PhD in Mathematics and Applications



Students who meet some of the criteria listed in Article 15 of the UDC PhD Policies and Regulations will be able to access to UDC PhD programmes.


Candidates matching one of the general entry requirements for PhD students will be assessed in accordance with the specific criteria and merits for each programme. Information relating to application procedures and requirements are included in the programme structure for each course.

The decision to offer a student a place on a UDC PhD programme is the result of an application-specific evaluation process, and does not affect the academic or professional status of the candidate’s existing qualifications.

See also UDC PhD Policies and Regulations, Article 16: Applications.

2 places offered in academic year 2024/2025

Recommended profile of admission

The Mathematics and Applications Doctorate Program is aimed at students who wish to deepen their knowledge, techniques and methodologies of research in Mathematics and its applications. The recommended profile is that of a person with the ability to understand and solve problems in the field of mathematics and its applications in various scientific fields, with a rational mentality, capable of tackling complex problems, with the ability to synthesize and communicate precise ideas. Recipients of the PhD in Mathematics and Applications must hold a master's degree in the domains of Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, or Computer Science; alternatively, holders of a master's degree in related areas with a curriculum demonstrating adequate preparation, subject to the approval of the Programme's academic committee. A. In general, it will be necessary for access to an official doctoral programme to hold a Master's degree (according to the cycle of higher studies in the Bologna system of the European Union). B. Holding an official university degree from a country belonging to the European Higher Education Area that qualifies for access to the Master's degree following the provisions of article 16 of R.D. 1393/2007 and passing a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in all official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at Master's level. C. Hold an official Spanish graduate degree, the duration of which, following Community law, is at least 300 ECTS credits. These graduates must be required to take the additional training needed for the Programme unless the syllabus of the corresponding bachelor's degree includes research training credits equivalent in training value to the research credits from the Master's degree. D. Possess a scholastic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised as guaranteeing the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the legal and statutorily competent scientific body of the universities where they intend to be admitted.

Application general procedure

Applications and registration for PhD programmes will be made using the online application system on the UDC website, accompanied by all necessary supporting documents. Applications and registration for external students will be made here.

If you need more information, you can check this sources the Application general procedure.

Applications procedure for students whose foreign degree/diplome has not been officially recognised

See EIDUDC Application and registration.

General procedure by the CAPD

See EIDUDC Application and registration.

Specific access requirements of the CAPD

Students will be selected for admission to the Programme based on the following criteria: a) Academic record: 40-100 b) Research experience (publication of articles, monographs, participation in research groups, letters of endorsement from research staff of recognised prestige, research initiation activities, etc.): 0-15 c) CV (professional experience, language skills, letters of endorsement from professionals, etc.): 0-10 d) Personal interview: 0-5 It is highly recommended that candidates contact with a possible advisor prior to the personal interview. There is a requirement to obtain a score of more than 70 with the above criteria.


The application for admission (or registration renewal) and enrollment in PhD studies will be carried out according to the terms approved by the Governing Council of the UDC.


See information on how to register for UDC PhD courses.

Predoctoral grants

See UDC predoctoral grants.