PhD in Naval and Industrial Engineering


Quality assurance

The UDC International Doctoral School (EIDUDC) is subject to an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) which governs all UDC PhD programmes ratified by Royal Decree-Law 99/2011, in compliance with EU Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA. For more information, see documentation relating to the UDC International Doctoral School Internal Quality Assurance System (Regulations for the implementation and administration of the International Doctoral School SGIC for UDC PhD programmes ratified under RD 99/2011; International Doctoral School IQAS Manual; International Doctoral School IQASProcedures).

Guidelines for the monitoring and supervision of the student learning process and outcomes are established in the IQAS Procedures document. The bodies and mechanisms responsible for the coordination, evaluation and continuous improvement of the programme of study are as follows:

Academic Committee for PhD Programmes (CAPD): university body responsible for the academic coordination of PhD programmes and academic decisions regarding PhD degree and degree candidates. The CAPD establishes the guidelines and procedures for the programme coordinator and all individuals involved in the degree. A UDC coordinator is appointed for all UDC PhD programmes ratified under RD 99/2011, including inter-university programmes operated by partner universities.

EIDUDC Quality Assurance Committee (CGC): body responsible for formulating and monitoring the SGIC and PhD degree programmes. The CGC also fulfils an internal communication role within the EIDUDC in relation to its objectives, plans, programmes and responsibilities. An annual monitoring report is produced by the EIDUDC Permanent Committee, acting in the name of the CGC.

Learning outcomes

The International Doctoral School IQAS sets out the standards and indicators applied by Academic Committees in relation to UDC PhD programmes for the measurement and analysis of learning outcomes and academic standards.

These indicators include the number of doctoral theses defended, ‘International Doctorate’ certifications awarded, PhDs completed within the published time scale (3-4 years), PhDs awarded and PhDs abandoned, in addition to the average timescale for completion of the degree.

Quality assurance

To ensure that the title is developed in accordance with the verification report presented the center conducts an annual monitoring report in accordance with the procedures of the center IQAS and results. This report is reviewed by the ACSUG, external evaluation agency.

The outcome of this analysis will emerge corrective actions and improvement proposals that achieve the intended objectives and the improvement of the degree.


In order to ensure proper standards and quality at UDC, a specific academic management committee of the PhD programme will be established.

Ramil Rego, Alberto
Dopico Dopico, Daniel
Arce Ceinos, Alberto
Vocal PDI
Loureiro Montero, Alfonso
Vocal PDI
Prieto García, Abraham
Vocal PDI
Carral Couce, Luis Manuel
Vocal PDI
De la Cruz López, María del Pilar
Vocal PDI
Camba Fabal, Carolina
Vocal PDI
Álvarez García, Ana
Vocal PDI

