Degree in Nautic and Maritime Transport

2024/2025 · 240 credits

What you learn

Courses of the study plan ensure learning the skills related with the operation, nautical management and commercial exploitation of the ship, such as the planning and direction of the navigation, manoeuvre and government of the ship, stowage, load and security.

Graduates acquire a very wide training, which also allows the access to other activities of the maritime field, such as administration, societies of classification and shipowners.

Complete study skills

Generic skills

The generic competences are designed for students reach knowledges, skills and useful attitudes to develop themselvers not only in the professional field but also in the daily life, inside a critical and changing society .

Thereby, the study plan collects, among others, skills such as:

  • Develop for the exercise of an open citizenship, literate, critical, committed, democratic and solidaria.
  • Value críticamente the knowledge, the technology and the available information to resolve the problems with which have to confront
  • Apply the knowledges to his work or vocation of a professional form

Specific skills

The specific skills guarantee the neccesary knowledge for the exercise of the profession of Deck Officer and develop in the Degree's specific subjects.

The following can be noted:

  • Planing and management of navigation ensuring safety and environmental protection
  • Perform all operations related to cargo safety and security systems, fire fighting, maintenance of deck equipment, signals, communications, docking, etc.
  • Leadership for the organization and management of the crew.
  • Perform inspections, fault identification and analysis, contingency plans and security management.
  • Transversal skills

    Transversal competences enable students to develop and apply their own skills in various activities. We highlight, versatility, communicate effectively, teamwork, initiative, social responsibility, etc...

    Professional and academic career

    • Chief Mate of Merchant Navy, as it collects the RD 269/2022 (BOE-A-2022-6047)
    • Maritime Administration. Shipowners. Audit, Inspection and Societies of Classification of ships. Shipyards. Ports. Ship's Agencies. Education.

    Professional and academic career

    • Maritime administration
    • Shipowners
    • Maritime Insurance
    • Pilotage
    • Shipyards
    • Customs Surveillance
    • Maritime Traffic Control
    • Nautical-sport Installations
    • Ship Inspection.
    • Education and access to the Master and PH Degree

    Companies and institutions involved

    Empresas e Instituciones de distintos ámbitos colaboran para potenciar las competencias adquiridas por los estudiantes fundamentalmente a través de convenios de prácticas. Destacan empresas navieras, astilleros, aseguradoras, prácticos, entre otras. En cuanto a Instituciones, destacan Salvamento Marítimo y la Autoridad Portuaria de La Coruña.

    Planning for teaching

    Lessons in Spanish, Galego and/or English in accordance with the subjet's study guide.

    This study has teaching guide
    You can read it to learn more about the study. In the table below you can see the individual teaching guides for each subject.

    Study structure

    The degrees are organized by courses. Click on a academic year for more information.

      Guide Type QTR. credits
    Mathematics I Core 1st 6 ECTS
    Technical Drawing Core 1st 6 ECTS
    Phisics Core 1st 6 ECTS
    Naval Construction Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Bussiness and Law Core 1st 6 ECTS
    Naval Hygiene and Risks at Work Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Mathematics II Core 2nd 6 ECTS
    Chemistry Core 2nd 6 ECTS
    Informatics Core 2nd 6 ECTS
    English Core 2nd 6 ECTS
      Guide Type QTR. credits
    Maritime Economics Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Navigation I Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Ship's Energy and Auxiliary Systems Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Electricity and Electronics Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Ship's Theory I Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Ship Manoeuvering I Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Maritime Safety Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Maritime Technical English Core 2nd 6 ECTS
    Applied Informatics Core 2nd 6 ECTS
    Celestial Navigation Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
      Guide Type QTR. credits
    Cargo Stowage Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Meteorology and Oceanography Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Maritime Law I Compulsory 1st 6 ECTS
    Navigation II Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Ship Manoeuvering II Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Navigation and Communications Systems Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Maritime Surveys Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Marine and atmospheric pollution Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    Maritime Radiocommunications Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
    Tankers Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
    Shipping Management Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
    International Codes and Conventions Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
    Mangement of Safety, Quality and Maritime Environment Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
    Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea and Accident Investigation Compulsory 2nd 6 ECTS
    BRM & ISM & ISPS Optional 2nd 6 ECTS
      Guide Type QTR. credits
    Special Cargoes Transport Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Nautical simulation Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Maritime Law II Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Ship's Theory II Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Pollution Management Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Maritime Administration Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Ship's Maintenance and Inspections Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Operator of Control Traffic Service and Search and Rescue Coordination Headquarters Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Maritime accidents Investigation Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Project Management Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Marine Cargo Surveying Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Maritime Business English Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Management of Nautical Sport Installations Optional 1st 6 ECTS
    Work Placement Optional 2nd 24 ECTS
    Work Placement Optional 2nd 9 ECTS
    Regulation and Control Systems Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS
    Applied English Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS
    Heavy Loads and Project Cargoes Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS
    Management of Nautical Clubs Optional 2nd 4.5 ECTS
    Final Year Dissertation. Ship's Nautical Operation Compulsory 2nd 12 ECTS
    Final Year Dissertation. Management and Maritime Administration Compulsory 2nd 12 ECTS

     BOE with syllabus (PDF)


    The study is taught by teachers from the departments of: Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technologies, Economics, Health Sciences, Industrial Engineering, Languages and Literatures, Mathematics, Nautical Sciences and Marine Engineering, Physics and Earth Sciences and Private Law

    The degrees are organized by courses. Click on a academic year for more information.

    Student mobility

    UDC holds student mobility agreements with universities and other third-level institutions across four continents. Students are offered several opportunities each year to apply to study abroad in one of these centres (for a single term or for a whole year), with the guarantee that all credits obtained will be duly recognised in their academic record upon their return.

    For each round of applications, the University publishes the list of exchange options available to students and, where relevant, the specific conditions associated with each. Students may also apply to the University for funding for international work experience placements and internships.

    Work experience placements are accredited in the student's academic record and the European diploma supplement. Students are free to decide in which host company or academic institution within the EHEA they wish to carry out their placement. To assist them in their search, the University has created an online noticeboard with jobs postings and other news.

    Work-study placements in A Coruña are arranged by the International Relations Office (ORI) of the UDC in collaboration with the international relations coordinators in the student’s home university. The general entry criteria, rights and obligations of students, and admission and acceptance procedures for the programme, are regulated by the UDC Mobility Policy.

    Particular centre actions

    A través del Programa Erasmus+, el Centro cuenta con convenios de estudios con Universidades de Polonia, Finlandia, Bélgica, Portugal y Lituania, a través de los cuales los alumnos pueden realizar una estancia de un curso académico en el extranjero y con reconocimiento posterior en sus estudios de origen.