PhD in Sports Science, Physical Education and Recreation


Quality assurance

The UDC International Doctoral School (EIDUDC) is subject to an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) which governs all UDC PhD programmes ratified by Royal Decree-Law 99/2011, in compliance with EU Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA. For more information, see documentation relating to the UDC International Doctoral School Internal Quality Assurance System (Regulations for the implementation and administration of the International Doctoral School SGIC for UDC PhD programmes ratified under RD 99/2011; International Doctoral School IQAS Manual; International Doctoral School IQASProcedures).

Guidelines for the monitoring and supervision of the student learning process and outcomes are established in the IQAS Procedures document. The bodies and mechanisms responsible for the coordination, evaluation and continuous improvement of the programme of study are as follows:

Academic Committee for PhD Programmes (CAPD): university body responsible for the academic coordination of PhD programmes and academic decisions regarding PhD degree and degree candidates. The CAPD establishes the guidelines and procedures for the programme coordinator and all individuals involved in the degree. A UDC coordinator is appointed for all UDC PhD programmes ratified under RD 99/2011, including inter-university programmes operated by partner universities.

EIDUDC Quality Assurance Committee (CGC): body responsible for formulating and monitoring the SGIC and PhD degree programmes. The CGC also fulfils an internal communication role within the EIDUDC in relation to its objectives, plans, programmes and responsibilities. An annual monitoring report is produced by the EIDUDC Permanent Committee, acting in the name of the CGC.

Learning outcomes

The International Doctoral School IQAS sets out the standards and indicators applied by Academic Committees in relation to UDC PhD programmes for the measurement and analysis of learning outcomes and academic standards.

These indicators include the number of doctoral theses defended, ‘International Doctorate’ certifications awarded, PhDs completed within the published time scale (3-4 years), PhDs awarded and PhDs abandoned, in addition to the average timescale for completion of the degree.

Quality assurance

To ensure that the title is developed in accordance with the verification report presented the center conducts an annual monitoring report in accordance with the procedures of the center IQAS and results. This report is reviewed by the ACSUG, external evaluation agency.

The outcome of this analysis will emerge corrective actions and improvement proposals that achieve the intended objectives and the improvement of the degree.


In order to ensure proper standards and quality at UDC, a specific academic management committee of the PhD programme will be established.

Giráldez García, Manuel Avelino
Iglesias Soler, Eliseo
Sánchez Molina, José Andrés
Vocal PDI
González Valeiro, Miguel Ángel
Vocal PDI

