PhD in Neurosciences


Quality assurance

The UDC International Doctoral School (EIDUDC) is subject to an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) which governs all UDC PhD programmes ratified by Royal Decree-Law 99/2011, in compliance with EU Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA. For more information, see documentation relating to the UDC International Doctoral School Internal Quality Assurance System (Regulations for the implementation and administration of the International Doctoral School SGIC for UDC PhD programmes ratified under RD 99/2011; International Doctoral School IQAS Manual; International Doctoral School IQASProcedures).

Guidelines for the monitoring and supervision of the student learning process and outcomes are established in the IQAS Procedures document. The bodies and mechanisms responsible for the coordination, evaluation and continuous improvement of the programme of study are as follows:

Academic Committee for PhD Programmes (CAPD): university body responsible for the academic coordination of PhD programmes and academic decisions regarding PhD degree and degree candidates. The CAPD establishes the guidelines and procedures for the programme coordinator and all individuals involved in the degree. A UDC coordinator is appointed for all UDC PhD programmes ratified under RD 99/2011, including inter-university programmes operated by partner universities.

EIDUDC Quality Assurance Committee (CGC): body responsible for formulating and monitoring the SGIC and PhD degree programmes. The CGC also fulfils an internal communication role within the EIDUDC in relation to its objectives, plans, programmes and responsibilities. An annual monitoring report is produced by the EIDUDC Permanent Committee, acting in the name of the CGC.

Learning outcomes

The International Doctoral School IQAS sets out the standards and indicators applied by Academic Committees in relation to UDC PhD programmes for the measurement and analysis of learning outcomes and academic standards.

These indicators include the number of doctoral theses defended, ‘International Doctorate’ certifications awarded, PhDs completed within the published time scale (3-4 years), PhDs awarded and PhDs abandoned, in addition to the average timescale for completion of the degree.

Quality assurance

To ensure that the title is developed in accordance with the verification report presented the center conducts an annual monitoring report in accordance with the procedures of the center IQAS and results. This report is reviewed by the ACSUG, external evaluation agency.

The outcome of this analysis will emerge corrective actions and improvement proposals that achieve the intended objectives and the improvement of the degree.


In order to ensure proper standards and quality at UDC, a specific academic management committee of the PhD programme will be established.

Arias Rodríguez, Pablo
Robles García, Verónica
Rivadulla Fernández, Juan Casto
Vocal PDI

Program tracking facts

Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2023/2024 4
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2023/2024 5
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2023/2024 1
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2023/2024 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2023/2024 7
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2023/2024 100
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2023/2024 14.29
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2023/2024 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2023/2024 57.14
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2023/2024 14.29
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2023/2024 28.57
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2023/2024 14.29
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2023/2024 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2023/2024 28.57
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2023/2024 100
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2023/2024 16.67
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2023/2024 2
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2023/2024 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2023/2024 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2023/2024 100
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2023/2024 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2023/2024 1
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2023/2024 1
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2023/2024 n/a
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2023/2024 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2023/2024 2,877
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2023/2024 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2023/2024 50
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2023/2024 50
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2023/2024 100
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2023/2024 100
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2023/2024 33.33
Tasa de ocupación
Relación porcentual entre el nº de estudantes de nuevo ingreso y el nº de plazas ofertadas. (D03-P01-I01)
2023/2024 25
Tasa de demanda
Relación numérica entre el nº de solicitudes de admisión y el nº de plazas ofertadas. (D03-P01-I02)
2023/2024 1.25
Porcentaje de tesis con mención industrial
Relación porcentual entre el nº de tesis defendidas con mención industrial y el nº total de tesis defendidas (valor acumulativo). (D04-P01-I08)
2023/2024 0
Porcentaje de tesis defendidas en cotutela
Relación porcentual entre el nº de tesis defendidas en cotutela y el nº total de tesis defendidas. (D04-P01-I11)
2023/2024 0
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2022/2023 4
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2022/2023 6
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2022/2023 1
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2022/2023 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2022/2023 8
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2022/2023 12.5
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2022/2023 62.5
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2022/2023 37.5
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2022/2023 12.5
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2022/2023 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2022/2023 25
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2022/2023 n/a
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2022/2023 n/a
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2022/2023 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2022/2023 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2022/2023 0
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2022/2023 0
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2022/2023 n/a
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2022/2023 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2022/2023 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2022/2023 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2022/2023 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2022/2023 n/a
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2022/2023 n/a
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2022/2023 n/a
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2022/2023 12.5
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2021/2022 4
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2021/2022 6
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2021/2022 0
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2021/2022 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2021/2022 8
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2021/2022 n/a
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2021/2022 n/a
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2021/2022 37.5
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2021/2022 12.5
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2021/2022 50
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2021/2022 n/a
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2021/2022 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2021/2022 n/a
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2021/2022 n/a
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2021/2022 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2021/2022 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2021/2022 0
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2021/2022 0
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2021/2022 n/a
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2021/2022 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2021/2022 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2021/2022 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2021/2022 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2021/2022 n/a
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2021/2022 n/a
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2021/2022 n/a
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2021/2022 0
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2020/2021 4
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2020/2021 3
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2020/2021 2
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2020/2021 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2020/2021 10
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2020/2021 50
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2020/2021 70
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2020/2021 10
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2020/2021 20
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2020/2021 n/a
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2020/2021 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2020/2021 10
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2020/2021 n/a
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2020/2021 n/a
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2020/2021 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2020/2021 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2020/2021 0
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2020/2021 0
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2020/2021 n/a
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2020/2021 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2020/2021 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2020/2021 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2020/2021 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2020/2021 n/a
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2020/2021 n/a
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2020/2021 n/a
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2020/2021 11.11


