Master's Degree in Internet of Things - IoT

2024/2025 · 60 credits

What you learn

Students of the MUIoT will acquire the following knowledge in the compulsory subjects of the Master's program:

  • Learn to program and to optimize various types of IoT devices.
  • Design and deploy various types of Cloud Computing services for IoT systems.
  • Design and deploy new IoT architectures (e.g., decentralized, distributed).
  • Learn the basics of cybersecurity for IoT.
  • Determine the necessary sensor devices and actuators for IoT applications.
  • Recognize and define the structure of embedded IoT systems.
  • Understand the operation of various IoT network and application protocols.
  • Identify the characteristics of different types of networks and network technologies for IoT.
  • Identify different types of innovation and entrepreneurship, and their application to IoT-based business projects.
  • Understand the basics of intellectual and industrial property protection.
  • Know and understand the fundamental concepts of Machine Learning for IoT.

Generic skills

In addition to the previously mentioned knowledge, students will acquire the following generic competencies:

  • Design IoT devices by selecting the most suitable sensors/actuators for each use.
  • Develop the necessary architecture to ensure device interoperability.
  • Build networks and define protocols that enable communication between IoT devices.
  • Evaluate the operation of embedded IoT electronic systems.
  • Determine mechanisms for real-time data collection.
  • Integrate technologies such as Machine Learning, Big Data processing, Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), Edge Computing, among others, for the development of smarter and more efficient IoT systems.
  • Ensure the security of information generated by IoT devices.
  • Develop a business plan for an IoT-based entrepreneurial project.
  • Design databases for the storage and management of large amounts of IoT data.
  • Gain experience in the design, implementation, deployment, and maintenance of IoT systems within a real working environment.
  • Develop sufficient autonomy to participate in research projects and scientific or technological collaborations in interdisciplinary contexts, including knowledge transfer activities if applicable.

Specific skills

Main outcomes of the Society 5.0 Specialization:

  • Program IoT wearables for healthcare.
  • Understand the basic fundamentals of sensors and automation for smart cities, home automation, and building automation (inmotics).
  • Understand the main energy models and the concept of smart grid from the perspective of smart buildings and homes.
  • Apply statistical techniques to large-scale IoT datasets for Society 5.0 applications.
  • Apply video analysis techniques for Society 5.0 applications.
  • Design and deploy IoT device networks within the scope of Society 5.0 applications.

Main outcomes of the Industrial IoT Specialization:

  • Apply statistical techniques to large-scale IIoT datasets.
  • Program Single Board Computers (SBCs) for the deployment and management of IIoT sensor and actuator nodes.
  • Design and deploy large-scale IIoT data processing systems.
  • Design, deploy, and optimize Green IoT systems.
  • Analyze and interpret IIoT data flows in an industrial enterprise.
  • Design an industrial robotic twin.
  • Design and implement algorithms for video analysis and processing in IIoT environments.

Main outcomes of the Connected Vehicle Specialization:

  • Apply statistical techniques to large-scale data in IoT applications for connected vehicles.
  • Apply image analysis techniques for connected vehicles.
  • Design and deploy networks of devices and services for connected vehicles.
  • Design and deploy large-scale IoT data processing systems for connected vehicle applications.
  • Design and deploy IoT systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

Professional and academic career

Graduates of the MUIoT will be qualified to design, configure, integrate and adapt IoT systems applicable to multiple fields, given that IoT has cross-cutting applications in countless domains.

More specifically, graduates of this program can work as:

  • Developers of systems, services and applications based on IoT.
  • Home automation experts.
  • Project managers for state-of-the-art technologies.
  • IoT strategy developers.
  • IoT consultants.
  • Data analysts specialized in IoT.
  • Cybersecurity experts for IoT.
  • Researchers in IoT.
  • Solution architects for IoT.

In addition, the three proposed specializations will allow for gaining expertise in one of the three fundamental areas for modern society, training experts in:

  • Society 5.0: Experts in applying IoT technologies in areas such as healthcare, Smart Cities, or smart buildings and homes.
  • IIoT: Developers skilled in IoT technologies for Industry 4.0/5.0, including IIoT system integration, Digital Twins for industrial plants, or creating energy-efficient IoT systems.
  • Connected Vehicle: Experts in IoT technologies for connected vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, or unmanned aerial systems.

