PhD in Literature Studies


Guidance, information and academic support

The PhD programme coordinator is appointed by the Academic Committee for PhD Programmes (CAPD) to deal with any issues which may arise over the course of the year, and to propose how the programme might be improved based on comments and feedback from students.

All PhD students are assigned a tutor by the CAPD from the pool of faculty staff and/or PhD programme partners.

The general duties of the tutor include: (i) ensure the flow of communication between student, CAPD and PhD supervisor; (ii) ensure student learning and research activities are in keeping with the programme of study; and (iii) offer advice and guidance in relation to teaching and research activities.

At the student’s request, a new tutor may be appointed at any time during the PhD, where reasonable grounds are shown.

Complementary studies

The Language Centre at the University of A Coruña offers courses to UDC staff and students and to the general public in the following languages: German, French, English, Portuguese and Italian. It also offers Spanish courses for foreign learners, aimed in particular at visiting students from other countries. Courses at the Language Centre are organised into 30-hour modules with multiple start-dates throughout the year, allowing students the flexibility they need in order to adapt to the different demands of each language or level. The Centre also offers a variety of conversation classes, and ACLES and IELTS certificate exams.

As part of their complementary studies, students may register for any of the Summer School programmes run by the University each year between July and September.

The IT Training Office offers introductory and more advanced courses for students to improve their knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses.

Employment and career development: the University of A Coruña offers a number of specific training and information services, aimed at improving the employment and career development prospects of its graduates. Courses focusing on professional skills training, job search technique, etc. are open to undergraduate students and recent graduates. For students in the final years of their degrees, the University also provides a solid network of practical training and extra-curricular work placement options.

Accommodation and services

Places in official University accommodation are available in A Coruña and Ferrol. For exchange students from abroad, there is a special agreement in place between the University and the accommodation management company in Coruña; the halls of residence in Ferrol (37 places) are administered directly by the University.

To ensure equality of opportunity and full integration in university life for students with access and functional needs, the UDC has put in place a Diversity Unit to increase knowledge and awareness of this issue among all members of the University community.

The Student Support Service provides students with general information about the University of A Coruña: entry requirements, course guides, postgraduate programmes, UDC-specific degrees, enrolment, grants and scholarships, certification of documents and studies, etc.

Thanks to IT services, all desktop computers in the University are connected to the internet, and wifi access is available in all buildings on campus.

The University of A Coruña currently offers 4969 reading stations in its libraries and study rooms. The UDC Library comprises the Central Library and 16 satellite libraries spread out over the different faculties and schools, housing more than 804,000 books and over 9000 journals. The UDC institutional repository provides free online access to more than 8000 files and resources, including the collection of PhD theses awarded by the University. Opening hours for study areas are extended during exam periods.

Sports and cultural activities

The UDC Arts and Culture Office coordinates a range of different events and activities, including cinema, music and theatre. An alternative cultural platform, called NORMAL, has been introduced by the University as a creative space for more experimental arts actions.

The sports complexes in A Coruña and Ferrol offer a wide range of activities, classes, events and facilities.

Campus life

The University earmarks specific funding for activities organised and managed by student societies and clubs.

Elected student representatives are present on all University boards and councils.

The University Ombudsman is responsible for safeguarding the rights and freedoms of all members of the University community, as well as listening to complaints, requests and suggestions from all stakeholders in the University.

The Office of Cooperation and Volunteering (currently a division of the Office of the Vice-President of International Relations and Cooperation) is responsible for the coordination, management and promotion of UDC objectives in relation to social volunteerism and development cooperation. The Office organises volunteer training courses and projects, coordinates awareness-raising initiatives, and offers development cooperation grants.