PhD in Information Technology and Mobile Network Communication


Quality assurance

The UDC International Doctoral School (EIDUDC) is subject to an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) which governs all UDC PhD programmes ratified by Royal Decree-Law 99/2011, in compliance with EU Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA. For more information, see documentation relating to the UDC International Doctoral School Internal Quality Assurance System (Regulations for the implementation and administration of the International Doctoral School SGIC for UDC PhD programmes ratified under RD 99/2011; International Doctoral School IQAS Manual; International Doctoral School IQASProcedures).

Guidelines for the monitoring and supervision of the student learning process and outcomes are established in the IQAS Procedures document. The bodies and mechanisms responsible for the coordination, evaluation and continuous improvement of the programme of study are as follows:

Academic Committee for PhD Programmes (CAPD): university body responsible for the academic coordination of PhD programmes and academic decisions regarding PhD degree and degree candidates. The CAPD establishes the guidelines and procedures for the programme coordinator and all individuals involved in the degree. A UDC coordinator is appointed for all UDC PhD programmes ratified under RD 99/2011, including inter-university programmes operated by partner universities.

EIDUDC Quality Assurance Committee (CGC): body responsible for formulating and monitoring the SGIC and PhD degree programmes. The CGC also fulfils an internal communication role within the EIDUDC in relation to its objectives, plans, programmes and responsibilities. An annual monitoring report is produced by the EIDUDC Permanent Committee, acting in the name of the CGC.

Learning outcomes

The International Doctoral School IQAS sets out the standards and indicators applied by Academic Committees in relation to UDC PhD programmes for the measurement and analysis of learning outcomes and academic standards.

These indicators include the number of doctoral theses defended, ‘International Doctorate’ certifications awarded, PhDs completed within the published time scale (3-4 years), PhDs awarded and PhDs abandoned, in addition to the average timescale for completion of the degree.

Quality assurance

To ensure that the title is developed in accordance with the verification report presented the center conducts an annual monitoring report in accordance with the procedures of the center IQAS and results. This report is reviewed by the ACSUG, external evaluation agency.

The outcome of this analysis will emerge corrective actions and improvement proposals that achieve the intended objectives and the improvement of the degree.


In order to ensure proper standards and quality at UDC, a specific academic management committee of the PhD programme will be established.