Program tracking facts

Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2023/2024 15
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2023/2024 24
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2023/2024 12
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2023/2024 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2023/2024 44
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2023/2024 75
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2023/2024 40.91
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2023/2024 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2023/2024 31.82
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2023/2024 22.73
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2023/2024 45.45
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2023/2024 n/a
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2023/2024 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2023/2024 2.27
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2023/2024 33.33
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2023/2024 11.11
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2023/2024 3
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2023/2024 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2023/2024 33.33
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2023/2024 66.67
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2023/2024 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2023/2024 3
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2023/2024 0
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2023/2024 n/a
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2023/2024 1,858
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2023/2024 1,953
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2023/2024 33.33
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2023/2024 33.33
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2023/2024 33.33
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2023/2024 100
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2023/2024 33.33
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2023/2024 21.05
Tasa de ocupación
Relación porcentual entre el nº de estudantes de nuevo ingreso y el nº de plazas ofertadas. (D03-P01-I01)
2023/2024 80
Tasa de demanda
Relación numérica entre el nº de solicitudes de admisión y el nº de plazas ofertadas. (D03-P01-I02)
2023/2024 1.6
Porcentaje de tesis con mención industrial
Relación porcentual entre el nº de tesis defendidas con mención industrial y el nº total de tesis defendidas (valor acumulativo). (D04-P01-I08)
2023/2024 0
Porcentaje de tesis defendidas en cotutela
Relación porcentual entre el nº de tesis defendidas en cotutela y el nº total de tesis defendidas. (D04-P01-I11)
2023/2024 0
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2022/2023 15
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2022/2023 22
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2022/2023 13
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2022/2023 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2022/2023 43
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2022/2023 76.92
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2022/2023 37.21
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2022/2023 30.23
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2022/2023 30.23
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2022/2023 39.53
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2022/2023 6.98
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2022/2023 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2022/2023 2.33
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2022/2023 100
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2022/2023 33.33
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2022/2023 1
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2022/2023 100
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2022/2023 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2022/2023 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2022/2023 1
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2022/2023 0
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2022/2023 1,648
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2022/2023 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2022/2023 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2022/2023 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2022/2023 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2022/2023 100
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2022/2023 100
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2022/2023 100
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2022/2023 21.62
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2021/2022 15
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2021/2022 44
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2021/2022 13
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2021/2022 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2021/2022 41
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2021/2022 30.77
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2021/2022 34.15
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2021/2022 31.71
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2021/2022 31.71
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2021/2022 36.59
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2021/2022 2.44
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2021/2022 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2021/2022 4.88
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2021/2022 100
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2021/2022 16.67
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2021/2022 4
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2021/2022 75
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2021/2022 25
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2021/2022 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2021/2022 1
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2021/2022 3
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2021/2022 1,470
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2021/2022 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2021/2022 1,465
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2021/2022 25
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2021/2022 25
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2021/2022 50
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2021/2022 75
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2021/2022 50
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2021/2022 21.88
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2020/2021 15
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2020/2021 30
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2020/2021 12
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2020/2021 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2020/2021 39
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2020/2021 75
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2020/2021 30.77
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2020/2021 46.15
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2020/2021 7.69
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2020/2021 46.15
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2020/2021 5.13
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2020/2021 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2020/2021 5.13
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2020/2021 66.67
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2020/2021 12.5
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2020/2021 3
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2020/2021 66.67
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2020/2021 33.33
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2020/2021 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2020/2021 2
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2020/2021 1
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2020/2021 1,492
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2020/2021 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2020/2021 1,785
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2020/2021 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2020/2021 66.67
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2020/2021 33.33
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2020/2021 100
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2020/2021 33.33
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2020/2021 23.33



This is a sample of the scientific production of the PhD students and is intended to guide prospective students interested in this program. Under no circumstances should it be considered a full and exhaustive list of all the scientific production of the students. The information is supplied by the PhD students themselves in a relatively unstructured manner but it has been checked and approved by the academic committee.

