural diversity in Early Childhood Education
An educational proposal to promote learning through multiple intelligences
An immersion in history in Early Childhood Education. Didactic proposal about the Castros de Baroña.
Analysis of job satisfaction of early chilhood education teachers
Analysis of the implementation of multilingual programs in Early Childhood Education
Behaviors in the play of children in early childhood education in the school context.
Challenging gender stereotypes: Free play as a source of information in childhood education
Child drawing as a tool for the development of self-concept and self-esteem through self-portrait
Children’s literature and the market: an analysis of today’s best-selling books
Children’s presence on Family social network: education versus exposure. Case study.
Cinema as a teaching resource in early chilhood education: a case study
Computational thinking through nutritional values.
Connection with nature and child development
Construction of an inclusive school from a SD22q11 case
Creation of rustic environments from the Galician cultural tradition
Death in the illustrated album: analysis of the corpus of Galician publishers
Digital Competence in Early Childhood Education
discovering the reality of educational inclusion in the classroom through the teacher perspective
Discovering the world through philosophy: A proposal for Early Childhood Education
Drawing in motion as an artistic process.
Early childhood education in outdoor space
Educational proposal exploran rhythm for curios babies
Emotional education in early childhood education: a case study
Emotional education through tales in Early Childhood Education
experiences and motivations of parenting schools' attendees
Exploring thinking in early childhood classrooms: Philosophy for children
Gender Stereotypes present in children’s society: A study using Loose Parts Play.
Impact and approach to disruptive behaviors in the Early Childhood Education stage
Impact of punishment in childhood: Towards positive discipline and education in values
Importance of relationships with families during practicum II
Inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in Early Childhood Education: Didactic Proposal
Inclusion, Hearing Impairment and ICT. Learning LSE through ICT in early Childhood Education.
Influence of contact with nature on child well-being and development
Intervention proposal to address a case of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Interventions of emotional education in children with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review
Literacy in early childhood education
Multiple Intelligences Through Stories in Early Childhood Education
Music as a resource for English pronunciation in early childhood education.
Music as a tool in motor development. Body percussion. Didactic unit.
Music Education and Interulturality in Early Childhood Education
Musical stories as an educational resource in emotional development in Early Childhood Education
Ocean Pollution by Plastics: Raising Environmental Awareness in Early Childhood Education
Parenting skills, developmental timetable and resources used in parenting
Perception of parents and teachers linked to Early Childhood Education on siblings’ relationships
Philosophy for children (play to think in the second cycle of early childhood education)
Philosophy for children; playing to think about early childhood education.
Proposal for Learning Jungle Animals through Psychomotricity and ICT in Early Childhood Education
Proposal for the stimulation of oral expression in Early Childhood Education
Proposal for the stimulation of phonological awareness in Early Chilhood Education
Proposal for working on musica in early childhood education based on 20 th century pedagogues
Reflecting on death with early childhood students: conversations based on picture books.
Relationship between screen use and well-being in children from 0 to 6 years old
School library: diversity through illustrated album.
Screen use and well-being in boys and girls from 0 to 6 years old
Social Skills of an early Childhood Education group
Student-teacher relation in early childhood education
Study of the perception of in-service training for Early Childhood Education teachers
Teaching mathematics through psychomotor skills childhood education
The development of language and its relationship with temperament in three-year-old children
The Didactic Potential of the Literary Classics in the Early Years English Classroom.
The function of relation in early childhood education: a didactic experience.
The importance of values through play in early child education.
The natural contour as a learning classroom
The need to gamify in the preschool education classroom to increase pupil's motivation for learning.
The Promotion of the Galician Language and Culture in Early Childhood Education: A Case Study
The story as a tool to work emotional education in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education.
The treasures of Galicia: Galician culture and traditions in Early childhood Education classrooms
Thinking Through Play in Early Childhood Education: Philosophy for Children
Water is life... Let´s take care of it!
We are romans. a didactic experience for working on Social Sciences in Early Childhood Education.
Working on emotions through stories in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education
“Words of love, words to love”: Teaching proposal to enrich poetry in early childhood classrooms
Actual state research on development of empathy in the second cycle of early childhood education
Addressing childhood heteronormativity through audiovisual fiction
Analyse of uses if music in the preschool classroom
Analysis of different educational methodologies for Early Childhood Education in Galicia.
Analysis of stories used in childhood education to work on Emotional Intelligence
Annual program for 6th grade of Early Childhood Education “A trip through science”.