González López, Miguel
Castedo Ribas, Luís

Program tracking facts

Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2022/2023 10
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2022/2023 3
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2022/2023 2
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2022/2023 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2022/2023 8
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2022/2023 12.5
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2022/2023 87.5
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2022/2023 12.5
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2022/2023 n/a
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2022/2023 n/a
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2022/2023 100
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2022/2023 33.33
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2022/2023 1
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2022/2023 100
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2022/2023 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2022/2023 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2022/2023 0
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2022/2023 1
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2022/2023 1,502
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2022/2023 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2022/2023 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2022/2023 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2022/2023 100
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2022/2023 0
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2022/2023 100
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2022/2023 100
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2022/2023 28.57
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2021/2022 10
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2021/2022 4
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2021/2022 2
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2021/2022 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2021/2022 11
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2021/2022 27.27
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2021/2022 81.82
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2021/2022 9.09
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2021/2022 9.09
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2021/2022 9.09
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2021/2022 n/a
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2021/2022 66.67
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2021/2022 0
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2021/2022 3
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2021/2022 66.67
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2021/2022 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2021/2022 33.33
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2021/2022 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2021/2022 0
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2021/2022 3
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2021/2022 1,379
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2021/2022 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2021/2022 1,851
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2021/2022 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2021/2022 33.33
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2021/2022 66.67
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2021/2022 33.33
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2021/2022 33.33
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2021/2022 0
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2020/2021 10
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2020/2021 2
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2020/2021 1
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2020/2021 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2020/2021 11
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2020/2021 100
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2020/2021 36.36
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2020/2021 90.91
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2020/2021 9.09
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2020/2021 n/a
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2020/2021 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2020/2021 9.09
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2020/2021 100
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2020/2021 0
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2020/2021 2
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2020/2021 66.67
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2020/2021 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2020/2021 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2020/2021 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2020/2021 0
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2020/2021 2
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2020/2021 1,611
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2020/2021 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2020/2021 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2020/2021 50
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2020/2021 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2020/2021 50
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2020/2021 100
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2020/2021 0
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2020/2021 0
Period Value
Places offered
Number of places for new students entering PhD (IPD01)
2019/2020 10
Number of applicants for PhD admission (IPD02)
2019/2020 5
First-time enrollment
Number of first-time enrollment students in PhD (IPD03)
2019/2020 3
First-time enrollment by adaptation
Number of first-time enrollment students in the program or students coming from other studies in extinction (IPD03.1)
2019/2020 0
Total enrollment
Total number of students enrolled (IPD04)
2019/2020 11
First-time enrollment coming from other universities
Ratio between the number of first-time enrolled students coming from other universities and the total number of first-time enrolled students in the program (IPD05)
2019/2020 33.33
Percentage of foreign students
Ratio between the number of foreign students enrolled and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD06)
2019/2020 27.27
Percentage of first-time enrolled students who need training complements
Ratio between the number of students enrolled who need training complements and the total number of new students enrolled in the programme (IPD07)
2019/2020 0
Percentage of full-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under full time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.1)
2019/2020 90.91
Percentage of partial-time enrollees
Ratio between the number of students under half time status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.2)
2019/2020 0
Percentage of enrollees under mixed status
Ratio between the number of students under mixed status and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD08.3)
2019/2020 9.09
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD (Outgoing)
Ratio between the number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (outgoing students) and the total number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD09.1)
2019/2020 9.09
Percentage of enrollees who carried out a stay passed by the CAPD at UDC (Incoming)
Number of students who carried out a stay as visiting researchers passed by the CAPD (incoming students) (IPD09.2)
2019/2020 n/a
Percentage of enrollees with a grant or pre-doctoral contract
Ratio between the number of students with a grant or pre-doctoral contract and the number of students enrolled in the programme (IPD11)
2019/2020 18.18
Percentage of theses defended by students who had several directors
Ratio between the number of theses defended by students of the programme who had several directors and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD14)
2019/2020 0
Percentage of examination board members coming from an foreign institution
Ratio between the number of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme coming from an foreign institution and the total umber of examination board members of thesis linked to the programme (IPD17)
2019/2020 0
Total number of defended thesis
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.1)
2019/2020 1
Percentage of defended thesis written by full-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under full time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.1)
2019/2020 100
Percentage of defended thesis written by partial-time students
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under partial time status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.2)
2019/2020 0
Percentage of defended thesis written by students under mixed status
Ratio between the total number of defended thesis written by students under mixed status and the total number of defended theses in the programme (IPD18.2.3)
2019/2020 0
Total number of tesis written in Galician
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Galician (IPD18.3.1)
2019/2020 0
Total number of tesis written in Spanish
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in Spanish (IPD18.3.2)
2019/2020 0
Total number of tesis written in other languages
Total number of defended thesis linked to the programme written in other languages (IPD18.3.3)
2019/2020 1
Average duration of studies of full-time students
Average duration of studies for students under full time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.1)
2019/2020 1,534
Average duration of studies of partial-time students
Average duration of studies for students under half time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.2)
2019/2020 n/a
Average duration of studies of students under mixed time status
Average duration of studies for students under mixed time status who defended a thesis (in days) (IPD18.4.3)
2019/2020 n/a
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses without asking for an extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses without asking for an extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.1)
2019/2020 0
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the first extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.2)
2019/2020 100
Success rate. Percentage of students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who defended their theses after asking for the second extension and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.5.3)
2019/2020 0
Percentage of "cum laude" theses
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with "Cum Laude" qualification and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.6)
2019/2020 100
Percentage of theses with International Component
Ratio between the number of defended theses linked to the programme with International Component and the total number of defended thesis linked to the programme (IPD18.7)
2019/2020 0
Dropout rate
Ratio between the number of doctoral students who cause permanent withdrawal from the X course and the total number of doctoral students who could re-enroll in this programme. (IPDx21)
2019/2020 0



This is a sample of the scientific production of the PhD students and is intended to guide prospective students interested in this program. Under no circumstances should it be considered a full and exhaustive list of all the scientific production of the students. The information is supplied by the PhD students themselves in a relatively unstructured manner but it has been checked and approved by the academic committee.