Artículos en revistas internacionales
Bobo-Arce, M., Saavedra-García, M. Ángel, & Montero-Ordóñez, L. F. (2024). Análisis de las barreras percibidas para la actividad física en universitarios ecuatorianos: comparación por sexo (Analysis of perceived barriers to physical activity in Ecuadorian university students: comparison by sex). Retos55, 857–866.
Bobo-Arce, M., Saavedra-García, M. Ángel, y Montero-Ordóñez, L F. (2024) Comparison of perceived barriers to physical activity between Ecuadorian university students in physical activity and sports pedagogy and other social science majors. Journal of Physical Education and Sport 24 (9),1253 - 1266, DOI:10.7752/jpes.2024.09249
Centeno Pinta, A. G., & Montero Ordóñez, L. F. (2024). Estrategias Lúdicas de Matronatación para el Desarrollo de la Autonomía de la Flotabilidad en Niños de 2 a 3 Años. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar8(2), 6399-6411.
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Centeno Pinta, A. G., & Montero Ordóñez, L. F. (2024). Estrategias Lúdicas de Matronatación para el Desarrollo de la Autonomía de la Flotabilidad en Niños de 2 a 3 Años. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar8(2), 6399-6411.
Capítulo de Libro
Albaladejo Saura, M. D. (Coord.). (2023). Women-up: Innovación, perspectivas y avances en la equidad de género en el deporte. Dykinson.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Vila-Barrios L, Carballeira E, Varela-Sanz A, Iglesias-Soler E, Dopico-Calvo X. The Impact of Regular Physical Exercise on Psychopathology, Cognition, and Quality of Life in Patients Diagnosed with Schizophrenia: A Scoping Review. Behavioral Sciences. 2023; 13(12):959.
López-López, C. y López-Villar, C (aceptado). Las representaciones de género en los anuncios fitness de la comunidad #Yoentrenoencasa. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional de Cultura Visual.
Diaz, Javier Loureiro; Surendran, Praveen Jayaprabha; Jacob, Prasobh; Chbib, Salma1; Foster, Liam David2; Abuenjelh, Ayah Mohammad Ahmad; Ibrahim, Omar. Peak Exercise Capacity and Angina Threshold Improvement after Cardiac Rehabilitation in a Patient with Stable Angina and Low Hemoglobin. Heart Views 25(1):p 21-29, Jan–Mar 2024. | DOI: 10.4103/heartviews.heartviews_27_23
Praveen Jayaprabha Surendran, Prasobh Jacob, Javier Loureiro Diaz, Dinesh Kumar Selvamani, Gigi Mathew, Narasimman Swaminathan; Optimizing Recovery: A Systematic Scoping Review of Upper Extremity Exercise Immediately after Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Implantation. Cardiology 2024;
Capítulo de Libro
Castro-García, M., López-López, C y López-Villar, Cristina (2023). Cuerpo(s) y deporte. En Ed. David Moscoso y Raúl Sánchez, Sociología del Deporte. Dykinson.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Fraga-Germade E, Carballeira E, Iglesias-Soler E. Effect of resistance training programs with equated power on older adults´ functionality and strength: A randomized controlled trial. J Strength Cond Res. 2023.
Frequency of Physical Activity in Primary Education. Influence of the family and type of activity;
Loureiro Diaz J, Foster LD, Surendran PJ, et al. Developing and delivering a hybrid Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase II exercise program during the COVID-19 pandemic: a quality improvement program. BMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002202. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2022-002202
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Castro-García, M., & López-Villar, C. (2022). Efecto de la intervención “Deportigualízate” en las actitudes hacia la igualdad de profesionales de la educación física en formación. Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte, 17(54), 97-116. https:/ / 
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Rial-Vázquez, J, Rua-Alonso, M, Fariñas, J, Aracama, A, Tufano, JJ, Iglesias-Soler, E (2021) Heart rate responses and cardiovascular adaptations to resistance training programs differing in ser configuration Res Quar Exer Sport 10.1080/02701367.2021 2008203
Nieto-Guisado A., Solana-Tramunt M., Marco-Ahulló A., Sevilla-Sánchez M., Cabrejas C., Campos-Rius J., Morales J., The Mediating Role of Vision in the Relationship between Proprioception and Postural Control in Older Adults, as Compared to Teenagers and Younger and Middle-Aged Adults, Healthcare. 10 (2022) 103. 