Apps and digital resources for innovation and learning in Early Childhood Education
Art and coeducation in early childhood education: Annual programming
Attention development and emotions identification in ASD: a case study.
Attention to diversity in early childhood education: its concrection in a school
Beneficts and aplications of musical teaching in child education
Burnout syndrome and physical activity in early childhood education university students
Children´s play from a gender perspective
Climate change in a childhood education classroom.
Competence profile of the teacher in Early Childhood Education
Construction of an inclusive school. An intervention proposal for the 2º cycle of Infant.
Cultivating digital minds. Media education in childhood for a responsible use of ICT
Development of an inclusive intervention proposal trough TIC for students with Down Syndrome
Doro the Toilet and The water circuit
Dramatization as a resource in the foreign language classroom in early childhood education
Early childhood education and Sustainable Development Goals: Sowing the Seeds of Sustainability
Education and emotions in the second cycle of early childhood education
Educational proposal: A greener future.
Emotional education in Early Childhood Education. An intervention proposal for the 5 year classroom.
Emotional education in early childhood education: design of an intervention proposal
Emotional education through art
Emotional intelligence in an early childhood education. Didactic proposal.
Emotional Well-Being in Education: Educational Environment Approach
Families' perception of the inclusion of students with SESN/SEN in regular classrooms
Feeding the health: an annual program for the 6th year of Early Childhood Education.
Foreing languages learning and students with intellectual disabilities in early childhood education
Friday in green: an approach to free play in nature for childhood.
How early childhood education contributes to reducing school failure
Importance and impact of music in Early Childhood Education, opinion of families. Reggaeton.
Influence of physical activity and obesity on happiness in Early Childhood Education degree students
Intercultural Educational proposal in a classroom of Early Childhood Education.
Interculturality in a childhood education classroom
Intervention proposal for 4-year-old students with oppositional defiant disorder
Intervention proposal for the development of communicative skills on the autism spectrum
Intervention proposal of emotional intelligence in early childhood education
Knowledge and improvement of dysgraphia in kindergarden classrooms
Learning colors and geometric shapes through works of art: Didactic Proposal
Learning through videogames in early childhood education: analysis and proposals for use.
Learning to read and write in students from 3 to 6 years
Material cultural heritage and teaching-learning of the history of the city of A Coruña
Material cultural heritage and teaching-learning of the history of the city of A Coruña
Mathematical logical thinking in early childhood education
Nature and childhood: a necessary connection for child’s development
Oral language acquisition and development: A case study in Early Childhood Education.
Parent's perceptions of their task and that of the school concerning their children's education
Philosophy for Children as a transformative tool
Philosophy for children: from the beginning to the present
Physical activity and well-being in children from 0-6 years
Proposal for stimulation of the components of reading in the 3rd of Preschool Education.
Proposal for teacher training on the Sustainable Development Goals
Proposal for the stimulation of Oral Language in the 2nd year of Early Childhood Education.
Proposal for the stimulation of phonological awareness as a component of reading
Reading through physical education
Respectful accompaniment of emotions in early childhood education: A protocol for teacher action
Routines in the family and school environment
Rural environment:Proposal for the students of grouped rural schools
School library and reading encouragement: a case study of an educational center
Shared reading of illustrated albums: an experience in a 4th classroom of pre-school education
Stimulating mathematics through play-based
Stimulation of basic cognitive processes in 5th grade of early childhood education
Study of the family-school relationship: experiences during Placement II (Prácticum II)
Teacher's conceptions about educational inclusion and their experience in the classroom
The 3RS as an instrument to work on environmental education in the infant stage
The behaviour during a free game in the school and family context
The corners in Early Childhood Education from a gender perspective.
The corners of emotional intelligence through art and frustation
The gender in today's picture book: analysis of the most borrowed books in a public library
The importance of listening to children in conflict management
The music and the music therapy in the early childhood education stage. The teachers' perspective.
The musicalization of picturebooks: an analysis of Contos en cantos, by Almudena Janeiro.
The natural elements through the senses. An educational proposal to connect with nature.
The visión of students and families on what influences children´s school well-being.
Theatre from the inside to childhood education. Annual proposal around emotions for second cycle.
Theory of implicit intelligence of teachers and their conception of education inclusion enviroment.
Types of tasks proposed in the classroom and theory of implicit intelligence of teachers.
Violence through two shared reading sessions in an early chilhood education classroom
Offer available places last year and, for degree studies, you can also check the cut notes of those admitted by PAAU.
academic year 2023/2024 | |
General offer | 120 |