Degree in Artificial Intelligence

2024/2025 · 240 credits

What you learn

Although the area of machine learning is currently the most popular, there are many more areas in the field of Artificial Intelligence that a specialist should be aware of, such as knowledge representation, language technologies, computer vision, automatic reasoning, multi-agent systems and many others that contribute to improving the cognitive capabilities of intelligent applications and services.

The Graduate Degree in Artificial Intelligence aims at the comprehensive training of professionals in all these key aspects of Artificial Intelligence. Students will have the opportunity to advance their knowledge of all of them through classes taught by expert lecturers with extensive scientific experience in the field of AI.

The syllabus is structured with two equal courses in the three Galician universities (first and second) while in the last two courses each university offers a specific itinerary. In the case of the UDC, the itinerary "Intelligent Society and Business" will be taken. This pathway will study machine learning, natural language processing, artificial vision, intelligent robotics, the processing of large amounts of data and intelligent human-machine interaction. The pathway is completed with training in the development and deployment of AI-based software and interesting applications of AI to society and business.

Complete study skills

Generic skills

In addition to the specific AI subjects, students will also be trained in more basic and traditional subjects in the field of Computer Engineering along with other areas of knowledge such as logic, philosophy and ethics, computational neuroscience, law and entrepreneurship and innovation.

Transversal skills

Project-based learning will allow students to achieve not only technical skills related to the subjects studied, but also transversal skills and competences specific to engineering, such as the ability to communicate, work in a team, manage time and resources, and develop their entrepreneurial culture. The work placement course will contribute to improving these aspects.

Professional and academic career

Artificial Intelligence specialists enjoy a very favourable employment situation, with full employment, being one of the most demanded and best paid professional profiles, both nationally and internationally.

Professional environment

The evolution of AI in recent years has placed it at the heart of the new digital economy. Numerous studies warn about the lack of highly skilled professionals and cite, in the first place and among the most booming and growing sectors of employment, the position of Artificial Intelligence specialist with an annual growth in demand of more than 80%, resulting in millions of new jobs.

Professional and academic career

Also in the field of academia and scientific research, this profile is in high demand given the constant evolution and unexplored future possibilities in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Companies and institutions involved

The Faculty of Computer Science of A Coruña (FIC) is a very active centre in its relationship with local companies, from different sectors of activity, and promotes the entrepreneurial initiative of its students and teachers. As a result, it offers a wide range of employment and internships for its students. More information at:

Planning for teaching

The Bachelor's Degree in Artificial Intelligence belongs to the branch of Engineering and Architecture. It consists of 240 credits divided into 4 courses of 60 credits each. All subjects are four-year courses and comprise theoretical and practical training. The degree is structured in such a way that the first two years comprise basic and compulsory subjects, and the contents are common to the three Galician universities. In the last two years, each university develops its own itinerary that includes a series of specific optional subjects, specific to each itinerary.

A characteristic difference in the degree offered by the University of A Coruña is that in the fourth year the student can choose between the academic training mode or the in-company training mode. The academic training is carried out entirely at the University, with the exception of the compulsory 6-credit in-company internship course. The in-company training is carried out directly in companies, in coordination with the University, where students will take 48 of the 60 credits of the 4th year.

This study has teaching guide
You can read it to learn more about the study. In the table below you can see the individual teaching guides for each subject.

Study structure

The degrees are organized by courses. Click on a academic year for more information.

  Guide Type QTR. credits
Algebra Core 1st 6 ECTS
Calculus and Numerical Analysis Core 1st 6 ECTS
Discrete Mathematics Core 1st 6 ECTS
Programming I Core 1st 6 ECTS
Introduction to Computers Core 1st 6 ECTS
Statistics Core 2nd 6 ECTS
Programming II Core 2nd 6 ECTS
Signal Acquisition and Processing Core 2nd 6 ECTS
Organizational Management Core 2nd 6 ECTS
Logic Core 2nd 6 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
Mathematical Optimisation Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Algorithms Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Software Engineering Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Databases Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Networks Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Concurrent. Parallel and Distributed Computation Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
Automata and Formal Languages Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
Fundamentals of Machine Learning Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
Basic Algorithms of Artificial Intelligence Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
Advanced Models of Machine Learning I Optional 1st 6 ECTS
Deep Learning Optional 1st 6 ECTS
Information Retrieval and Web Mining Optional 1st 6 ECTS
Knowledge-based Systems Optional 1st 6 ECTS
Computer Vision Principles Optional 1st 6 ECTS
Advanced Models of Machine Learning II Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Multiagent Systems Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Fundamentals of Intelligent Robotics Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Applied Computer Vision Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits

 BOE with syllabus (PDF)

External references

At the national level, the offer of training in Artificial Intelligence at the undergraduate level is very recent and limited: in addition to Galician universities, only five centres in Spain currently offer degrees in Artificial Intelligence.

At the European level, the offer is much broader and consolidated. Some references can be found in the Universities of Vrije, Utrecht or Groningen in the Netherlands, the Universities of Edinburgh, Manchester or Monfort in the United Kingdom, or Westerdals University in Norway. In the US, too, numerous institutions offer degrees in Artificial Intelligence, including the prestigious MIT and Carnegie-Mellon University.

Query procedures used

An External Advisory Committee made up of representatives from 15 entities with different and complementary profiles, such as consultancy firms and ICT companies, companies from other productive sectors, spin-offs, administrations, sectoral organisations and technology centres, took part in the process of drawing up this degree.


The study is taught by teachers from the departments of: Business, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technologies and Mathematics

The degrees are organized by courses. Click on a academic year for more information.

Student mobility

UDC holds student mobility agreements with universities and other third-level institutions across four continents. Students are offered several opportunities each year to apply to study abroad in one of these centres (for a single term or for a whole year), with the guarantee that all credits obtained will be duly recognised in their academic record upon their return.

For each round of applications, the University publishes the list of exchange options available to students and, where relevant, the specific conditions associated with each. Students may also apply to the University for funding for international work experience placements and internships.

Work experience placements are accredited in the student's academic record and the European diploma supplement. Students are free to decide in which host company or academic institution within the EHEA they wish to carry out their placement. To assist them in their search, the University has created an online noticeboard with jobs postings and other news.

Work-study placements in A Coruña are arranged by the International Relations Office (ORI) of the UDC in collaboration with the international relations coordinators in the student’s home university. The general entry criteria, rights and obligations of students, and admission and acceptance procedures for the programme, are regulated by the UDC Mobility Policy.

Particular centre actions

Given the interest and topicality of the contents of the syllabus proposed for this degree, we consider that the possibilities of participating in mobility programmes are very high and very useful for the training of students.

Currently, the Faculty of Computer Science has active agreements with more than 50 Universities all over the world under the following programmes:

  • Erasmus+: mobility in Europe
  • SICUE: mobility between Spanish University Centres.
  • Bilateral agreements: mobility with the rest of the world.