Automation and Industrial Electronics Engineering

2023/2024 · 240 credits

What you learn

Estudiarás en primer lugar la base científica y técnica común a todo ingeniero, para continuar con conocimientos de la rama industrial; finalmente, cursaras las materias de la especialidad de electrónica industrial y automática. En optatividad, además de poder elegir Prácticas en empresa o Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, podrás optar por una intensificación en Industria 4.0 con materias de plena actualidad como: Fabricación aditiva, Realidad aumentada y simulación de procesos, Internet de las cosas (IoT), Robótica, Big Data y Análisis de Datos u otra en la que profundizarás en Robótica, Electrónica y Control con materias como: BIM y edificios inteligentes, Robótica Industrial, Control Avanzado, Control Inteligente y Sistemas de Supervisión y Diseño de Equipos Electrónicos.

Professional and academic career

Professional environment

Podemos encontrar Ingenieros en sectores tan diversos como el sanitario, servicios, docente, gestión, I+D+I, producción o administraciones públicas.

Sus conocimientos y saber hacer le permiten acceder a puestos de trabajo y perfiles muy variados como pueden ser: proyectos y dirección de obra, mantenimiento, organización industrial y de la producción, asistencia técnica y/o comercial, gestión de compras y aprovisionamientos, calidad y medio ambiente, asesoría y consultoría, seguridad y salud, o Investigación Desarrollo e Innovación.

Professional and academic career

Los graduados en Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automática pueden ejercer la profesión de Ingeniero Técnico Industrial, tanto en el ámbito de la Administración y Organismos Públicos (incluyendo la docencia), como en el de la empresa privada, o bien ejercerla como profesional libre en cualquier sector de la industria.

Trabajarás en:

  • Sistemas electrónicos industriales...
  • Automatización de procesos, visualización y control de plantas industriales...
  • Robótica, informática industrial...
  • Gestión electrónica de la energía, domótica...
  • Tecnologías habilitantes de la Industria 4.0

Companies and institutions involved

La Escuela Politécnica de Ingeniería de Ferrol dispone de convenios de colaboración educativa con más de 80 empresas, entre las que se encuentran: ALCOA, ENDESA GENERACIÓN S.A., FERROVIAL, GAMESA, GAS NATURAL SDG S.A., NAVANTIA, RED ELÉCTRICA, REGANOSA…

Planning for teaching

Study structure

The degrees are organized by courses. Click on a academic year for more information.

  Guide Type QTR. credits
Calculus Core 1st 6 ECTS
Physics I Core 1st 6 ECTS
Chemistry Core 1st 6 ECTS
Engineering Drawing Core 1st 6 ECTS
Business Management Core 1st 6 ECTS
Computer Science Core 2nd 6 ECTS
Linear Algebra Core 2nd 6 ECTS
Physics II Core 2nd 6 ECTS
Statistics Core 2nd 6 ECTS
Materials Science Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
Differential Equations Core 1st 6 ECTS
Thermodynamics Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Fundamentals of Electricity Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Environmental Engineering Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Theory of Machines Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Manufacturing Processes Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
Fluid Mechanics Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
Automatic Control Systems Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
Strength of Materials Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
Electric Systems Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Analog Electronics Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Digital Electronics Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Automation I Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Industrial Computing Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Digital Systems I Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
Electronic Instrumentation I Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
Control Engineering Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
Industrial Drawing and CAD With restrictions Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Industrial Mantenience With restrictions Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Electric and Industrial Installations With restrictions Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Polymers in Electronics With restrictions Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Industrial Robotics Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Additive Manufacturing Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Augmented Reality Process Simulation Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
BIM and Intelligent Buildings Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
Digital Systems II Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Technical Office Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Power Electronics Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Automation II Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Industrial Management/Industrial Organisation Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
Electronic Instrumentation II With restrictions Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Design of Electronic Equipment With restrictions Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Industrial Robotics With restrictions Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Advanced Control With restrictions Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Intelligent Control Systems With restrictions Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Diagnostic and Supervision of systems With restrictions Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
Final Year Dissertation Compulsory 2nd 12 ECTS
Internet of Things (IoT) Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS
Robotics Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS
Data Analysis Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS
Advanced Control Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS
Smart Control Monitoring Systems Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS
Design of Electronic Equipment Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS
Work Placement Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS
Prevention of Occupational Risks Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS

 BOE with syllabus (PDF)


The study is taught by teachers from the departments of: Architectural, Civil and Aeronautical Buildings and Structures, Business, Chemistry, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technologies, Economics, Industrial Engineering, Mathematics, Nautical Sciences and Marine Engineering, Naval and Industrial Engineering and Physics and Earth Sciences

The degrees are organized by courses. Click on a academic year for more information.

Student mobility

UDC holds student mobility agreements with universities and other third-level institutions across four continents. Students are offered several opportunities each year to apply to study abroad in one of these centres (for a single term or for a whole year), with the guarantee that all credits obtained will be duly recognised in their academic record upon their return.

For each round of applications, the University publishes the list of exchange options available to students and, where relevant, the specific conditions associated with each. Students may also apply to the University for funding for international work experience placements and internships.

Work experience placements are accredited in the student's academic record and the European diploma supplement. Students are free to decide in which host company or academic institution within the EHEA they wish to carry out their placement. To assist them in their search, the University has created an online noticeboard with jobs postings and other news.

Work-study placements in A Coruña are arranged by the International Relations Office (ORI) of the UDC in collaboration with the international relations coordinators in the student’s home university. The general entry criteria, rights and obligations of students, and admission and acceptance procedures for the programme, are regulated by the UDC Mobility Policy.

Particular centre actions

La Escuela mantiene convenios de intercambio con universidades e instituciones de educación superior de toda Europa. Cada año se publican varias convocatorias de movilidad de para que puedas cursar parte de tus estudios en una de esas, obteniendo pleno reconocimiento académico en tu expediente.