Artículos en revistas internacionales
D. P. Ruisánchez, O. Fresnedo, D. P. Adan, and L. Castedo, "DRL-Based Sequential Scheduling for IRS-Assisted MIMO Communications," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, vol. 72, no. 7, Feb. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3249353.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Ángel Niebla Montero, I. Froiz-Míguez, P. Fraga-Lamas, and T. M. Fernández-Caramés, "Practical Latency Analysis of a Bluetooth 5 Decentralized IoT Opportunistic Edge Computing System for Low-Cost SBCs," Sensors, vol. 22, no. 21, pp. 1-33, Oct 2022. DOI:
Iván Froiz-Míguez, Paula Fraga-Lamas, Tiago M. Fernández-Caramés. Design, Implementation, and Practical Evaluation of a Voice Recognition Based IoT Home Automation System for Low-Resource Languages and Resource-Constrained Edge IoT Devices: A System for Galician and Mobile Opportunistic Scenarios. IEEE Access. vol. 11. 2023
Ángel Niebla-Montero, Iván Froiz-Míguez, Paula Fraga-Lamas, Tiago M. Fernández-Caramés. Practical Latency Analysis of a Bluetooth 5 Decentralized IoT Opportunistic Edge Computing System for Low-Cost SBCs. Sensors vol. 22, pp. 8360. 2022
D. P. Ruisánchez, O. Fresnedo, D. P. Adan, and L. Castedo, "Deep Contextual Bandit and Reinforcement Learning for IRS-assisted MU-MIMO Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, vol. 72, no. 7, Feb. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3249353.
Otras publicaciones
D. P. Ruisánchez, O. Fresnedo, D. P. Adan, and L. Castedo, "A Robust DCB Approach to IRS-Assisted Vehicular Communications with ICSI," IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2023, doi: 10.1109/VTC2023-Spring57618.2023.10200206.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
D. Pérez-Adán, O. Fresnedo, J. P. González-Coma, and L. Castedo, "Intelligent Reflective Surfaces for Wireless Networks: An Overview of Applications, Approached Issues, and Open Problems," Electronics, vol. 10, no. 19, pp. 1-27, Sep 2021. DOI:
Otras publicaciones
Ruisánchez, D. P., Mirabal, D. G., Pupo, E. F., González, C. C., Pérez-Adán, D., & Cesar, F. A. (2021, August). Prediction of Signal Quality and SFN Interference Metrics Using Machine Learning Models. In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Domínguez-Bolaño, T., González, J. F. B., Adán, D. P., García-Naya, J. A., & Escudero, C. J. (2020). Uso de MediaWiki con datos estructurados para la gestión organizacional. In Contextos universitarios tranformadores: Boas prácticas no marco dos GID. (pp. 471-474). Servizo de Publicacións.
D. Pereira-Ruisánchez, D. Pérez-Adán, and L. Castedo, "A Deep Learning-Based Strategy to Predict Self-Interference in SFN DTT," in Proc. of the4th XoveTIC Conference 2021, A Coruña, Spain, Oct 2021, pp. 1-4. DOI:
Darian Pérez-Adán, Óscar Fresnedo, José P. González-Coma, and Luis Castedo, "Alternating minimization algorithm for multiuserRIS-assisted MIMOsystems Proc.of 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB), 2022, pp. 1–6.
Artículos en revistas internacionales, J. J. C., Rojas, D. L. H., Román, R. F. M., & García, C. D. R. (2021). Seguridad IoT: Principales amenazas en una taxonomía de activos. HAMUT'AY7(3), 51-59.
Francisco Laport, Daniel Iglesia, Adriana Dapena, Paula M. Castro, and Francisco J. Vazquez-Araujo 2021. "Proposals and Comparisons from One-Sensor EEG and EOG Human-Machine Interfaces" Sensors 21, no. 6: 2220.
Francisco Laport, Paula M. Castro, Adriana Dapena, Francisco J. Vazquez-Araujo, and Oscar Fresnedo. 2021. "Eye State Identification Based on Discrete Wavelet Transforms" Applied Sciences 11, no. 11: 5051.
Óscar Fresnedo, Francisco Laport, Paula M. Castro and Adriana Dapena. 2021. "Educational graphic tool for teaching fundamentals of digital image representation" Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 1-16.
Vidal-Balea, A.; Blanco-Novoa, O.; Fraga-Lamas, P.; Vilar-Montesinos, M.; Fernández-Caramés, T.M. Creating Collaborative Augmented Reality Experiences for Industry 4.0 Training and Assistance Applications: Performance Evaluation in the Shipyard of the Future. Appl. Sci.202010, 9073.