This is a sample of the scientific production of the PhD students and is intended to guide prospective students interested in this program. Under no circumstances should it be considered a full and exhaustive list of all the scientific production of the students. The information is supplied by the PhD students themselves in a relatively unstructured manner but it has been checked and approved by the academic committee.

Artículos en revistas internacionales
Martín-Pozuelo, N., Robles-García, V., Piccardi, L., Quintela del Rio, A., Cudeiro, J., & De las Cuevas-Terán, I. (2023). Adaptations of the Walking Corsi Test (WalCT) for 2-and 3-year-old preterm and term-born toddlers: A preliminary study. Frontiers in Pediatrics11, 1081042.
Martin-Pozuelo, N., De Las Cuevas-Terán, I., Piccardi, L., Quintela del Rio, A., & Robles-García, V. (2021). Adaptation of the Walking Corsi Test (WalCT) for 2-and 3-year-old preterm and term-born toddlers. Poster. Developmental medicine & Child Neurology63(S2), 44-44.
Martin-Pozuelo, N., Solis-García, M., Carballo-Costa, L., Las Cuevas-Terán, D., Piccardi, L., & Robles-García, V. (2022). Measuring spatial navigation in children and adolescents: A systematic review. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology64(Suppl. 3), 59-60.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Vila-Villar, A., Naya-Fernández, M., Madrid, A., Madinabeitia-Mancebo, E., Robles-García, V., Cudeiro, J., Arias, P. (2022). Exploring the role of the left DLPFC in fatigue during unresisted rhythmic movements. Psychophysiology, 00, e14078.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Temporal dynamics of muscle, spinal and cortical excitability and their association with movement rate and amplitude during three minutes of maximal-rate finger tappingElena MADINABEITIA-MANCEBO,Antonio MADRID, Amalia JÁCOME, Javier CUDEIRO y Pablo ARIAS.Neuroscience and Motor Control Group (NEUROcom), Faculty of Health Sciences, INEF-Galicia, and Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidade da Coruña and Institute of Biomedical Research of A Coruña, A Coruña, SpainSci Rep. 2020 10:3166
Effect of stimulation timing on testing voluntary muscle force generationAntonio MADRID, Elena MADINABEITIA-MANCEBO, Verónica ROBLES-GARCÍA, Marcelo CHOUZA, Javier CUDEIRO y Pablo ARIAS.Neuroscience and Motor Control Group (NEUROcom), Faculty of Health Sciences, INEF-Galicia, and Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidade da Coruña and Institute of Biomedical Research of A Coruña, A Coruña, SpainHeliyon 6 (2020) e05179. ISSN 2405-8440
Peripheral-central interplay for fatiguing un-resisted repetitive movements: a study using muscle ischaemia and M1 neuromodulation Elena MADINABEITIA-MANCEBO,Antonio MADRID, Antonio OLIVIERO, Javier CUDEIRO y Pablo ARIAS.Neuroscience and Motor Control Group (NEUROcom), Faculty of Health Sciences, INEF-Galicia, and Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidade da Coruña and Institute of Biomedical Research of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Chronic Drug-Resistant Pain Patients Treated Using Brain Stimulation Approaches.Angela Brocalero-Camacho 1 , Yolanda A Pérez-Borrego 1 , Vanesa Soto-León 1 , María Jesús Rodriguez-Matas 2 , Guglielmo Foffani 3 , Antonio OlivieroBrain Stimul -Jul-Aug 2020;13(4):1089-1090
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Protocolo terapético del dolor con técnicas de estimulación no invasivas. A.Brocalero Camacho, Y.A.Pérez Borrego, MJ Rodríguez Matas, V. Soto León, L.Mordillo Mateos, A.Oliviero.Medicine 2019, 12(75):4451-4