Program tracking facts

Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2023/2024 20
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2023/2024 20
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2023/2024 26
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2023/2024 26
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2023/2024 9
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2023/2024 9
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2023/2024 0
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2023/2024 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2023/2024 46
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2023/2024 46
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2023/2024 66.67
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2023/2024 66.67
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2023/2024 13.04
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2023/2024 13.04
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2023/2024 0
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2023/2024 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2023/2024 45.65
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2023/2024 45.65
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2023/2024 26.09
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2023/2024 26.09
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2023/2024 28.26
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2023/2024 28.26
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2023/2024 4.35
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2023/2024 4.35
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2023/2024 n/a
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2023/2024 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2023/2024 15.22
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2023/2024 15.22
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2023/2024 50
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2023/2024 50
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2023/2024 16.67
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2023/2024 16.67
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2023/2024 2
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2023/2024 2
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2023/2024 100
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2023/2024 100
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2023/2024 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2023/2024 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2023/2024 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2023/2024 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2023/2024 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2023/2024 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2023/2024 1
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2023/2024 1
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2023/2024 1
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2023/2024 1
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2023/2024 1,345
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2023/2024 1,345
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2023/2024 n/a
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2023/2024 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2023/2024 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2023/2024 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2023/2024 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2023/2024 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2023/2024 100
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2023/2024 100
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2023/2024 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2023/2024 0
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2023/2024 100
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2023/2024 100
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2023/2024 50
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2023/2024 50
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2023/2024 16.28
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2023/2024 16.28
Tasa de ocupación
Relación porcentual entre el nº de estudantes de nuevo ingreso y el nº de plazas ofertadas. (D03-P01-I01)
2023/2024 45
Tasa de ocupación
Relación porcentual entre el nº de estudantes de nuevo ingreso y el nº de plazas ofertadas. (D03-P01-I01)
2023/2024 45
Tasa de demanda
Relación numérica entre el nº de solicitudes de admisión y el nº de plazas ofertadas. (D03-P01-I02)
2023/2024 1.3
Tasa de demanda
Relación numérica entre el nº de solicitudes de admisión y el nº de plazas ofertadas. (D03-P01-I02)
2023/2024 1.3
Porcentaje de tesis con mención industrial
Relación porcentual entre el nº de tesis defendidas con mención industrial y el nº total de tesis defendidas (valor acumulativo). (D04-P01-I08)
2023/2024 2.78
Porcentaje de tesis con mención industrial
Relación porcentual entre el nº de tesis defendidas con mención industrial y el nº total de tesis defendidas (valor acumulativo). (D04-P01-I08)
2023/2024 2.78
Porcentaje de tesis defendidas en cotutela
Relación porcentual entre el nº de tesis defendidas en cotutela y el nº total de tesis defendidas. (D04-P01-I11)
2023/2024 0
Porcentaje de tesis defendidas en cotutela
Relación porcentual entre el nº de tesis defendidas en cotutela y el nº total de tesis defendidas. (D04-P01-I11)
2023/2024 0
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2022/2023 20
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2022/2023 20
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2022/2023 26
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2022/2023 26
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2022/2023 18
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2022/2023 18
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2022/2023 0
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2022/2023 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2022/2023 48
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2022/2023 48
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2022/2023 44.44
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2022/2023 44.44
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2022/2023 10.42
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2022/2023 10.42
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2022/2023 43.75
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2022/2023 43.75
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2022/2023 33.33
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2022/2023 33.33
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2022/2023 22.92
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2022/2023 22.92
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2022/2023 n/a
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2022/2023 n/a
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2022/2023 n/a
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2022/2023 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2022/2023 14.58
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2022/2023 14.58
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2022/2023 33.33
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2022/2023 33.33
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2022/2023 22.22
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2022/2023 22.22
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2022/2023 3
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2022/2023 3
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2022/2023 66.67
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2022/2023 66.67
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2022/2023 33.33
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2022/2023 33.33
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2022/2023 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2022/2023 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2022/2023 1
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2022/2023 1
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2022/2023 2
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2022/2023 2
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2022/2023 1,728
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2022/2023 1,728
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2022/2023 n/a
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2022/2023 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2022/2023 3,063
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2022/2023 3,063
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2022/2023 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2022/2023 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2022/2023 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2022/2023 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2022/2023 100
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2022/2023 100
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2022/2023 66.67
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2022/2023 66.67
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2022/2023 66.67
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2022/2023 66.67
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2022/2023 27.78
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2022/2023 27.78
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2021/2022 20
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2021/2022 20
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2021/2022 18
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2021/2022 18
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2021/2022 14
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2021/2022 14
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2021/2022 0
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2021/2022 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2021/2022 45
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2021/2022 45
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2021/2022 21.43
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2021/2022 21.43
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2021/2022 4.44
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2021/2022 4.44
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2021/2022 48.89
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2021/2022 48.89
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2021/2022 22.22
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2021/2022 22.22
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2021/2022 28.89
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2021/2022 28.89
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2021/2022 4.44
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2021/2022 4.44
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2021/2022 n/a
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2021/2022 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2021/2022 22.22
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2021/2022 22.22
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2021/2022 100
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2021/2022 100
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2021/2022 5.88
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2021/2022 5.88
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2021/2022 7
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2021/2022 7
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2021/2022 57.14
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2021/2022 57.14
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2021/2022 28.57
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2021/2022 28.57
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2021/2022 28.57
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2021/2022 28.57
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2021/2022 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2021/2022 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2021/2022 6
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2021/2022 6
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2021/2022 1
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2021/2022 1
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2021/2022 1,082
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2021/2022 1,082
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2021/2022 1,783
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2021/2022 1,783
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2021/2022 2,296
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2021/2022 2,296
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2021/2022 57.14
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2021/2022 57.14
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2021/2022 28.57
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2021/2022 28.57
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2021/2022 14.29
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2021/2022 14.29
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2021/2022 100
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2021/2022 100
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2021/2022 14.29
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2021/2022 14.29
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2021/2022 34.21
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2021/2022 34.21
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2020/2021 20
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2020/2021 20
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2020/2021 15
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2020/2021 15
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2020/2021 11
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2020/2021 11
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2020/2021 0
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2020/2021 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2020/2021 52
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2020/2021 52
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2020/2021 45.45
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2020/2021 45.45
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2020/2021 15.38
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2020/2021 15.38
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2020/2021 40.38
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2020/2021 40.38
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2020/2021 9.62
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2020/2021 9.62
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2020/2021 50
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2020/2021 50
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2020/2021 1.92
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2020/2021 1.92
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2020/2021 n/a
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2020/2021 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2020/2021 21.15
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2020/2021 21.15
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2020/2021 50
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2020/2021 50
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2020/2021 5.56
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2020/2021 5.56
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2020/2021 6
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2020/2021 6
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2020/2021 33.33
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2020/2021 33.33
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2020/2021 66.67
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2020/2021 66.67
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2020/2021 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2020/2021 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2020/2021 5
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2020/2021 5
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2020/2021 1
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2020/2021 1
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2020/2021 1,047
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2020/2021 1,047
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2020/2021 n/a
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2020/2021 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2020/2021 2,183
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2020/2021 2,183
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2020/2021 33.33
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2020/2021 33.33
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2020/2021 50
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2020/2021 50
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2020/2021 16.67
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2020/2021 16.67
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2020/2021 83.33
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2020/2021 83.33
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2020/2021 16.67
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2020/2021 16.67
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2020/2021 10.53
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2020/2021 10.53



This is a sample of the scientific production of the PhD students and is intended to guide prospective students interested in this program. Under no circumstances should it be considered a full and exhaustive list of all the scientific production of the students. The information is supplied by the PhD students themselves in a relatively unstructured manner but it has been checked and approved by the academic committee.