Picallo, I.; Vidal-Balea, A.; Blanco-Novoa, O.; Lopez-Iturri, P.; Fraga-Lamas, P.; Klaina, H.; Fernández-Caramés, T.M.; Azpilicueta, L.; Falcone, F., "Design and Experimental Validation of an Augmented Reality System With Wireless Integration for Context Aware Enhanced Show Experience in Auditoriums," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 5466-5484, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3048203
Vidal-Balea, A.; Blanco-Novoa, Ó.; Fraga-Lamas, P.; Fernández-Caramés, T.M. Developing the Next Generation of Augmented Reality Games for Pediatric Healthcare: An Open-Source Collaborative Framework Based on ARCore for Implementing Teaching, Training and Monitoring Applications. Sensors202121, 1865.
Froiz-Míguez, Iván, et al. "Design, implementation, and empirical validation of an IoT smart irrigation system for fog computing applications based on Lora and Lorawan sensor nodes." Sensors 20.23 (2020): 6865.
Vidal-Balea, Aida, et al. "Creating collaborative augmented reality experiences for industry 4.0 training and assistance applications: Performance evaluation in the shipyard of the future." Applied Sciences 10.24 (2020): 9073.
Picallo, Imanol, et al. "Design and Experimental Validation of an Augmented Reality System with Wireless Integration for Context Aware Enhanced Show Experience in Auditoriums." IEEE Access 9 (2020): 5466-5484.
Vidal-Balea, Aida, et al. "Developing the Next Generation of Augmented Reality Games for Pediatric Healthcare: An Open-Source Collaborative Framework Based on ARCore for Implementing Teaching, Training and Monitoring Applications." Sensors 21.5 (2021): 1865.
D. Pérez-Adán, Ó. Fresnedo, J. P. González-Coma and L. Castedo, "Wideband User Grouping for Uplink Multiuser mmWave MIMO Systems With Hybrid Combining," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 41360-41372, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3065581.
Mikel Celaya-Echarri, Iván Froiz-Míguez, Leyre Azpilicueta, Paula Fraga-Lamas, Peio Lopez-Iturri, Francisco Falcone, Tiago M. Fernández-Caramés. Building Decentralized Fog Computing-Based Smart Parking Systems: From Deterministic Propagation Modeling to Practical Deployment. IEEE Access. vol. 8, pp. 117666 - 117688. 25/06/2020
Iván Froiz-Míguez, Peio Lopez-Iturri, Paula Fraga-Lamas, Mikel Celaya-Echarri, Óscar Blanco-Novoa, Leyre Azpilicueta, Francisco Falcone, Tiago M. Fernández-Caramés. Design, Implementation, and Empirical Validation of an IoT Smart Irrigation System for Fog Computing Applications Based on LoRa and LoRaWAN Sensor Nodes, Sensors 2020, 20(23), 30/11/2020.
Otras publicaciones
D. Pérez-Adán, Ó. Fresnedo, J. P. González-Coma and L. Castedo, "Hybrid Combining Design for User Clustering in mmWave MIMO Systems," 2020 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SiPS50750.2020.9195228.
Domínguez-Bolaño, T., González, J. F. B., Adán, D. P., García-Naya, J. A., & Escudero, C. J. (2020). Uso de MediaWiki con datos estructurados para la gestión organizacional. In Contextos universitarios tranformadores: Boas prácticas no marco dos GID. (pp. 471-474). Servizo de Publicacións
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Manuel Suárez-Albela; Paula Fraga-Lamas; Tiago M. Fernández-Caramés. A Practical Evaluation on RSA and ECC-Based Cipher Suites for IoT High-Security Energy-Efficient Fog and Mist Computing Devices. Sensors 2018, 18, 3868 .
Manuel Suárez-Albela; Paula Fraga-Lamas; Luis Castedo; Tiago M. Fernández-Caramés. Clock Frequency Impact on the Performance of High-Security Cryptographic Cipher Suites for Energy-Efficient Resource-Constrained IoT Devices †. Sensors 2018, 19, 15 .
Paula Fraga-Lamas; Mikel Celaya-Echarri; Peio Lopez-Iturri; Luis Castedo; Leyre Azpilicueta; Erik Aguirre; Manuel Suárez-Albela; Francisco Falcone; Tiago M. Fernández-Caramés. Design and Experimental Validation of a LoRaWAN Fog Computing Based Architecture for IoT Enabled Smart Campus Applications. Sensors 2019, 19, 3287 .
Valentín Barral, Carlos J. Escudero, José A. García-Naya, and Roberto Maneiro-Catoira. “Nlos identification and mitigation using low-cost uwb devices”. Sensors, vol. 19, no. 16, 2019. ISSN : 1424-8220. DOI : 10.3390/s19163464. Online access:
