Master's in Neuroscience

2023/2024 · 60 credits


The Master of Neurociencia implanted in the bienio 2006-2008, with date of permission by the Xunta de Galicia 8/11/2006 (DOGA 16/11/2006) like degree offered by the Official Program of Postgrado in Neurociencia.

With the change of rule, the Master integrated in the official program of Postgrado gave place to the Master in Neurociencia, informed by the ACSUG (previous report to the verification of 15 December 2008) and verified by the Commission of Verification of Plans of Studies designated by the Plenary of the Council of Universities, in his session of 1 June 2009 (resolution of the General Secretary of the Council of University Coordination of 24 June 2009).

In the 2009 was proposed a new plan of studies that was informed favorablemente by the general direction of universities and implanted in the course 2011-2012.

The Master of Neurociencia was inscribed in “Register of Universities, Centres and Titles”, according to resolution of the 26/04/2011 (BOE 11/05/2011).

Member of Network of European Neuroscience Schools (NENS)

This study is verified and published

This study renewed its accreditation on 28 January 2019.


Prices for Spain or EU resident students
Approximate price of one academic course (60 ECTS) for first enrollment with residence in Spain or EU
Prices for Spain or EU non resident students
Approximate price of one academic course (60 ECTS) for first enrollment without residence in Spain or EU
Offered place for academic course 2023/2024

Why study

The aim of the Master's qualification in neuroscience is to offer a programme focused on the advanced training of researchers in the field of neuroscience, which can respond to the challenges posed by the European Higher Education Area in the field of postgraduate studies. It provides the theoretical and experimental bases necessary to complete a Doctoral Thesis in the field of Neuroscience. This must be achieved through general and specific skills, in accordance with the provisions of RD 1393/2007.

This is an interuniversity study, in addition to University of A Coruña, the following universities also colaborate in teaching:

  • Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Universidad de Vigo


Starting academic year 2011/2012
Last update/verification ACSUG date 01/06/2009
Official BOE publication date 11/05/2011
DOG syllabus publication date 15/01/2014
BOE syllabus publication date 06/03/2014