Artículos en revistas internacionales
Rodríguez-Dopico, F.J.; García, A.Á.; Tarrío-Saavedra, J.; Meneses, A.; Naya, S. Predicting Lifetime of Adhesive Bonds for Naval Steel by Time-Temperature Superposition. Ocean Engineering2024313, 119482, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.119482.
Characterization of Epoxy Adhesive for Marine Applications.Oceans 2024-12-02 | Journal article DOI: 10.3390/oceans5040052 Contributors: Francisco J. Rodríguez-Dopico; A. Álvarez García; Javier Tarrío-SaavedraURL
BARREIRO, Julio; ZARAGOZA, Sonia; DIAZ-CASAS, Vicente. Review of ship energy efficiency. Ocean Engineering, 2022, vol. 257, p. 111594.
ZARAGOZA, Sonia, et al. Digital twin modeling of refrigerated warehouses. DYNA, 2023, vol. 98, no 3.
MONTES, Julio Barreiro; FERNÁNDEZ, Sonia Zaragoza; CASAS, Vicente Díaz. Internet of the things in Energy-Sensitive processes: Application in a refrigerated warehouse. IEEE Access, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3406992
BARREIRO MONTES, Julio, et al. Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator Resilient, Ship Emissions under Control. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2024, vol. 12, no 10, p. 1753.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
J. García Urbieta, B. Rodríguez, A. J. Rodríguez, P. Díaz, S. Armentia, F. González, Sensitivity Analysis of Lumped-Parameter Thermal Networks for the Experimental Calibration of eMotor Models, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, early access, 10.1109/TTE.2023.3331097
Souto-Silvar, D. A., Álvarez-García, A., Díaz-Díaz, A., Rodríguez-Dopico, F. J., & López-Beceiro, J. (2023). 'The effect of marine ageing on the mechanical properties of a structural adhesive'. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials.
CFD simulation of multiple moored floating structures using OpenFOAM: An open-access mooring restraints library. H. Chen, T. A. Medina and J. L. Cercos-Pita. April, 2024. Ocean Engineering, vol. 303, p. 117697
Lambarri, J., Gabirondo-López, J., Echániz, T. et al. CFD and ray tracing analysis of a discrete nozzle for laser metal deposition. Meccanica (2024).
Experimental Analysis of Emissivity in Inconel 718 Across Different Wavelength Ranges for Laser Metal Deposition Temperature MonitoringJon Gabirondo-López Telmo Echániz Iñaki López-Ferreño Jon Lambarri Gabriel Alejandro LópezArtículo envíado a International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, aceptado pendiente de revisiones menores
Capítulo de Libro
D. A. Souto-Silvar, A. Álvarez-García, F. J. Rodríguez-Dopico, and M. González-Taboada, ‘Time–Temperature Superposition Principle: A Tool for Predicting Long-Term Behaviour’, in Proceedings of the IV Iberoamerican Congress of Naval Engineering and 27th Pan-American Congress of Naval Engineering, Maritime Transportation and Port Engineering (COPINAVAL), L. Carral, A. Vega, J. Carreño, J. de Lara, M. I. Lamas, J. J. Cartelle, J. Tarrío, R. Carballo, and P. Townsed, Eds., Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, pp. 131–136. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-49799-5_20
F. J. Rodríguez-Dopico, A. Álvarez-García, D. A. Souto-Silvar, and M. González Taboada, ‘Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Adhesives for Application in the Naval Sector Through Digital Image Correlation’, in Proceedings of the IV Iberoamerican Congress of Naval Engineering and 27th Pan-American Congress of Naval Engineering, Maritime Transportation and Port Engineering (COPINAVAL), L. Carral, A. Vega, J. Carreño, J. de Lara, M. I. Lamas, J. J. Cartelle, J. Tarrío, R. Carballo, and P. Townsed, Eds., Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, pp. 195–199. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-49799-5_29
M. Cabaleiro-Figueroa, I. Díaz-Gonzalez, V. M. Jiménez-Acosta, D. A. Souto-Silvar, and F. J. Rodríguez-Dopico, ‘Accelerated Aging Technique for Predicting Long-Term Behavior’, in Proceedings of the IV Iberoamerican Congress of Naval Engineering and 27th Pan-American Congress of Naval Engineering, Maritime Transportation and Port Engineering (COPINAVAL), L. Carral, A. Vega, J. Carreño, J. de Lara, M. I. Lamas, J. J. Cartelle, J. Tarrío, R. Carballo, and P. Townsed, Eds., Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, pp. 201–205. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-49799-5_30
Micaela Gómez-Coronel, Alicia Moreno, David M. Freire-Lista, Mila Simões de Abreu, Alberto Ramil, Ana J. López. Use of Optical Techniques for Surface Analysis of Rock Art Engravings from the UNESCO Heritage Site of Valcamonica. Book of Abstracts - VI International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, AOP2024Aveiro, Portugal, July 16-19, 2024. ISBN 978-989-8798-09-1
Pablo Pardiñas, David S. Canzobre, Javier Lamas, Micaela Gómez-Coronel, Alberto Ramil, Ana J. López, Development of a High-Precision, Portable and Automated Mobile Laser Scanner for the Recording and Digitation of Texture and Micro-marks in Archaeological and Heritage Stone. Book of Abstracts - VI International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, AOP2024. Aveiro, Portugal, July 16-19, 2024. ISBN 978-989-8798-09-1