Valentín Barral, Pedro Suárez-Casal, Carlos J. Escudero, and José A. García-Naya. “Multi-sensor accurate forklift location and tracking simulation in industrial indoor environments”. Electronics, vol. 8, no. 10, 2019. DOI : 10 . 3390 / electronics8101152. Online access: https : / / www. mdpi . com / 2079 -9292/8/10/1152
A. J. Rodríguez, R. Pastorino, Á. Carro-Lagoa, K. Janssens, and M. Á. Naya, "Hardware acceleration of multibody simulations for real-time embedded applications," Multibody System Dynamics, pp. 1-19, Apr 2020.DOI: 10.1007/s11044-020-09738-w
Francisco Laport, Emilio Serrano, Javier Bajo, Andrew T. Campbell, “A review of mobile sensing systems, applications, and opportunities”, Knowledge and Information Systems (2019): 1-30.
Francisco Laport, Emilio Serrano, Javier Bajo, "A multi-agent architecture for mobile sensing systems”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2019): 1-13.
Laport, F., Dapena, A., Castro, P. M., Vazquez-Araujo, F. J., & Iglesia, D. (2020). A Prototype of EEG System for IoT. International Journal of Neural Systems, 2050018-2050018.
Fernández-Caramés, Tiago M., et al. "Towards an autonomous industry 4.0 warehouse: A UAV and blockchain-based system for inventory and traceability applications in big data-driven supply chain management." Sensors 19.10 (2019): 2394.
Fernández-Caramés, Tiago M., et al. "Enabling the internet of mobile crowdsourcing health things: A mobile fog computing, blockchain and IoT based continuous glucose monitoring system for diabetes mellitus research and care." Sensors 19.15 (2019): 3319.
Fraga-Lamas, Paula, et al. "Design and Empirical Validation of a Bluetooth 5 Fog Computing Based Industrial CPS Architecture for Intelligent Industry 4.0 Shipyard Workshops." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 45496-45511.
Blanco-Novoa, Óscar, et al. "Creating the Internet of Augmented Things: An Open-Source Framework to Make IoT Devices and Augmented and Mixed Reality Systems Talk to Each Other." Sensors 20.11 (2020): 3328.
Darian Pérez Adán; Óscar Fresnedo Arias; José Pablo González Coma; Luis Castedo Ribas. User Grouping for the Uplink of Multiuser Hybrid mmWave MIMO. IEEE Access. DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2981280. pp. 1 - 19. IEEE, 16/03/2020.
Otras publicaciones
Laport, F., Dapena, A., Castro, P., & Vazquez-Araujo, F. (2018, July). Acquisition of general competences using project-based learning. In 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAD'18) (pp. 355-364). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.
José J. Lamas-Seco, Paula M. Castro, Francisco J. Vazquez-Araujo, Francisco Laport, Adriana Dapena, "Comparativa de técnicas de estimación de la velocidad puntual de vehículos usando sensores inductivos de doble bucle", XXXIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI 2018), setembro 2018, Granada, España.
Francisco Laport, Paula M. Castro, Francisco J. Vazquez-Araujo, Adriana Dapena, José J. Lamas-Seco, "Extracción y clasificación de características a partir de señales EEG", XXXIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI 2018), setembro 2018, Granada, España.
Francisco Laport, Francisco J. Vazquez-Araujo, Paula M. Castro, Adriana Dapena, "Novel approach to detect open and closed eyes using a Brain Computer Interface", IEEE Eighth Spanish Workshop on Signal Processing, Communication and Information Theory, (SIC18 Summer), 13 e 14 de setembro, 2018, A Coruña, España.
Laport, F., Vazquez-Araujo, F. J., Castro, P. M., & Dapena, A. (2018). Brain-computer interfaces for Internet of Things. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings, 2(18), 1179.
Laport, F., Vazquez-Araujo, F. J., Castro, P. M., & Dapena, A. (2019, June). Hardware and Software for Integrating Brain–Computer Interface with Internet of Things. In International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation (pp. 22-31). Springer, Cham
Laport, F., Vazquez-Araujo, F. J., Iglesia, D., Castro, P. M., & Dapena, A. (2019). A Comparative Study of Low Cost Open Source EEG Devices. In Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings (Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 40).
Oscar Fresnedo, Francisco Laport, Paula M. Castro, Adriana Dapena, Francisco J. Vazquez-Araujo, "Implementación de una suite gráfica para reforzar el aprendizaje en representación de contenido multimedia", XXV Edición de las Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI), July 2019, Murcia, Spain.