M. Bibiloni, L. Gallardo-alfaro, F.G. Santiago, J. Wärnberg, M. Os, M. Gonz, S. Aznar, E. Mar, M. Gonz, L. Serra-majem, M. Segu, C. Lassale, C. Homs, J. Carlos, I. Labayen, A.G. Zapico, F. Jim, P.E. Alcaraz, M. Sevilla-Sanchez, E. Herrera-ramos, S. Pulgar, C. Sistac, H. Schröder, C. Bouzas, J.A. Tur, Combined Body Mass Index and Waist-to-Height Ratio and Its Association with Lifestyle and Health Factors among Spanish Children : The PASOS Study, Nutrients. (2022).
Jessica Rial-Vázquez, María Rúa Alonso, Juan Fariñas, Asier Aracama, James Tufano & Eliseo Iglesias-Soler (2022) Heart Rate Responses and Cardiovascular Adaptations to Resistance Training Programs Differing in Set Configuration: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Portorreal, S., Blanco, J., & Baptiste, G. (2022). Estrategias reflexivas para la enseñanza de la asignatura artes marciales. Revie, Revista de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa9(1), 38–53.
Libro de Actas I Congreso Internacional de Estudios de Danza y Sociedad 2021.GEDAS Grupo de investigación de estudios de danza y sociedad.Editoras: Maria Dolores Molina García; Ana Abad Carlés; Noelia Sidrach de Cardona; Beatriz Garrido López; Catalina Castro Colomer.Universidad Católica San Antonio, 2022
Otras publicaciones
Participación na creación da acta oficial da I Xornada Internacional “Sexismo no contexto físico-deportivo e experiencias para o cambio”, que tivo lugar, en formato en liña, os días 8 e 9 de outubro de 2021, organizada pola Universidade da Coruña e coa subvención do Instituto das Mulleres.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Martins, J., Marques, A., Peralta, M., Henriques-Neto, D, Onofre, M., González Valeiro, M., (2020). A Comparative Study of Participation in Physical Education Classes among 170,347 Adolescents from 54 Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 5579; doi:10.3390/ijerph17155579
Martins, J., Onofre, M., Mota, J. Murphy, C. Repond, R., Vost, H. Cremosini, B.,  Svrdlim, A. Markovic, M., Dudley, D. International approaches to the definition, philosophical tenets and core elements of physical literacy: A scoping review. Prospects. DOI:
Martins, J., Marques, A., Teixeira, P., Mota, J., Lopes, C., Nicola, P. (2020). Socio-demographic factors associated with physical activity and sitting time patterns in adults: an analysis based on the Portuguese Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey. European Journal of Sports Science. DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2020.1736643
Martins, J., Rodrigues, A., Marques, A., Cale, L., Carreiro da Costa, F. (2020). Adolescents’ experiences and perspectives on physical activity and friend influences over time. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2020.1739607
Perić, A., Rodrigues, A., Pankowska-Jurczyk, K., Batutis, O., Costa, J., Onofre, M., Martins, J. Middle school students’ views about physical Education: A comparative study between four European countries. Retos39, 296-402.
O’Brien, W. Adamakis, M., O’ Brien, N. Onofre, Martins, J. Dania, A. Makopoulou, K., Herold, F. Ng, K. & Costa, J. (2020): Implications for European Physical Education Teacher Education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-institutional SWOT analysis, European Journal of Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2020.1823963
Rial-Vázquez, J., Mayo, X., Tufano, J. J., Fariñas, J., Rúa-Alonso, M., & Iglesias-Soler, E. (2020). Cluster vs. traditional training programmes: changes in the force–velocity relationship. Sports Biomechanics, 1-19.
Iglesias-Soler E, Rúa-Alonso M, Rial-Vázquez J, Lete-Lasa JR, Clavel I, Giráldez-García MA, Rico-Díaz J, Corral MR-D, Carballeira-Fernández E and Dopico-Calvo X (2021) Percentiles and Principal Component Analysis of Physical Fitness From a Big Sample of Children and Adolescents Aged 6-18 Years: The DAFIS Project. Front. Psychol. 12:627834. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.627834
Iglesias-Soler, E., Rial-Vázquez, J., Boullosa, D., Mayo, X., Fariñas, J., Rúa-Alonso, M., & Santos, L. (2020). Load-velocity Profiles Change after Training Programs with Different Set Configurations. International Journal of Sports Medicine
Sevilla-Sanchez M, Hortobágyi T, Fogelson N, Iglesias-Soler E, Carballeira E, Fernandez-del-Olmo M. Small Enhancement of Bimanual Typing Performance after 20 Sessions of tDCS in Healthy Young Adults. Neuroscience 2021; 466:26–35.
Gómez SF, Homs C, Wärnberg J, Medrano M, Gonzalez-Gross M, Gusi N, et al. Study protocol of a population-based cohort investigating Physical Activity, Sedentarism, lifestyles and Obesity in Spanish youth: The PASOS study. BMJ Open 2020; 10:1–6.