David S. Canzobre, Pablo Pardiñas, Javier Lamas, Ana J. López and Alberto Ramil. Use of laser technology for the postural classification of bedridden people. Book of Abstracts - VI International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, AOP2024. Aveiro, Portugal, July 16-19, 2024. ISBN 978-989-8798-09-1
Pablo Pardiñas, David S. Canzobre, Javier Lamas, Micaela Gómez-Coronel, Alberto Ramil, David M. Freire Lista and Ana J. López. Development of a High-Precision, Portable and Automated Mobile Laser Scanner for the Recording and Digitation of Texture and Micro-marks in Archaeological and Heritage Stone. Aceptado para su publicación en el libro de actas de AOP 2024 que se publica en abierto en EPJ Web of Conferences by EDP Sciences.
Pablo PardiñasDavid S. Canzobre, Javier Lamas, Micaela Gómez-Coronel, Alberto Ramil, Ana J. López, Development of a High-Precision, Portable and Automated Mobile Laser Scanner for the Recording and Digitation of Texture and Micro-marks in Archaeological and Heritage Stone. Book of Abstracts - VI International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics, AOP2024Aveiro, Portugal, July 16-19, 2024. ISBN 978-989-8798-09-1
Pablo Pardiñas David S. Canzobre, Javier Lamas, Micaela Gómez-Coronel, Alberto Ramil, David M. Freire Lista and Ana J. López. Development of a High-Precision, Portable and Automated Mobile Laser Scanner for the Recording and Digitation of Texture and Micro-marks in Archaeological and Heritage Stone. Aceptado para su publicación en el libro de actas de AOP 2024 que se publica en abierto en EPJ Web ofConferencesby EDP Sciences
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Application of a hybrid Taguchi grey approach for determining the optimal parameters on laser beam welding of dissimilar metals(
Artículos en revistas internacionales
F. J. Rodríguez-Dopico, R. J. C. Carbas, C. S. P. Borges, J. Tarrío-Saavedra, L. F. M. da Silva, and A. Á. García, ‘Combined effect of seawater and load on methacrylate adhesive’, Heliyon, vol. 9, no. 4, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e14751.
Reduced order modeling of selective laser melting: from calibration to parametric part distortion Chady Ghnatios, Khalil El Rai, Nicolas Hascoet, Pierre-Adrien Pires, Jean-Louis Duval, Jon Lambarri, Jean-Yves Hascoet & Francisco Chinesta International Journal of Material Forming volume 14, pages973–986 (2021)
Parametric analysis and machine learning-based parametric modeling of wire laser metal deposition induced porosity Tanguy Loreau, Victor Champaney, Nicolas Hascoet, Jon Lambarri, Mikel Madarieta, Iker Garmendia & Francisco Chinesta International Journal of Material Forming volume 15, Article number: 33 (2022)
Study of the influence of the oscillation frequency on the surface hardening process of the 42CrMo4 alloy using an oscillating laser beam Carlos Soriano, Goretti Alberdi, Jon Lambarri, Ana Aranzabe, Armando J. Yáñez Surface and Coatings Technology Volume 409, 15 March 2021, 126877
Bellas, F., Guerreiro-Santalla, S., Naya, M. et al. AI Curriculum for European High Schools: An Embedded Intelligence Approach. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (2022).
M. Naya-Varela, S. Guerreiro-Santalla, T. Baamonde and F. Bellas. (2023). "Robobo SmartCity: An Autonomous Driving Model for Computational Intelligence Learning through Educational Robotics," in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, doi: 10.1109/TLT.2023.3244604.
Martínez-López, A.; Díaz Ojeda, H.R.; Míguez González, M.; Marrero, Á. Environmental Inefficiencies of Short Sea Shipping Vessels by Optimization Processes Based on Resistance Prediction Methods. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1457.
Martínez-López, A; Marrero, Á.; Martín-Cruz, Y; Míguez González, M. Environmental assessment model for scrubbers versus alternative mitigation systems for feeder vessels in liner shipping, Journal of Environmental Management,Volume 321,2022,115954,ISSN 0301-4797,
Marrero, Á.;Martínez-López, A.Decarbonization of Short Sea Shipping in European Union: Impact of market and goal based measures,Journal of Cleaner Production,Volume 421,2023,138481,ISSN 0959-6526,
Daniel A. Souto-Silvar, A. Álvarez-García, A. Díaz-Díaz, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Dopico & Jorge López-Beceiro, 'Application of the Time–Temperature Superposition Principle to Predict Long-Term Behaviour of an Adhesive for Use in Shipbuilding', DOI: 10.1007/s13369-023-08219-4
Barreiro-Villaverde, D., Gosset, A., Lema, M., & Mendez, M. A. (2023). Damping of three-dimensional waves on coating films dragged by moving substrates. Physics of Fluids35(7), 72110.
Capítulo de Libro
F. J. Rodríguez-Dopico, B. S. Silva, A. Á. García, J. López-Beceiro, and R. Artiaga, ‘Thermal and rheological study of structural adhesives for naval construction’, in Advances in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures, CRC Press, 2023.Thermal and rheological study of structural adhesives for naval constr (