Óscar Fresnedo, Francisco Laport, Paula M. Castro, Adriana Dapena, "Implementación de una herramienta gráfica para el estudio de comunicaciones digitales", XXXIV Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI 2019), September 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
Francisco Laport, Francisco J. Vazquez-Araujo, Paula M. Castro, Adriana Dapena, "Estudio de la DFT deslizante para clasificación de estados oculares con bajo retardo", XXXIV Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI 2019), September 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
Paula M. Castro, Adriana Dapena, Francisco Laport, Óscar Fresnedo, "Herramienta colaborativa para la evaluación de una asignatura tecnológica en máster", XXXIV Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI 2019), September 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
Laport, F., Vazquez-Araujo, F. J., Iglesia, D., Castro, P. M., & Dapena, A. (2019). A Comparative Study of Low Cost Open Source EEG Devices. In Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings (Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 40).
Varios Autores. "I premio UDC sustentabilidade a traballos fin de grao e mestrado 2018." (2020). Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións. ISBN: 978-84-9749-783-1. DOI:
Suarez-Casal, P., Fresnedo, O., Gonzalez-Coma, J. P., Perez-Adan, D., & Castedo, L. (2020, February). Analog Transmission of Correlated Sources in SIMO MAC using Hexagonal Lattices. In WSA 2020; 24th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (pp. 1-6). VDE.
Pérez-Adán, D., González-Coma, J. P., Fresnedo, O., & Castedo, L. (2019, July). Hybrid mmWave MIMO Transceivers for the Uplink of Multiple Correlated Users. In 2019 IEEE 20th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Pérez-Adán, D., González-Coma, J. P., Fresnedo, Ó., & Castedo, L. (2019, September). Low-Complexity Hybrid Transceivers for Uplink Multiuser mmWave MIMO by User Clustering. In 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Suárez-Albela, M.; Fraga-Lamas, P.; Fernández-Caramés, T.M. A Practical Evaluation on RSA and ECC-Based Cipher Suites for IoT High-Security Energy-Efficient Fog and Mist Computing Devices. Sensors201818, 3868.
Jose Balsa, Tomas Domínguez-Bolaño, Oscar Fresnedo, José A. García-Naya, Luis Castedo. "Transmission of Still Images Using Low-Complexity Analog Joint Source-Channel Coding" Revista Sensors, Editorial MDPI, Julio 2019
Otras publicaciones
Jose Balsa, Tomás Domínguez-Bolano, Óscar Fresnedo, José A. García-Naya and Luis Castedo, "Image Transmission: Analog or Digital?", I Congreso XoveTIC, September 2018, A Coruña, Spain. DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2181163
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Hernandez-Rojas, Dixys, et al. "IoT Android Gateway for Monitoring and Control a WSN." International Conference on Technology Trends. Springer, Cham, 2017.
Hernández-Rojas, Dixys L., et al. "Design and Practical Evaluation of a Family of Lightweight Protocols for Heterogeneous Sensing through BLE Beacons in IoT Telemetry Applications." Sensors 18.1 (2017): 57.
Hernández-Rojas DL, Fernández-Caramés TM, Fraga-Lamas P, Escudero CJ. A Plug-and-Play Human-Centered Virtual TEDS Architecture for the Web of Things. Sensors. 2018; 18(7):2052.
Fernández-Caramés, T.M.; Fraga-Lamas, P.; Suárez-Albela, M.; Díaz-Bouza, M.A. A Fog Computing Based Cyber-Physical System for the Automation of Pipe-Related Tasks in the Industry 4.0 Shipyard. Sensors201818, 1961
Fernández-Caramés, T.M.; Fraga-Lamas, P.; Suárez-Albela, M.; Vilar-Montesinos, M. A Fog Computing and Cloudlet Based Augmented Reality System for the Industry 4.0 Shipyard. Sensors201818, 1798.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
T. M. Fernández-Caramés, P. Fraga-Lamas, M. Suárez-Albela, L. Castedo, "Reverse Engineering and Security Evaluation of Commercial Tags for RFID-Based IoT Applications", Sensors, Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp. 28; December 2016, DOI:10.3390/s17010028 2015 JCR Impact factor: 2.033 (Q1/T1 12/56 INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION).
