Master´s Degree in Aquaculture

2024/2025 · 90 credits


This Master’s has been designed to provide students with advanced, specific and multi-disciplinary training focused on academic, research and professional training in Aquaculture. It will give students the knowledge, skills and basic aptitudes to design and carry out research in the field of aquaculture, design, manage and check continental and marine installations, evaluate their environmental impact and respond to the needs of the sector’s R & D, implementing strategies which will enable the future development of the aquiculture industry.

This study is verified and published

This study renewed its accreditation on 28 January 2019.


Prices for Spain or EU resident students
Approximate price of one academic course (60 ECTS) for first enrollment with residence in Spain or EU
Prices for Spain or EU non resident students
Approximate price of one academic course (60 ECTS) for first enrollment without residence in Spain or EU
Offered place for academic course 2024/2025

Why study

Aquaculture is a strategic sector of economic development for Galicia that requires a large number of human resources with a high training level. There are organizations such as the Galician Institute for Aquaculture Training (IGAFA) that feed the labour market with excellent technicians in aquaculture. However, the industry and the administration require graduates who can be incorporated in companies and public institutions (technological centres, research centres, universities, etc.) to carry out research, development and innovation tasks in Aquaculture.

More information:"

This is an interuniversity study, in addition to University of A Coruña, the following universities also colaborate in teaching:

  • Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Universidad de Vigo


Last update/verification ACSUG date 16/04/2018
Authorization Xunta Council date 13/03/2008
Authorization DOG publication date 28/03/2008
Official BOE publication date 29/11/2012
DOG syllabus publication date 21/12/2012
BOE syllabus publication date 13/01/2012