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Alba Martínez-López & Manuel Chica González (2021): Articulating intermodal chains through short-sea shipping: a method for assessing the performance of East African ports, Maritime Policy & Management, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2021.1976430
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Pernas Urrutia, J. M., Villa Caro, R., de Espona, R. J., Heritier, Carl., Pérez Fernández, R. (2021) CODELAG advantages for energy and IR signatureWarship Technology, Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), enero 2021, página 9, ISSN: 0957-5537
Pernas Urrutia, J. M., Villa Caro, R., de Espona, R. J., Heritier, Carl., Pérez Fernández, R. (2021) Infrared signature in the modern warship, Warship Technology, Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) (estado actual.- revisión por pares).
Dopico Dopico, D., López Varela, Á. & Luaces Fernández, A. Augmented Lagrangian index-3 semi-recursive formulations with projections. Multibody Syst Dyn52, 377–405 (2021).
Lamas M., Mouzo F., Michaud F., Lugrs U., Cuadrado J. Comparison of several muscle modeling alternatives for computationally intensive algorithms in human motion simulation. Multibody System Dynamics, (pendiente de revision).
Michaud, F.; Pérez Soto, M.; Lugrís, U.; Cuadrado, J. Lower Back Injury Prevention and Sensitization of Hip Hinge with Neutral Spine Using Wearable Sensors during Lifting Exercises. Sensors202121, 5487.
Cuadrado, J.; Michaud, F.; Lugrís, U.; Pérez Soto, M. Using Accelerometer Data to Tune the Parameters of an Extended Kalman Filter for Optical Motion Capture: Preliminary Application to Gait Analysis. Sensors202121, 427.
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Villa Caro, R., Pernas Urrutia, J. M. (2020) Propulsión CODOG en buques de guerra: justificación desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia energéticaRevista Ingeniería Naval, Asociación de Ingenieros Navales de España (AINE), Nº 994 octubre 2020, páginas 90 – 96, ISSN: 0020-1073
Otras publicaciones
-Mendieta, N., Salazar, E., & Caamaño, L. (2019, November). Contribution of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana for the promotion of Sustainable Mobility in Ecuador. In 2019 IEEE Fourth Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
-Influence of Social Indicators in the consumption of domestic electricity for urban marginal areas of Guayaquil. José Hidalgo, Nadia Mendieta, Luis Caamaño, Johanna Founes, Laura Garcés, Fabiola Terán. 18th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for “Engineering, Integration, and Alliances for a Sustainable Development”, “Hemispheric Cooperation for Competitiveness and Prosperity on a Knowledge-Based Economy”. Artículo por ser publicado.-Gordillo, L. D. C., & Mendieta Villalba, N. M. (2019, January). Lean Six Sigma Aplicado a la Reducción de Riesgos Sísmicos. Caso de Estudio en Ecuador. In 17th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology, LACCEI 2019. Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications. ISSN: 2455-7137. Reactor analysis of a river system Wastewater treatment plant”. Vol 04, Issue 10. October 2019. Article Id: 201910099.
Energy and Power EngineeringISSN Print: 1949-243X    ISSN Online: 1947-3818. Website: Study and design of Distributed Generation for a new estate in UK. Economic study.March 2020. ID 6202342.
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA)(ISSN: 2455-7137"Summary of mathematical models in fundamental cases of breakdowns in rotary machines by detection of vibration signals"
Motivation as a tool for designing lifelong learning robotsA. Romero, F. Bellas, J.A. Becerra, R.J. DuroIntegrated Computer-Aided Engineering; DOI 10.3233/ICA-200633; IOS Press, 2020.
Motivational Engine and Long Term Memory Coupling within a Cognitive Architecture for Life-long Open-ended LearningJ.A. Becerra, A. Romero, F. Bellas,  R.J. DuroNeurocomputing, 2020.
Díaz-Díaz, A., Sánchez-Silva, B., Tarrío-Saavedra, J., López-Beceiro, J., Gómez-Barreiro, S., Artiaga, R. Evaluation of the Curing of Adhesive Systems by Rheological and Thermal Testing. J. Vis. Exp. (161), e61468, doi:10.3791/61468 (2020)
B. Rodríguez, F. González, M. Á. Naya, and J. Cuadrado, “Assessment of methods for the real-time simulation of electronic and thermal circuits,” Energies, vol. 13, no. 6, p. 1354, 2020.
Pernas Urrutia, J. M., Villa Caro, R., de Espona, R. J., Heritier, Carl (2020) Efficiency and Signature in the Modern Warship, enviado a la revista Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues (pte. confirmación de publicación).
Alba Martínez-López and Manuel Chica (2020).Joint Optimization of Routes and Container Fleets to Design Sustainable Intermodal Chains in Chile.Sustainability 2020, 12(6), 2221.