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Effects of a Finger Tapping Fatiguing Task on M1- Intracortical Inhibition and Central Drive to the MuscleAntonio MADRID, Elena MADINABEITIA-MANCEBO, Javier CUDEIRO y Pablo ARIAS.Neuroscience and Motor Control Group (NEUROcom), Faculty of Health Sciences, INEF-Galicia, and Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidade da Coruña and Institute of Biomedical Research of A Coruña, A Coruña, SpainSci Rep. 2018 Jun 19;8(1):9326. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-27691-9.
Arias, P; Corral-Bergantiños, Y; Robles García, V; Madrid, A; Oliviero, A; Cudeiro, J; Bilateral tDCS on primary motor cortex: effects on fast arm reaching tasks. Plos One. 2016.Robles-García, V; Corral-Bergantiños, Y; Espinosa, N; García-Sancho, C; Sanmartín, G; Flores, J; Cudeiro, J; Arias, P. Effects of movement imitation training in Parkinson ́s disease: Virtual Reality Pilot Study. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 2016. 26:17-23.Arias, P; Robles-García, V; Corral-Bergantiños, Y; Madrid, A; Espinosa, N; Valls-Solé, J; Grieve K. L; Oliviero, A; Cudeiro, J. Central fatigue induced by short-lasting finger tapping and isometric tasks: A study of silent periods evoked at spinal and supraspinal levels. Neuroscience. 2015, 305: 316-27.Arias, P; Madinabeitia-Mancebo, E; Santiago, M; Corral-Bergantiños, Y; Robles-García, V. Effects of early or late-evening fatiguing physical activity on sleep quality in non-professional sportsmen. J Sports Med and Phys Fitness. 2015, 56(5):597-605.Robles-García, V; Corral-Bergantiños, Y; Espinosa, N; Jácome M.A; García-Sancho, C; Cudeiro, J; Arias, P. Spatiotemporal Gait Patterns During Overt and Covert Evaluation in Patients With Parkinson´s Disease and Healthy Subjects: Is There a Hawthorne Effect?. J Appl Biomech. 2015, 31(3).Arias, P; Robles-García, V; Corral-Bergantiños, Y; Espinosa, N; Mordillo, L; Grieve K.L; Oliviero, A; Cudeiro, J. Balancing the excitability of M1 circuitry during movement observation without overt replication. Front Behav Neurosci. 2014, 8:316.Arias, P; Robles-García, V; Espinosa, N; Corral-Bergantiños, Y; Mordillo-Mateos, L; Grieve K. L; Oliviero, A; Cudeiro, J. The effects of expectancy on corticospinal excitability: passively preparing to observe a movement. J Neurophysiol 2014 Apri; 111(7):1479-86.Arias, P; Robles-García, V; Espinosa, N; Corral-Bergantiños, Y; Cudeiro, J. Validity of the finger tapping test in Parkinson’s disease, elderly and young healthy subjects: Is there a role for central fatigue? Clin Neurophysiol 2012; 123(10): 2034-41.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
The effects of waveform and current direction on the efficacy and test-retest reliability of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Davila-Pérez P, Jannati A, Fried PJ, Cudeiro Mazaira J, Pascual-Leone A. (2018) Neuroscience393, 97-109.
Reproducibility of intermittent theta-burst, paired-pulse, and single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation measures in older clinical populations. March 7, 2017 Poster by P. J. Fried, A. Jannati, P. Davila-Pérez, A. Pascual-Leone2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference 2017, Barcelona, SpainDOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2017.01.243
Transcranial magnetic stimulation as a neurophysiological biomarker in spinocerebellar ataxia. March 7, 2017 Poster by Paula Davila-Pérez*, Ali Jannati*, Seth Wakefield, Bradley Manor, Penny Greenstein, Alvaro Pascual-Leone (* Co-first authors)2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference 2017, Barcelona, SpainDOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2017.01.240
Relationships across, alpha/beta EEG power, learning and memory, and TMS-based neurophysiology measures in persons with Alzheimer’s disease, Type-2 diabetes, and controls. March 6, 2017 Poster by Chris Benwell*, Paula Davila-Pérez*, Peter J. Fried, Mouhsin Shafi, Alvaro Pascual-Leone (* Co-first authors)2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference 2017, Barcelona, SpainDOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2017.01.407
