Degree in Technical Architecture

2024/2025 · 240 credits

What you learn

Current Spanish legislation conforms the profession of Technical Architect as a regulated profession, the exercise of which requires the possession of the corresponding official degree. Order ECI/3855/2007, of December 27, establishes the requirements for the verification of the official university degrees that habilitates for the exercise of the profession of Technical Architect.

Such Order sets the skills which students must acquire, and they are listed in the Study Plan of the Technical Architecture degree in the University of A Coruña:

1. Managing the material execution of the building work, the utilities and elements, carrying out the quality and quantity control of the building process through the setting and management of the materials control plans, systems and execution of the building work, preparing the corresponding records for their incorporation to the "Building Book". Carrying the economic control of the building work, preparing the certifications and the liquidation of the executed work.

2. Writing down health and safety studies and plans and coordinating the activity of the companies in relation to safety and occupational health in building construction works, both at the project and execution stages.

3. Carrying out technical activities such as calculations, measurements, appraisals and studies of economic viability; carrying out assessments, inspections, pathology analysis and analogous studies, and writing down reports, judgements and the corresponding technical documents; plan surveying for land plots and buildings.

4. Preparing the technical projects and executing the direction of building work within the environment of their legal habilitation..

5. Managing the new building technologies and participating in the processes of building quality management; executing analysis, assessments and certifications on energy efficiency, and also studies on building sustainability.

6. Directing and managing the use, conservation and maintenance of buildings, writing down the necessary technical documents. Elaborating life-cycle assessments for materials, construction systems and buildings. Managing demolition and construction waste.

7. Technical counselling on the manufacturing processes of the materials and elements used in building construction.

8. Managing the real-estate process as a whole. Executing the technical representation of building companies on the building work site.

All the above guarantees that the Technical Architecture graduate, due to his or her academic preparation, develops a wide range of activities in the fields of building construction and construction in general.

Complete study skills

Professional and academic career

Professional and academic career

Directors of work execution:

Exclusive professional responsibility, fulfilling the following tasks:

  • Reception of materials, products and construction systems
  • Quality control for the work units
  • Budget control, assessment, certification and economic settlement of the work
  • Quantity surveyors
  • Worksite managers:

  • representatives for the constructor on the worksite
  • responsible for the organization and planning of the jobs
  • coordination of subcontractors
  • management of auxiliary means
  • Economic management of subcontractors
  • Writing up Studies and Health and Safety Plans.

    Health and Safety coordinators during the project and execution stages of works.

    Court and forensic experts: writing up technical reports for its inclusion in court procedures, experts at the service of insurance companies in case of building disasters.

    Members of technical boards and boards of construction companies and real estate developers, responsible for:

  • Writing up budgets and offers.
  • Realization of feasability studies for real estate developments etc.
  • Real estate management and administrative processing of building plans and projects.
  • Technicians for construction companies or auxiliary building companies, manufacturers, distributors and/or installers of products and construction systems.

    Bills of quantities, estimations and real estate assessments for the constitution of mortgages garanteed by real estate or other purposes.

    Technicians for studies: cooperation for the writing of building partial projects, engineering, urban planning, decoration and so on.

    Writing projects for the restoration or refurbishment of buildings or premises.

    Issue certificates of energy qualification and of technical inspection reports.

    Technicians for public administrations.

    Teaching in high schools and bachelor and master's university degrees related with the building sector.

    Planning for teaching

    This study has teaching guide
    You can read it to learn more about the study. In the table below you can see the individual teaching guides for each subject.

    Study structure

    The degrees are organized by courses. Click on a academic year for more information.

      Guide Type QTR. credits
    Mathematical Basics for Building Core annual 9 ECTS
    Descriptive and Representation Geometry Core annual 9 ECTS
    Architectural Graphic Expression I Core 1st 6 ECTS
    Mechanical Basics of Building Structures Core 1st 6 ECTS
    Construction Materials I Core 1st 6 ECTS
    Construction I Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Building Structures I Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Phisical Basics of Building Facilities Core 2nd 6 ECTS
    Digital Graphic Tools for Building Core 2nd 6 ECTS
      Guide Type QTR. credits
    Economy and Organization of Building Companies Core 1st 6 ECTS
    Building Structures II Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Building Facilities I Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Construction Materials II Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Urban Planning and Administrative Procedures Core 1st 6 ECTS
    Construction II Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Building Structures III Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Architectural Graphic Expression II Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Construction Materials III Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Topography and Setting out Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
      Guide Type QTR. credits
    Quality and Sustainability in Building Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Foundations and Geotechnics Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Construction III Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Building Facilities II Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Technical Projects I Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Construction IV Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Construction V Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Auxiliary Equipment in Building Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Technical Projects II Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Labour Safety and Prevention Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS

     BOE with syllabus (PDF)


    The study is taught by teachers from the departments of: Architectural Graphics, Architectural Projects, Urban Planning and Composition, Architectural, Civil and Aeronautical Buildings and Structures, Business, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technologies, Industrial Engineering, Languages and Literatures, Mathematics, Physics and Earth Sciences and Private Law

    The degrees are organized by courses. Click on a academic year for more information.

    Student mobility

    UDC holds student mobility agreements with universities and other third-level institutions across four continents. Students are offered several opportunities each year to apply to study abroad in one of these centres (for a single term or for a whole year), with the guarantee that all credits obtained will be duly recognised in their academic record upon their return.

    For each round of applications, the University publishes the list of exchange options available to students and, where relevant, the specific conditions associated with each. Students may also apply to the University for funding for international work experience placements and internships.

    Work experience placements are accredited in the student's academic record and the European diploma supplement. Students are free to decide in which host company or academic institution within the EHEA they wish to carry out their placement. To assist them in their search, the University has created an online noticeboard with jobs postings and other news.

    Work-study placements in A Coruña are arranged by the International Relations Office (ORI) of the UDC in collaboration with the international relations coordinators in the student’s home university. The general entry criteria, rights and obligations of students, and admission and acceptance procedures for the programme, are regulated by the UDC Mobility Policy.