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Villa Caro, R., Pernas Urrutia, J. M. (2019) Propulsión CODOG en buques de guerra: justificación desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia energética, confirmada publicación en la Revista Ingeniería Naval del mes de octubre de 2020.
Villa Caro, R., Pernas Urrutia, J. M. (2019) Control de firma IR en buques de guerra. Estado del arte y futuropendiente de publicar en las actas del VII Congreso Nacional de i+d en Defensa y Seguridad (DESEi+d 2019)
Capítulo de Libro
capítulo del libro (Computation and Big Data for Transport: Digital innovation in Surface and Air Transport Systems), para la editorial Springer  titulado: “Establishment of MoS in Chile: Pertinence assessment through an analysis of previous scenarios”
Libro de Conferencias Magistrales y Ponencias Técnicas del XXIII Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería Naval, Portuaria y Costa Afueraha sido registrado con el ISBN 978-980-7629-00-3
Otras publicaciones
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Simplifying the creation and management of utility models in continuous domains for cognitive roboticsA. Romero, A. Prieto, F. Bellas, R.J. DuroNeurocomputing, vol. 353, pp. 106-118, 2019.
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA). "Study of the stability margin and its connection with the dynamic stiffness applied to a tidal turbine", id: 201901002. Volume 04 Issue 01. January 2019.
Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy. “Application of vibration monitoring to the detection of early misalignment and rub failures in a tidal turbine”. May 2019, Vol 4:9
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA). "Study of the stability margin and its connection with the dynamic stiffness applied to a tidal turbine", id: 201901002. Volume 04 Issue 01. January 2019.
B. Sánchez-Silva; A. Díaz-Díaz; J. Tarrío-Saavedra; J. López-Beceiro; C. Gracia; Ramon Artiaga. "Thermal and rheological comparison of adhesives". Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 
Risk management and design of mitigation plans through discrete events simulation and genetic algorithms in offshore wind processesInt. J. Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing
Collaborative training in a virtual environment to increase productivity in a shipyardInt. J. of Simulation and Process Modelling
Artículos en revistas internacionales
F. Mouzo, U. Lugrís, R. Pàmies-Vilà, J. Cuadrado. Skeletal-level control-based forward dynamic analysis of acquired healthy and assisted gait motion. Multibody System Dynamics 44(1):1-29, 2018. doi:
Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Marcos Míguez González, Vicente Díaz Casás, On the feasibility of a real time stability assessment for fishing vessels, Ocean Engineering, pp 76 - 87, 2018
Experimental investigation into metal micro-patterning by laser on polymer-metal hybrid joining E.Rodríguez-Vidal, C.Sanz, J.Lambarri, I.QuintanaOptics & Laser Technology, Volume 104, August 2018, Pages 73-82
Introducing Separable Utility Regions in a Motivational Engine for Cognitive Developmental RoboticsA. Prieto, A. Romero, F. Bellas, R. Salgado and R.J. DuroIntegrated Computer-Aided Engineering; DOI: 10.3233/ICA-180578; IOS Press, 2018.
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Vicente Díaz Casás, Miguel Vilar Montesinos, Alicia Munín Doce, Manuel Ángel Díaz Bouza, Pedro Trueba Martínez, José María Velo Sabín, Sara Ferreño González. "Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT): The digital challenge of Shipyard 4.0". Revista INGENIERÍA NAVAL. Enero 2018. Páginas: 75-80.
Otras publicaciones
Míguez González, M., Santiago Caamaño, L., Díaz Casás, V., On the applicability of real time stability monitoring for increasing the safety of fishing vessels, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 2018
"RISK MANAGEMENT IN JACKETS MANUFACTURING PROJECTS USING DISCRETE EVENTS SIMULATION"Proceedings of the European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, 2017 ISBN 978-88-97999-85-0; Affenzeller, Bruzzone, Jiménez, Longo and Piera Eds.
"A XESTIÓN DE RISCOS EN PROXECTOS DE EÓLICA MARIÑA MEDIANTE SIMULACIÓN DE EVENTOS DISCRETOS E SIMULACIÓN DE MONTECARLO"XIII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións Ferrol, 26, 27 e 28 de outubro de 2017
"DES TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO THE DESIGN OF A TRAINING SESSION ABOUT LEAN METHODOLOGY IN A SHIPBUILDING PROCESS"Proceedings of the European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, 2017 ISBN 978-88-97999-85-0; Affenzeller, Bruzzone, Jiménez, Longo and Piera Eds.
Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation ConferenceApplication of a Multi-Level Simulation Model for Aggregate and Detailed Planning in ShipbuildingMaría del Mar Cebral-Fernández, Marcos Rouco-Couzo, Marta Quiroga Pazos, Diego Crespo-Pereira, and Alejandro García del Valle (University of A Coruña) and Rafael Morgade Abeal (Navantia Ferrol)DOI: 978-1-5386-3428-8/Conference Location: Las Vegas, NV, USADate of Conference: 3-6 Dec. 2017