J. P. Pérez-Expósito, T. M. Fernández-Caramés, P. Fraga-Lamas, L. Castedo, "VineSens: An Eco-Smart Decision Support Viticulture System", Sensors, Vol. 17, Issue 3, pp. 465; February 2017, DOI:10.3390/s17030465 2015 JCR Impact factor: 2.033 (Q1/T1 12/56 INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION).
P. Fraga-Lamas, D. Noceda-Davila, T. M. Fernández-Caramés, M. A. Díaz-Bouza, M. Vilar-Montesinos, "Smart Pipe System for a Shipyard 4.0", Sensors, Vol. 16., Issue 12, pp. 2186; December 2016, DOI:10.3390/s16122186 2015 JCR Impact factor: 2.033 (Q1/T1 12/56 INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION).
P. Fraga-Lamas, T. M. Fernández-Caramés, M. Suárez-Albela, L. Castedo, M. González-López, "A Review on Internet of Things for Defense and Public Safety", Sensors, Vol. 16, Issue 10, pp. 1644, October 2016, DOI:10.3390/s16101644. 2015 JCR Impact factor: 2.033 (Q1/T1 12/56 INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION).
M. Suárez-Albela, P. Fraga-Lamas, T. M. Fernández-Caramés, A. Dapena, M.González-López, "Home Automation System based on Intelligent Transducer Enablers", Sensors, Vol. 16, Issue 10, pp. 1595, September 2016, DOI:10.3390/s16101595. 2015 JCR Impact factor: 2.033 (Q1/T1 12/56 INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION).
P. Suárez-Casal, Á. Carro-Lagoa, J. A. García-Naya, P. Fraga-Lamas, L. Castedo, A. Morales-Méndez, "A Real-Time Implementation of the Mobile WiMAX ARQ and Physical Layer", Journal of Signal Processing Systems (Springer). Online published: June 2014, Online ISSN 1939-8115. Special Issue of the Springer Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Vol. 78 Issue 3, March 2015, Print ISSN 1939-8018, DOI: 10.1007/s11265-014-0890-3. 2015 JCR Impact factor: 0.508 (Q4/T3 212/255 ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC).
Á. Carro-Lagoa, P. Suárez-Casal, J. A. García-Naya, P. Fraga-Lamas, L. Castedo, A. Morales-Méndez, "Design and Implementation of an OFDMA-TDD Physical Layer for WiMAX Applications", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. Published: October 17, 2013. DOI: 10.1186/1687-1499-2013-243. 2013 JCR Impact factor: 0.805. (Q3/T2 165/248 ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC; Q3/T3 55/78 TELECOMMUNICATIONS)
P. Fraga-Lamas, J. Rodríguez-Piñeiro, J. A. García-Naya, L. Castedo, "Unleashing the Potential of LTE for Next Generation Railway Communications", Communication Technologies for Vehicles (Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles (Nets4Cars / Nets4Trains / Nets4Aircraft 2015)), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Editors: M. Kassab, M. Berbineau, A. Vinel, M. Jonsson, F. García, and J. Soler), vol. 9066, pp. 153–164, Sousse, Tunisia, May 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-17765-6_14, ISBN: 978-1-4799-8088-8. 2015 SJR Impact Factor: 0.252 (Q3 COMPUTER SCIENCE (MISCELLANEOUS))
Tomás Domínguez-Bolaño, José Rodríguez-Piñeiro, José A. G. Naya, and L. Castedo. "Experimental Characterization of LTE Wireless Links in High-Speed Trains". Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2017 (2017, DOI: 10.1155/6302).
Rodas, J., Barral, V., & Escudero, C. J. (2013). Architecture for multi-technology real-time location systems. Sensors13(2), 2220-2253.
Capítulo de Libro
Tiago M. Fernández-Caramés, Paula Fraga-Lamas, Manuel Suárez-Albela, Luis Castedo, Chapter title: “A methodology for evaluating security in commercial RFID systems”, in Radio Frequency Identification, 1st ed.; Edited by Crepaldi, P. C.; Pimenta, T. C.;  ISBN 978-953-51-4884-5, InTech: Rijeka, Croatia, 2017.
Otras publicaciones
José M. Camas, Antonio Morales, Luis Castedo, Paula Fraga, Colin Brown, Matthias Tschauner and Mehmet Hayri Kucuktabak, "LTE vs. WiMAX for Military Applications", Final Report of Task Group ET-IST-068, IST (Information Systems Technology) panel of NATO STO (Science and Technology Organization), DOI: 10.14339/STO-ET-IST-068, December 2015.
T. Domínguez-Bolaño, J. Rodríguez-Piñeiro, J. A. García-Naya, L. Castedo, "Throughput-Based Performance Evaluation of 5G-Candidate Waveforms in High Speed Scenarios" accepted at 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017), August 28th to September 2nd, 2017, Kos island, Greece.