Antonio Madrid, Elena Madinabeitia-Mancebo, Javier Cudeiro, y Pablo Arias. Eff ects of a fi nger tapping fatiguing task on m1-intracortical inhibition and central drive to the muscle. Scienti c Reports, 8:9326, 2018. ISSN 2045-2322. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-27691-9. URL s41598-018-27691-9.
Capítulo de Libro
L. Macias / J. Fagoaga. Fisioterapia en Pediatría - 2ª edición – Madrid; Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2018. Rústica; 528 págs.; 17x24 cm. Depósito Legal: M-9206-2018 ISBN: 978-84-9110-212-0 (versión impresa) e ISBN: 978-84-9110-213-7 (versión electrónica).Capítulo 2. Avances en neurociencia aplicados al desarrollo y aprendizaje motor. Pág. 21. L. Macias Merlo y N. Martín Pozuelo
Artículos en revistas internacionales
EEG Microstate correlates of fluid intelligence.Emiliano Santarnecchi, Arjun Khanna, Christian Musaeus, Christopher Benwell, Paula Davila Perez, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Moushin Shafi. (Submitted)
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in Spinocerebellar ataxia: a pilot randomized controlled trial.Brad Manor, Patricia E. Greenstein, Paula Davila Perez, Seth Wakefield, Junhong Zhou, Alvaro Pascual-Leone. (Submitted)
Reproducibility of single pulse, paired pulse, and intermittent theta-burst TMS measures in older clinical populations.Peter J. Fried, Ali Jannati, Paula Davila-Perez, Alvaro Pascual-Leone. (In preparation)
EEG Microstate Correlates of Fluid Intelligence and Response to Cognitive Training. Santarnecchi, E., Khanna, A. R., Musaeus, C. S., Benwell, C. S., Davila, P., Farzan, F., Matham, S., Pascual-Leone, A., & Shafi, M. (2017) Brain topography, 1-19
Reproducibility Of Single-Pulse, Paired-Pulse, And Intermittent Theta-Burst TMS Measures In Healthy Agging. Fried, P. J., Jannati, A., Davila Pérez, P., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2017) Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience9, 263.
Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of M1 reduces corticospinal excitability without distorting sensorimotor integration in humans.Arias P, Adán-Arcay L, Puerta-Catoira B, Madrid A, Cudeiro J.PMID: 28094125 DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2017.01.002Revista: Brain Stimulation
Antonio Madrid, Josep Valls-Sole, Antonio Oliviero, Javier Cudeiro, y Pablo Arias. Di ferential responses of spinal motoneurons to fatigue induced by short-lasting repetitive and isometric tasks. Neuroscience, 339:655 { 666, 2016. ISSN 0306-4522. doi: 2016.10.038. URL S0306452216305784.
Pablo Arias, Yoanna Corral-Bergantiños, Veronica Robles-Garca, Antonio Madrid, Antonio Oliviero, y Javier Cudeiro. Bilateral tdcs on primary motor cortex: E ffects on fast arm reaching tasks. PLOS ONE, 11(8):1{17, 2016. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160063. URL pone.0160063.
Pablo Arias, Lucía Adán-Arcay, Beatriz Puerta-Catoira, Antonio Madrid y Javier Cudeiro. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of M1 reduces corticospinal excitability without distorting sensorimotor integration in humans. 2017. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 340–342. Brain stimulation
A Practical Manual for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.Edwards DJ, Fried PJ, Davila Pérez P, Horvath JC, Rotenberg A, Pascual-Leone A. (In preparation)
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Effects of early or late-evening fatiguing physical activity on sleep quality in non-professional sportsmenPablo ARIAS, Elena MADINABEITIA-MANCEBO, Miguel SANTIAGO, Yoanna CORRAL-BERGANTIÑOS, Verónica ROBLES-GARCÍANeuroscience and Motor Control Group (NEUROcom), Faculty of Health Sciences, INEF-Galicia, and Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidade da Coruña and Institute of Biomedical Research of A Coruña, A Coruña, SpainISSN 0022-4707Online ISSN 1827-1928
