MA in Advanced Studies in Museums, Archives and Libraries

2024/2025 · 60 credits

Quality assurance

All UDC centers have a Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS), verified by the Agency to Calidade do Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ACSUG) and ANECA in FIDES programs and AUDIT, respectively, and in accordance with the standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA. Within IQAS centers integrate all their degrees and masters. IQAS procedures established who and how to follow up and monitoring of the results and the student's learning process in the titration, establishing coordinating bodies and mechanisms, evaluation and continuous improvement of the studies, which are the academic comittee and the quality assurance commision of center.

Learning outcomes

The IQAS establish how UDC centers measure and analyze the learning outcomes. To do the IQAS uses rates and global indicators for assessing the quality of training provided. Included among the results, in addition to the fees included in the title verification reports (efficiency rates, graduation and dropout), assessment rates, success and performance. We compare the results obtained in the title with the center's results for each indicator.

Academic years results

Quality assurance

To ensure that the title is developed in accordance with the verification report presented the center conducts an annual monitoring report in accordance with the procedures of the center IQAS and results. This report is reviewed by the ACSUG, external evaluation agency.

The outcome of this analysis will emerge corrective actions and improvement proposals that achieve the intended objectives and the improvement of the degree.


In order to ensure proper standards and quality at UDC, an academic management committee and a quality assurance committee are appointed for each faculty/school. In addition to, each faculty/school will be able to establish a specific academic management committee of the study.

Santos Pita, Manuela Del Pilar
Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel Ángel
Comesaña Pérez, María Pilar
Montero Fenollós, Juan Luís
Vocal PDI
García Hurtado, Manuel Reyes
Vocal PDI
López Vizoso, José María
Vocal PDI
Romero Portilla, María de la Paz
Vocal PDI
Morado Ramos, María José
Vocal PAS
Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel Ángel
Vogal Coordinador de Título
Santos Pita, Manuela Del Pilar
Vogal Coordinadora de Título
Puime Guillén, Félix
Vogal Coordinador de Título
Alfaya Lamas, María Elena Francisc
Vogal Coordinadora de Título
Ruiz Astiz, Javier
Vogal Coordinador de Título
Montero Fenollós, Juan Luís
Vogal Coordinador de Título
Santos Pita, Manuela Del Pilar
Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel Ángel
Comesaña Pérez, María Pilar
Montero Fenollós, Juan Luís
Vocal PDI
Romero Portilla, María de la Paz
Vocal PDI
García Hurtado, Manuel Reyes
Vocal PDI
López Vizoso, José María
Vocal PDI
Morado Ramos, María José
Vocal PAS
Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel Ángel
Vogal Coordinador de Título
Santos Pita, Manuela Del Pilar
Vogal Coordinadora de Título
Puime Guillén, Félix
Vogal Coordinador de Título
Alfaya Lamas, María Elena Francisc
Vogal Coordinadora de Título
Ruiz Astiz, Javier
Vogal Coordinador de Título
Montero Fenollós, Juan Luís
Vogal Coordinador de Título

Study facts

Study data

Students enrollment Period Value
Students count 2023/2024 7
Men 2023/2024 3
Women 2023/2024 4
Credits enrolled Period Value
Total enrolled credits 2023/2024 420
Credits on 1st enrollment 2023/2024 420
Credits on 2nd enrollment 2023/2024 0
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above 2023/2024 0
% credits repeated 2023/2024 0
Academic results Period Value
Average credits by student 2023/2024 60
SEGUIMIENTO rates Period Value
Leaving rate 2021/2022 15.79

Centre data

Student enrollment Period Value
Students count 2023/2024 343
Men 2023/2024 49
Women 2023/2024 294
Credits enrolled Period Value
Total enrolled credits 2023/2024 19,680
Credits on 1st enrollment 2023/2024 18,540
Credits on 2nd enrollment 2023/2024 795
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above 2023/2024 342
% credits repeated 2023/2024 5.78
Academics results Period Value
Average credits by student 2023/2024 57.37

Study data

Students enrollment Period Value
Students count 2022/2023 27
Men 2022/2023 7
Women 2022/2023 20
Credits enrolled Period Value
Total enrolled credits 2022/2023 1,164
Credits on 1st enrollment 2022/2023 1,110
Credits on 2nd enrollment 2022/2023 33
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above 2022/2023 21
% credits repeated 2022/2023 4.64
Academic results Period Value
Average credits by student 2022/2023 43.11
Evaluation rate 2022/2023 94.07
Success rate 2022/2023 100
Performance rate 2022/2023 94.07
SEGUIMIENTO rates Period Value
Efficiency rate 2022/2023 94.12
Graduation rate 2021/2022 68.42
Leaving rate 2020/2021 13.64

Centre data

Student enrollment Period Value
Students count 2022/2023 356
Men 2022/2023 59
Women 2022/2023 297
Credits enrolled Period Value
Total enrolled credits 2022/2023 19,500
Credits on 1st enrollment 2022/2023 18,060
Credits on 2nd enrollment 2022/2023 1,065
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above 2022/2023 375
% credits repeated 2022/2023 7.38
Academics results Period Value
Average credits by student 2022/2023 54.78
Evaluation rate 2022/2023 93.63
Success rate 2022/2023 95.88
Performance rate 2022/2023 89.77

Study data

Students enrollment Period Value
Students count 2021/2022 29
Men 2021/2022 10
Women 2021/2022 19
Credits enrolled Period Value
Total enrolled credits 2021/2022 1,230
Credits on 1st enrollment 2021/2022 1,110
Credits on 2nd enrollment 2021/2022 60
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above 2021/2022 60
% credits repeated 2021/2022 9.76
Academic results Period Value
Average credits by student 2021/2022 42.41
Evaluation rate 2021/2022 86.83
Success rate 2021/2022 99.72
Performance rate 2021/2022 86.59
SEGUIMIENTO rates Period Value
Efficiency rate 2021/2022 98.04
Graduation rate 2020/2021 63.64
Leaving rate 2019/2020 5.88

Centre data

Student enrollment Period Value
Students count 2021/2022 343
Men 2021/2022 59
Women 2021/2022 284
Credits enrolled Period Value
Total enrolled credits 2021/2022 19,350
Credits on 1st enrollment 2021/2022 18,170
Credits on 2nd enrollment 2021/2022 840
Credits on 3rd enrollment and above 2021/2022 345
% credits repeated 2021/2022 6.12
Academics results Period Value
Average credits by student 2021/2022 56.41
Evaluation rate 2021/2022 93.12
Success rate 2021/2022 96.1
Performance rate 2021/2022 89.49

Master thesis works

These are the master thesis works that have been read in recent academic years. For more information, visit our search engine of final master thesis

Offer places

Offer available places last year and, for degree studies, you can also check the cut notes of those admitted by PAAU.

academic year 2023/2024
General offer 20