Artículos en revistas internacionales
Implementación de un sistema de monitoreo remoto de una red de impresoras multi-funcionales basado en SNMP y programado con Labview.Authors: Dixys Leonardo Hernández Rojas, Hyxia Villegas Publication date: 2015/12/2 Journal: Revista Tecnológica-ESPOL  ISSN 1390-3659 Volume: 28 Issue: 4
Cloud computing con herramientas open-source para Internet de las cosas Authors: Ariel M Campoverde, Dixys L Hernández, Bertha E Mazón Publication date: 2015/12/5 Journal: Maskana  e-ISSN:  2477-8893   p-ISSN: 1390-6143Volume: 6Issue: Supl. Pages: 173-182
R. Maneiro-Catoira, J. C. Brégains, J. A. García-Naya and L. Castedo, "On the Feasibility of Time-Modulated Arrays for Digital Linear Modulations: A Theoretical Analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 6114-6122, Dec. 2014. doi: 10.1109/TAP.2014.2365827
Maneiro-Catoira, R.; Brégains, J.; García-Naya, J.A.; Castedo, L. "Impact of Time-Modulated Arrays on the BER of Linear Digital Modulations". Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 2015, 29, 2147–2154. doi: 10.1080/09205071.2015.1075908
R. Maneiro-Catoira, J. C. Brégains, J. A. García-Naya, L. Castedo, P. Rocca and L. Poli, "Performance Analysis of Time-Modulated Arrays for the Angle Diversity Reception of Digital Linear Modulated Signals," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 247-258, March 2017. doi: 10.1109/JSTSP.2016.2609852
R. Maneiro-Catoira, J. C. Brégains, J. A. García-Naya and L. Castedo, "Enhanced Time-Modulated Arrays for Harmonic Beamforming," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 259-270, March 2017. doi: 10.1109/JSTSP.2016.2627178
Á. Carro-Lagoa, P. Suárez-Casal, J. A. García-Naya, P. Fraga-Lamas, L. Castedo, A. Morales-Méndez, "Design and Implementation of an OFDMA-TDD Physical Layer for WiMAX Applications", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2013, no 1, 2013. DOI: 10.1186/1687-1499-2013-243
P. Suárez-Casal, Á. Carro-Lagoa, J. A. García-Naya, P. Fraga-Lamas, L. Castedo, A. Morales-Méndez, "A Real-Time Implementation of the Mobile WiMAX ARQ and Physical Layer", Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Vol. 78 Issue 3, March 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s11265-014-0890-3
Introducción al Laboratorio de Electrónica Analógica.ISBN: 978-9978-316-88-7Primera edición: 2015
Fundamento de los Sistemas Microprocesados IPrimera edición: 2015ISBN: 978-9978-316-89-4ISBN Obra completa: 978-9978-316-99-3
Fundamento de los Sistemas Microprocesados IIPrimera edición: 2015ISBN: 978-9942-24-006-4ISBN Obra completa: 978-9978-316-99-3
Fundamento de los Sistemas Microprocesados IIIPrimera edición: 2015ISBN: 978-9942-24-007-1ISBN Obra completa: 978-9978-316-99-3
Otras publicaciones
T. Domínguez-Bolaño, J. Rodríguez-Piñeiro, J. A. García-Naya, and L. Castedo, "Experimental Evaluation of 5G Modulation Schemes in Quasi-Static Scenarios", Proceedings of the 20th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2016), Mar. 2016, Munich, Germany
J. Rodríguez-Piñeiro, T. Domínguez-Bolaño, P. Suárez-Casal, J. A. García-Naya, L. Castedo, "Affordable Evaluation of 5G Modulation Schemes in High Speed Train Scenarios", Proceedings of the 20th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2016), Mar. 2016, Munich, Germany
T. Domínguez-Bolaño, J. Rodríguez-Piñeiro, J. A. García-Naya, L. Castedo, "The GTEC 5G Link-Level Simulator", accepted in the 1st International Workshop on Link- and System Level Simulations (IWSLS2 2016), July 1st 2016, Vienna, Austria
José Rodríguez-Piñeiro, Martin Lerch, Tomás Domínguez-Bolaño, José A. García-Naya, Sebastian Caban, Luis Castedo, "Experimental Assessment of 5G-Candidate Modulation Schemes at Extreme Speeds", accepted at the Ninth IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2016), 10th-13th July 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
J. Rodríguez-Piñeiro, T. Domínguez-Bolaño, J. A. García-Naya, L. Castedo, "Performance Assessment of 5G-Candidate Waveforms in High Speed Scenarios". 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2016), Valencia, Spain, September 2016.

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