Pablo Arias Rodríguez; Verónica Robles García; Yoanna Corral Bergantiños; Antonio Madrid López; Nelson Espinosa Vergara; Josep Valls Solé; Kennet Grieve; Antonio Oliviero; Javier Cudeiro Mazaira. Central fatigue induced by short-lasting finger tapping and isometric tasks: A study of silent periods evoked at spinal and supraspinal levels. Neuroscience. 305, pp. 316 - 327. 2015.
Pablo Arias Rodríguez; Elena Madinabeitia Mancebo; Santiago, M; Yoanna Corral Bergantiños; Verónica Robles García. : Effects of early or late-evening fatiguing physical activity on sleep quality in non-professional sportsmen.Journal of Sports Medical and Physical Fitness. 2015.
Verónica Robles García; Yoanna Corral Bergantiños; Nelson Espinosa Vergara; Carlos García Sancho; Gabriel Sanmartin; Julian Flores; Javier Cudeiro Mazaira; Pablo Arias Rodriguez. Effects of movement imitation training in Parkinson's disease: A virtual reality pilot study.Parkinsonism Related Disorders. 26, pp. 17 - 23. 2016.
Pacheco Compaña FJ, Midón Miguez J, Avellaneda Oviedo EM, Busto Lodeiro E.  Post-Traumatic Cutaneous Meningioma.  Arch Plast Surg. 2016 Jul;43(4):381-4. doi: 10.5999/aps.2016.43.4.381. Epub 2016 Jul 20
Pacheco Compaña FJ, Avellaneda Oviedo EM, Gonzalez Rodrıguez A, Gonzalez Porto SA, Burn patients during the Summer Solstice festivities: A retrospective analysis in a hospital burn unit from 2005 to 2015. JBUR 2015 – 4927;1-6 doi:10.1016/j.Burns.2016.04.007
Avellaneda Oviedo EM, Casteleiro Roca P, Pacheco Compaña FJ, Vázquez Bueno JA. Lipoma Arborescente, tumor poco frecuente como causa de sinovitis extensora de la mano. Revista Iberoamericana de Cirugía de la mano. Rev Iberoam Cir Mano. 2015;43(2):111-116
Pablo Arias, Verónica Robles-García, Yoanna Corral-Bergantiños, Antonio Madrid, Nelson Espinosa, Josep Valls-Solé, Kenneth L. Grieve, Antonio Oliviero, y Javier Cudeiro. Central fatigue induced by short-lasting finger tapping and isometric tasks: A study of silent periods evoked at spinal and supraspinal levels. Neuroscience, 305:316 { 327, 2015. ISSN 0306-4522. doi: 2015.07.081. URL S0306452215007083.
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Avellaneda Oviedo EM, Fernández Gómez F, Pacheco Compaña FJ, Comellas Melero N, Gutierrez Urbon JM,  Mariñas J. Análisis de la utilización de un protocolo de profilaxis antibiótica en cirugía mamaria Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana, vol. 42, núm. 3, julio-septiembre, 2016, pp. 255- 264
Avellaneda Oviedo EM, Vázquez López P, Rodríguez Perez E, Palacios García P, González Porto SA, González Rodríguez A. Manejo del paciente crítico con necrosis epidérmica tóxica en la unidad de quemados.  Heridas y Cicatrización H&C  Dic 2016 Volumen 6(4): 11 -18
Avellaneda EM. Coberturas especiales II: Colgajos. Revista Multidisciplinar de Insuficiencia Cutánea Aguda on-line Proyecto Lumbre 11 número. Febrero 2016
Avellaneda EM. Un novedoso y rápido agente enzimático para el desbridamiento, en el manejo del paciente quemado. Revista Multidisciplinar de Insuficiencia Cutánea Aguda on-line Proyecto Lumbre 8 número.  Febrero 2015
Avellaneda EM. Coberturas especiales I: injertos de piel. Revista Multidisciplinar de Insuficiencia Cutánea Aguda on-line Proyecto Lumbre 10 número. Octubre 2015
Javier Cudeiro Mazaira; Pablo Arias Rodríguez; Verónica Robles García; Yoanna Corral Bergantiños. Fundamentos de neurociencia y neurorrehabilitación en Terapia Ocupacional.1, pp. 254. Síntesis, 2015.
Pablo Arias Rodríguez; Yoanna Corrral Bergantiños; Verónica Robles García; Antonio Madrid López; Antonio Oliviero; Javier Cudeiro Mazaira. Bilateral tDCS on Primary Motor Cortex: Effects on fast arm reaching tasks. Plos One. 2016.
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