Wärnberg J, Pérez-Farinós N, Benavente-Marín JC, Gómez SF, Labayen I, G. Zapico A, et al. Screen Time and Parents’ Education Level Are Associated with Poor Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Spanish Children and Adolescents: The PASOS Study. J Clin Med 2021;10:795.
Fernández-del-Olmo M, Sevilla-Sanchez M, Sanchez GM, Kidgell D, Milot MH, Selles RW, et al. Neuromodulation by non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS): a step back to move forward. Brazilian J Mot Behav 2021;15:61–4.
Luque-Casado A, Novo-Ponte S, Sanchez-Molina JA, Sevilla-Sanchez M, Santos-Garcia D, Fernandez-del-Olmo M. Test-Retest Reliability of the Timed Up and Go Test in Subjects with Parkinson’s Disease: Implications for Longitudinal Assessments. J Parkinsons Dis 2021:1–9.
Schröder H, Subirana I, Wärnberg J, Medrano M, González-Gross M, Gusi N, et al. Validity, reliability, and calibration of the physical activity unit 7 item screener (PAU-7S) at population scale. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2021;18:1–13.
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Iván, I. (2020, 28 de diciembre). Fútbol femenino: 3 variables que definen el éxito. Mundo Entrenamiento.
Iván-Baragaño, I. (2021, 7 de marzo). Big Data en el fútbol de 2021 ¿Información o sesgo?.
Capítulo de Libro
Castro-García, M., & López-Villar, C. (2021). Educando en igualdad a través del deporte: experiencias en educación infantil. In I. Aznar Díaz, J. A. López Núñez, M. P. Cáceres Reche, C. De Barros Camargo, & F. J. Hinoko Lucena (Eds.), Desempeño docente y formación en competencia digital en la era SARS COV2 (pp. 1102–1114). Dykinson.
Otras publicaciones
Iván-Baragaño, I., y Ardá, T. (2020, febrero 15). El fútbol de As nosas. La Voz de Galicia.
Ardá, T. y Iván-Baragaño, I. (2020, marzo 1). Adaptarse al contexto, la clave del partido. La Voz de Galicia.
Ardá, T. y Iván-Baragaño, I. (2020, junio 14). El fútbol sin aficionados y la facilitación social. La Voz de Galicia.
Revisión Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometría e Desempenho Humano.
Revisión Revista Apunts
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Eliseo Iglesias-Soler, Xian Mayo, Jessica Rial-Vázquez, Antonio Morín- Jiménez, Asier Aracama, Jose María Guerrero-Moreno & Slobodan Jaric (2019): Reliability of force-velocity parameters obtained from linear and curvilinear regressions for the bench press and squat exercises, Journal of Sports Science
Rial-Vázquez, J; Mayo, X; Tufano, J; Fariñas, J; Rúa-Alonso, M; Iglesias-Soler, E. (2020) Cluster vs. Traditional training programmes: changes in the force-velocity relationship. Sports Biomechanics.1-19
Rúa-Alonso, M., Mayo, X., Mota, J., Kingsley, J. D., & Iglesias-Soler, E. (2020). A short set configuration attenuates the cardiac parasympathetic withdrawal after a whole-body resistance training session. European journal of applied physiology.
Garcés Quilambaqui, R. G., Montero Ordoñez, L. F., & Suárez Garcés, W. R. (2019). El blog académico: herramienta didáctica en la formación integral de los estudiantes de Cultura Física. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes24(253), 66-80. Recuperado a partir de
Garcés Quilambaqui, R. G., Montero Ordoñez, L. F., & Suárez Garcés, W. R. (2019). El blog académico: herramienta didáctica en la formación integral de los estudiantes de Cultura Física. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes24(253), 66-80. Recuperado a partir de
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Castro-García, M., & López-Villar, C. (2020). Coeducando desde el deporte. Tándem: Didáctica de La Educación Física, (67), 63–68. 
Capítulo de Libro
Garces, R., & Zambrano, L. (2020). Sistematización de la Unidad Didáctica de Cultura Física: Actividades Deportivas en el Ámbito Universitario. En D. d. Machala, Sistematización de experiencias educativas innovadoras (págs. 75-92). Machala: UTMACH.
Otras publicaciones
Colaboradora, dentro del comité científico, en la revista "Utopías" del Grado en Danza de la Universidad Católica de Murcia.
Castro-García, M. (2020). V Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadorxs con Perspectiva de Género. Comunicación y Género3(2), 207–208.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Iglesias-Soler, E. Mayo, X. Rial-Vázquez, J. Morín-Jiménez, A. Aracama, A. Guerrero-Moreno, JM. Jaric, S. (2019) Relibility of force-velocity parameters obtained from linear and curvilinear regression for the bench press and squat exercises. Journal of Sport Science. 1-8