Planning for teaching

To obtain the MUIoT degree, it is necessary to complete 60 ECTS, which are divided into:

  • 39 mandatory ECTS
  • 15 optional ECTS (specialization), including 3 mandatory external internship ECTS
  • 6 ECTS for the Master's Thesis

Three specializations have been defined. Each specialization, whose selection is mandatory, consists of 7 courses. Among them, 4 are mandatory specialization courses, and the student must choose one elective specialization course from the remaining three. Internships in companies are mandatory for this Master's program, tailored to each specialization.

The courses are distributed across 4 terms as follows:

  • Term 1 (September-November):
    • IoT Devices
    • Embedded Systems
    • Cloud Computing for IoT
    • Communications Networks in IoT
  • Term 2 (November-January):
    • Communication Protocols in IoT
    • Innovation and Entrepreneurship in IoT
    • Data Engineering for IoT
    • New Architectures and Paradigms in IoT
  • Term 3 (February-April):
    • Machine Learning
    • Cybersecurity in IoT
    • Specialization subjects
  • Term 4 (May-June):
    • Specialization subjects
    • Internship in a company
    • Master's Thesis (TFM)

Study structure

The masters are organized by modules. Click on a module for more information.

  Guide Type QTR. credits
IoT Devices Compulsory 1st 4.5 ECTS
IoT Communications Networks Compulsory 1st 3 ECTS
Cloud Computing for IoT Compulsory 1st 3 ECTS
Embedded Systems Compulsory 1st 4.5 ECTS
New IoT Architectures and Paradigms Compulsory 1st 4.5 ECTS
Communications Protocols for IoT Compulsory 1st 4.5 ECTS
IoT Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship Compulsory 1st 3 ECTS
Data Engineering for IoT Compulsory 1st 3 ECTS
Machine Learning Compulsory 2nd 4.5 ECTS
Cybersecurity in IoT Compulsory 2nd 4.5 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
Systems Integration in IoT Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Green IoT Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Digital Twins for Industrial Plants Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Robotic Digital Twins Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Video Analytics in IoT Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Big Data for IIoT Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Smart Health for IoT Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Smart Cities Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Smart Buildings and Homes Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Big Data for Society 5.0 Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Video Analytics for Society 5.0 Applications Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Network Deployment for Smart Cities/Buildings Applications Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
IoT in the Connected Vehicle Environment Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Intelligent Transportation Systems Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
IoT for UAVs Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Big Data for the Connected Vehicle Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Network Deployment for Smart Car Applications Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Video Analytics for Connected Vehicles Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
Internship for IIoT Compulsory 2nd 3 ECTS
Internship for Society 5.0 Compulsory 2nd 3 ECTS
Internship for Connected Vehicle Compulsory 2nd 3 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
Master`s Thesis Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS


The study is taught by the following teachers:

The masters are organized by modules. Click on a module for more information.

  • Teachers assigned to study
  • Teachers assigned to study
  • Teachers assigned to study
  • Teachers assigned to study

Student mobility

UDC holds student mobility agreements with universities and other third-level institutions across four continents. Students are offered several opportunities each year to apply to study abroad in one of these centres (for a single term or for a whole year), with the guarantee that all credits obtained will be duly recognised in their academic record upon their return.

For each round of applications, the University publishes the list of exchange options available to students and, where relevant, the specific conditions associated with each. Students may also apply to the University for funding for international work experience placements and internships.

Work experience placements are accredited in the student's academic record and the European diploma supplement. Students are free to decide in which host company or academic institution within the EHEA they wish to carry out their placement. To assist them in their search, the University has created an online noticeboard with jobs postings and other news.

Work-study placements in A Coruña are arranged by the International Relations Office (ORI) of the UDC in collaboration with the international relations coordinators in the student’s home university. The general entry criteria, rights and obligations of students, and admission and acceptance procedures for the programme, are regulated by the UDC Mobility Policy.