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Comparative analysis of direct employment generated by renewable and non-renewable power plants.Juan José Cartelle Barros, Manuel Lara Coira, María Pilar de la Cruz López, Alfredo del Caño Gochi.7 de ago. de 2017, Energy, 139 (2017) 542-554.
Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation. “Analysis of Heat Transfer of a Flat Plate Oscillating (OHP) for different surface”. ISSN 2159-5275 (doi: 10.17265/2159-5275), Volume 7, number 7, 2017.
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Dínamo técnica: revista gallega de energíaNº. 15, nov. 2014. “Desarrollo urbano con generación distribuida”.
Capítulo de Libro
Libro: Distillation - Innovative Applications and Modeligedited by Marisa Fernandes MendesISBN 978-953-51-3202-8, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3201-1Published: June 28, 2017 under CC BY 3.0 license.Capítulo:Distillation: Basic Test in Quality Control of Automotive Fuels Mª Mercedes del Coro Fernández-Feal, Luis R. Sánchez-Fernández and Blanca Sánchez-Fernández
Otras publicaciones
Resumen trabajo investigación "comparativa adquisiciones en defensa USA SP sep 2017 RESUMEN":En este informe se analizan la Autoridad y Organización del Sistema de Adquisiciones en D.o.D USA, la Autoridad y Organización del Sistema de Obtención en Mo DEF España, las Fases e Hitos de Decisión del DAS USA INT 5000.02, las Fases e Hitos de Decisión del Sistema Obtención IORM 67/11, y finalmente se comparan los Sistemas de Organización y Fases.
Marcos Míguez González, Gabriele Bulian, Lucía Santiago Caamaño, Vicente Díaz Casás, Towards real-time identification of initial stability from ship roll motion analysis, Proceedings of the 16th International Ship Stability Workshop, pp 221 - 229, 2017
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Cartelle Barros JJ, Lara Coira M, de la Cruz López MP, del Caño Gochi A. Probabilistic life-cycle cost analysis for renewable and non-renewable power plants. Energy 2016; 112(2016): 774-787.
Simultaneous application of electro and orthogonal superposition rheology on a starch/silicone oil suspensionJournal of Rheology 60(1):121-127 · January 2016DOI: 10.1122/1.4937930
M. J. Tobar, J. M. Amado, J. N. Montero, A. Rodríguez, A. Yañez;Application of 3D laser manufacturing in fabrication or repair of high value metal component for the foundry industry;Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies
J. N. Montero, A. Rodríguez, J.M. Amado, A. J. Yañez;Inspection of powder flow during LMD deposition by high speed imaging LANE 2016Physics Procedia
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Cartelle-Barros JJ, Lara-Coira M, De La Cruz-López MP, Del Caño-Gochi A. Sostenibilidad de los sistemas de generación eléctrica. Dyna 2016;91(2):132-133.
Capítulo de Libro
Chapter Title: Present and Future of Floating Offshore WindBook: Floating Offshore Wind FarmsEditors: Castro-Santos, Laura, Diaz-Casas, Vicente (Eds.)
Otras publicaciones
Míguez-González M., Díaz-Casás V., Santiago-Caamaño L., 2016 “Real-Time Stability Assesment in Mid-Sized Fishing Vessels”, Proc. 15th International Ship Stability Workshop, Stockholm.
Resumen trabajo de investigación "adquisiciones en defensa resumen sep 2016 v1_0":En este informe se hace una introducción al análisis de los modelos de Adquisiciones que se aplican en los ministerios de Defensa del Reino Unido y de los Estados Unidos de América, asi como los cambios habidos durante las últimas décadas. Para ello se citan y se resumen independientemente y cronológicamente los informes mas importantes publicados sobre los cambios de organización propuestos en los Sistemas de Adquisición de los dos Estados, y sus resultados.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
1.- TITULO:“FISHING GROUNDS' INFLUENCE ON TRAWLER WINCHAUTORES (p.o. de firma):         Juan Carlos Carral Couce; Luis Carral Couce; Miguel Lamas Pardo; Mª Jesús Rodriguez Guerreiro REF. REVISTA: Ocean EngineeringCATEGORIA:                          ENGINEERING, MARINE. Para 2013, esta revista estaba clasificada de 1 sobre 13. Tercil en la categoría T1. Cuartil en la categoría Q1. Factor de impacto 0,300. Factor de impacto de 5 años2.- TITULO: “STANDARDISING THE DESIGN AND PRODUCTION OF MOORING WINCHES THROUGH MORE COHESIVE REGULATIONS: A NECESSARY STEP”AUTORES (p.o. de firma):         Juan Carlos Carral Couce; Luis Carral Couce; José Ángel Fraguela-FormosoREF. REVISTA:International Journal of Maritime Engineering (RINA Transactions Part A) The Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Address: 10 Upper Belgrave ST, LONDON SW1X 8BQ, ENGLAND. ISSN: 1479-8751.CATEGORIA:                           ENGINEERING, MARINE. Para 2013, esta revista estaba clasificada de 8 sobre 13. Tercil en la categoría T2. Cuartil en la categoría Q3. Factor de impacto 0,325. Factor de3.