Fariñas, J. Mayo, X. Giráldez-García, MA. Carballeria, E. Fernández-del-Olmo, M. Rial-Vázquez, J. Kingsley, D. Iglesias-Soler, E. (2019) Set configuration in strength training programs modulates the cross education phenomenon.Journal of Strength and conditioning research. 00(00)/1-7
Alix-Fages, C., Romero-Arenas, S., Castro-Alonso, M., Colomer-Poveda, D., Río-Rodriguez, D., Jerez-Martínez, A., … Márquez, G. (2019). Short-Term Effects of Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Endurance and Maximal Force Production. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of clinical medicine8(4), 536. doi:10.3390/jcm8040536
Fariñas, J. Mayo, X. Giráldez-García, MA. Carballeria, E. Fernández-del-Olmo, M. Rial-Vázquez, J. Kingsley, D. Iglesias-Soler, E. (2019) Set configuration in strength training programs modulates the cross education phenomenon.Journal of Strength and conditioning research. 00(00)/1-7
1. Mayo X, Iglesias-Soler E, Fariñas-Rodríguez J, Fernández-Del-Olmo M, Kingsley JD. Exercise type affects cardiac vagal autonomic recovery after a resistance training session. J Strength Cond Res. 2016;30(9):2565–73. 
Iglesias-Soler E, Mayo X, Dopico X, Fernández-Del-Olmo M, Carballeira E, Fariñas J, et al. Effects of bilateral and non-dominant practices on the lateral preference in judo matches. J Sports Sci [Internet]. 2018;36(1):111–5. Available from:
Iglesias-Soler E, Mayo X, Río-Rodríguez D, Carballeira E, Fariñas J, Fernández-del-Olmo M. Inter-Repetition Rest Training and Traditional Set Configuration Produce Similar Strength Gains Without Cortical Adaptations. J Sports Sci. 2015;0414(December). 
Iglesias-soler E, Fariñas J, Mayo X, Santos L, Jaric S. Comparison of different regression models to fit the force – velocity relationship of a knee extension exercise. Sport Biomech [Internet]. 2018;3141:1–16. Available from:
Eliseo Iglesias-Soler; Miguel Fernández-del-Olmo;Xián Mayo; Juan Fariñas; Dan Río-Rodríguez; Eduardo Carballeira; Elvis A. Carnero; Robert A Standley; Manuel A. Giráldez-García; Xurxo Dopico-Calvo; and Jose Luis Tuimil. Changes in the Force-Velocity Mechanical Profile After Short Resistance Training Programmes Differing in Set Configurations. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. November 3, 2016. DOI:
Artículos en revistas nacionales
Claves de una vida activa. Juan Fariñas. Mundo entrenamiento revista electrónica ISSN 2444-2895
Cómo tratar la obesiadad. Juan Fariñas.  Mundo entrenamiento revista electrónica ISSN 2444-2895
obesidad y actividad física. Juan Fariñas.  Mundo entrenamiento revista electrónica ISSN 2444-2895
Esguince de tobillo: tratamiento y recuperación. Juan Fariñas. Mundo entrenamiento revista electrónica ISSN 2444-2895
Claves de la hipertrofia muscular. Juan Fariña. Mundo Entrenamiento revista electrónica.ISSN 2444-2895
Capítulo de Libro
Sanfiz-Arias, H. (2019). Optimización del proceso desde la auto-observación y compromiso del jugador. Propuesta de mixed methods en fútbol. Ruiz-Montero, P. & Baena-Extremera, A. (Ed), Metodologías activas en ciencias del deporte Vol. II, 35. Sevilla: Wanceulen.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Villaverde, E.J., Romero, O., Toja, B., González, M.A., & Fernándz-Villarino, M.A. (2018). Concepciones del alumnado en formación inicial, del profesorado en ejercicio y de los formadores de formadores sobre lo que significa ser un buen profesor de Educación Física. Egitania Sciencia, Edição Especial SIEFLAS, 57-68.
Iglesias-Soler, E; Mayo, X; Rial-Vázquez, J; Haff, G. (2018) Inter-individual variability in the load-velocity relationship is detected by multi-level mixed regression models. Sports Biomechanics. 
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Cantero. P.,Mayor, A., Fernández. M.A.,Toja. B. y González. M. (2017) Fomento de estilos de vida activos en la escuela: práctica de actividad física, edad y género. Revista Gymnasium. ISN1645-3298 Revista Gymnasium. ISSN 1645 – 3298
Villaverde, E.J., González, M.A., & Toja, M.B. (2017). El buen profesor de Educación Física desde la concepción del alumnado universitario en Galicia. Sportis. Scientific Technical Journal of School Sport, Physical Education and Psychomotricity, 3(2), 286-302. doi:
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Mayor, A., Cantero. P.., Fernández. M.A.,Toja. B. y González. M. (2016) Condiciones que debe cumplir una escuela para convertirse en promotora de estilos de vida activos para los alumnos. Revista Gymnasium. ISN1645-3298

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