PhD in Cultural Heritage Protection



The PhD Program in Protection of Cultural Heritage aims to create a space for inter-professional meeting between different agents involved in the protection of Heritage taking into account different perspectives: documentation and assessment of items, characterization of Heritage materials and the surrounding environment, mechanisms of decay and diagnosis and, finally, direct or indirect intervention on Heritage in order to protect it.

This Program also aims to reply to the current demand for research training by people involved in the protection of Cultural Heritage, grouping all possible subjects that participate or contribute to the protection of Heritage in a common meeting framework, exchange and collaboration in higher education. .

The PhD Program is interuniversity between the universities of Vigo, Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña. Its main purpose is that the research on Heritage in the SUG can be done in a specific academic space for the subject; so that graduates of the SUG related to the Heritage can enroll in a program whose objective and main focus is Heritage. .

The management and conservation of Cultural Heritage, in its different types (movable, immovable, natural, intangible Cultural Heritage), is performed by people from different disciplines: history, geography, art history, archeology, chemistry, physics, biology, geology, paleontology, architecture, engineering, etc. as well as conservation and restoration professionals.

This study is verified and publish pending


Annual PhD tuition fees
Approximate price applicable to all students (non Spanish and non EU included). Secretarial expenses, school insurance and training complements (if applicable) are not included.
Offered place for academic course 2023/2024

Why study

Currently, the field of Cultural Heritage has acquired a particular multidisciplinary aspect since it combines issues related to archeology and historical research, museology, conservation of objects, natural heritage or architectural heritage, among others. Many of these issues involve a multidisciplinary knowledge, ranging from value all of them to obtain historical or useful information for its conservation through instrumental analysis. In this PhD program, specialists from all these disciplines meet in order to develop an academic environment in which students who intend to develop their PhD thesis in Cultural Heritage can train as researchers and develop their research work in suitable environment. This will favor a greater development in the Protection of the Cultural Heritage, including the Natural Heritage, including both the academic and the business field, given that there is a very close relationship of many of the researchers of the program with other universities and with companies in this sector. .

 Information booklet

This is an interuniversity study, in addition to University of A Coruña, the following universities also colaborate in teaching:

  • Universidad de Vigo
  • Universidad de Santiago de Compostela