- TITULO“ANCHOR WINDLASSES, A DESIGN PROPOSAL TO HARMONISE REGULATIONS”AUTORES (p.o. de firma):         Juan Carlos Carral Couce, Luis Carral Couce, Raúl Villa Caro, José Ángel Fraguela-FormosoREF. REVISTAInternational Journal of Maritime Engineering. Royal Institution  of  Naval Architects. Address: 10 Upper Belgrave ST, LONDON SW1X 8BQ, ENGLAND. ISSN: 1479-8751.CATEGORIA:                           ENGINEERING, MARINE. Para 2013, esta revista estaba clasificada de 8 sobre 13. Tercil en la categoría T2. Cuartil en la categoría Q3. Factor de impacto 0,325. Factor de impacto de 5 años 4.- TITULO:“OPERATION AND HANDLING IN ESCORT TUGBOAT MANOEUVRES WITH THE AID OF AUTOMATIC TOWING WINCH SYSTEMS”. (Volúmen 68 número 1, desde la página 71 a la 88)AUTORES (p.o. de firma):         Luis Carral Couce, Juan Carlos Carral Couce, José Ángel Fraguela Formoso.REF. REVISTAThe Journal of Navigation. (2015), The Royal Institute of Navigation, London. CAMBRIDGE University Press, 2010. ISSN: 0373-4633DOI (Digital Object Identifier):(About doi) doi:10.1017/S0373463314000435CATEGORÍA:                           ENGINEERING, MARINE y OCEANOGRAPHY                                               ENGINEERING, MARINE. Para 2014, esta revista estaba clasificada de 6 sobre 14. Tercil en la categoría T2. Factor de impacto 0,691. Factor de impacto de 5 años 0,775                                               OCEANOGRAPHY. Para 2013, esta revista estaba clasificada de 46 sobre 58. Tercil en la categoría T3
 TITULO: “DISEÑO ARMONIZADO DE MOTONES, PASTECAS Y CUADERNALES PARA EL MANEJO DE LINEAS DE ACERO O SINTÉTICAS DE ELEVADO MODULO (HMPE) EN BUQUES” (Cod. 7636)AUTORES (p.o. de firma): Juan Carlos Carral Couce, Luis Carral Couce, José Ángel Fraguela Formoso REF. REVISTA: DYNA – INDUSTRIA Y ENERGÍA. Año 90 – nº 6, Noviembre-Diciembre de 2015. Federación de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industriales de España, ISSN: 0012-7361Revista JCR. Categoría: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY. Para 2012, esta revista estaba clasificada de 81 sobre 90.Tercil en la categoría T3. Factor de impacto 0.237. Factor de impacto de 5 años 0.160
Cartelle Barros JJ, Lara Coira M, de la Cruz López MP, del Caño Gochi A. Assessing the global sustainability of different electricity generation systems. Energy 2015;89:473-489.
de la Cruz MP, del Caño A, Cartelle JJ, Lara M. Conceptual framework for an integrated method to optimize sustainability of engineering systems. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 9 (2015) 608-615.
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Fernández-Feal, M.C.; Fernández-Feal, M.L.; Sánchez-Fernández, L.R. et al. Marine Internal Combustion Engines. Phisicochemical Study of Cooling Water. DYNA, Vol.89 nº1 pp.69-76; 2014. DOI: DYNA ISSN 0012-7361 (JCR).
Sánchez-Fernández, L.R.; Fernández-Feal, M.C. Grafeno, ¿competidor del silicio?. Química e Industria nº612 pp.26-31, 2015.Revista "QUÍMICA E INDUSTRIA", ISSN: 0033-6521
Capítulo de Libro
Pilar De La Cruz M, Castro A, Del Caño A, Gómez D, Lara M, Cartelle JJ. Comprehensive methods for dealing with uncertainty in assessing sustainability part 1: The MIVES-monte carlo method. Soft Computing Applications for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency; 2014. p. 69-106.
Bellas, F., Naya, M., Varela, G., Llamas, L., Prieto, A., Becerra, J. C., ... & Duro, R. (2017, April). The Robobo Project: Bringing Educational Robotics Closer to Real-World Applications. In International Conference on Robotics and Education RiE 2017 (pp. 226-237). Springer, Cham.
"A Multi-criteria decision method for de analysis of the Motorways of the Sea: the application to the case of France and Spain on the Atlantic Coast". Maritime Policy and Management 41(1). Octubre 2014. DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2015.1039091
Artículos en revistas internacionales
AUTORES (p.o. de firma): Juan Carlos Carral Couce, Luis Carral Couce, José Ángel Fraguela Formoso, José Luis Fernández Soto TITULO: “EL CHIGRE DE REMOLQUE EN LAS MANIOBRAS DE ALTURA Y DE ESCOLTA: PROPUESTA DE ARMONIZACIÓN EN SUS PARÁMETROS DE DISEÑO” (Desde la página 395 a la 399) REF. REVISTA: DYNA – INDUSTRIA Y ENERGÍA. Año 88 – nº 4, Julio – Agosto de 2013. Federación de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industriales de España, ISSN: 0012-7361Revista JCR. Categoría: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY. Para 2012, esta revista estaba clasificada de 81 sobre 90.Tercil en la categoría T3. Factor de impacto 0.237. Factor de impacto de 5 años 0.160
Capítulo de Libro
1.- TITULO:Winche con caracteristicas de control avanzadas para labores de maniobra en superyatespáginas (348 – 373).AUTORES (p.o. de firma):Luis Carral Couce, Juan Carlos Carral, Gerardo González Filgueira, Miguel Lamas Pardo. REF. LIBRO:                             Libro de Ponencias y Conferencias del Congreso Internacional del INSTITUTO PANAMERICANO DE INGENIERÍA NAVAL (IPIN) “XXIII COPINAVAL”. Isla Margarita (Venezuela). 27 al 30 de septiembre de 2013. ISBN 978-980-7629-00-3.(CD de Ponencias)DOI:                             10.13140/2.1.4062.2085

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