PhD in Applied Physics


What you learn

The students will be able to opt by three specialties:

  • Physical Applied to Material.
  • Physical Applied to the Environment.
  • Technologies laser applied.

Students can integrate in any of these lines of investigation:

  • Thermophysics of Liquids.
  • Science and Technology of Polymers.
  • Applied Physics to Environment.
  • Technologies Laser Applied.
  • Computational Physics.

Generic skills

Systematic understanding of a field of study and command of the skills and methods of investigation related with said field.

Capacity to conceive, design or create, put in practice and adopt a substantial process of investigation or creation.

Capacity to contribute to the extension of the borders of the knowledge through an original investigation.

Capacity to realize a critical analysis and of evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.

Capacity of communication with the academic and scientific community and with the society in general about his fields of knowledge in the ways and languages of usual use in his international scientific community.

Capacity to boost, in academic and professional contexts, the scientific advance, technological, social, artistic or cultural inside a society based in the knowledge.

Develop a work and ethical scientific analysis and responsible.

Purchase rigour and for the development of the scientific thought- technical.

Use with property and precision the terms and own concepts of the physics applied.

Know and analyse the characteristics of the physics of materials, of the lasers and environmental physics.

Know the methodology of investigation in the distinct fields of the Physics Applied.

Respect the fundamental rights of equality of opportunities, as well as the universal accessibility of the people with disability.

Specific skills

Know the basic principles of the scientific method and his application to resolution of applications related with the Physics Applied.

Purchase a perspective on the role that the Physics plays in the development of industrial and technological applications.

Know and comprise the foundations of the microscopic description of the distinct states of the matter to classical and quantum level.

Know the common basic principles applicable to the modelling of complex systems.

Comprise the applicable general principles to the experimental determination of a physical magnitude in a laboratory.

Know the variables and magnitudes involucradas in the process of characterisation of material.

Know the physical principles that govern the behaviour of molecular fluids.

Comprise the importance of the polymers in the industry, his distinct types and main applications.

Know the relations between Physics Applied and description of environmental processes.

Know the physical and main foundations applications of the lasers.

Professional and academic career

Professional and academic career

The labour market of the doctorate of Physics Applied extends from the educational places and researchers in the areas related with the doctorate to the incorporation in companies and organisms related with the environment, the technology in the field of the health, new materials, photonic, etc.

Companies and institutions involved

The doctorate keeps numerous collaborations so much to local level, national and international that materialise in the exchange of professors and students by means of the programs of mobility. Tambien Keeps collaborations with public and private entities and with numerous companies.

Research lines

This are the main research lines for current study.

  • Análisis termodinámico de mezclas poliméricas
  • Aplicaciones industriales de los láseres
  • Astrobiología
  • Caracterización Termofísica de líquidos iónicos a alta temperatura
  • Corrientes Persistentes en superconductores de alta temperatura crítica.
  • Fenómenos Críticos en líquidos y mezclas líquidas.
  • Física Aplicada al Medio Ambiente
  • Física de la atmósfera
  • Fotónica
  • Medida de propiedades físicas de líquidos iónicos puros y mezclados con disolventes orgánicos, sales inorgánicas y polímeros.
  • Medida de propiedades físicas de mezclas de líquidos moleculares
  • Metrología Óptica
  • Modelización Hidrodinámica
  • Nanofluidos
  • Nanopartículas
  • Nuevos Materiales
  • Oceanografía Física
  • Oceanografía Operacional
  • Procesado de materiales poliméricos
  • Propiedades Dieléctricas
  • Propiedades mecánicas de materiales poliméricos
  • Química analítica del plástico
  • Refrigerantes
  • Reología y análisis térmico de los biopolímeros
  • Simulación Molecular en líquidos y mezclas líquidas
  • Tecnología de elastómeros

Planning for teaching

Additional subject teaching

Candidates who do not meet all the necessary prior learning conditions for the programme may be required to complete additional courses in the form of subjects and modules from UDC Master’s and undergraduate programmes. The number of credits from additional subject teaching will not exceed 15 ECTS credits, which students may choose to complete before or after enrolment in the PhD programme.

Students who do not opt to complete additional coursework prior to enrolment should register for their extra subjects or modules at the same time as the PhD. Failure to complete additional coursework within a period of three consecutive terms will result in the termination of the student’s registration.

See also UDC PhD Policies and Regulations, Article 16: Applications.

EIDUDC teaching and training activities

EIDUDC teaching and training activities

Programme-specific teaching and training activities

The PD in Applied Physics does not contemplate generic training activities for the doctoral students, but each tutor/director of the doctoral thesis work will be in charge of proposing the specific will be in charge of proposing specific training activities associated with the line of research in which the doctoral student is working.research line in which the doctoral student is developing his/her work.

Supervision agreement

The PhD supervision agreement defines the academic relationship between the candidate and the University, the rights and responsibilities of each (including any intellectual and/or industrial property rights resulting from the candidate’s research), the procedures in place in relation to conflict resolution, and the duration of the agreement. It also specifies the duties of the PhD tutor and supervisor.

The supervision agreement must be signed by the candidate, tutor and designated university representative (or representatives) within a maximum period of one month as from the date of registration. The supervisor’s signature may be added subsequently, once a supervisor has been appointed.

When the document has been signed by all the relevant parties, the agreement is then added to the candidate’s record of activities.

See also UDC PhD Policies and Regulations, Article 31: Supervision agreement.

Research plan

The candidate must prepare a research plan within six months of registration, with information regarding methodology, objectives, resources and milestones. The research plan is submitted together with the report of the supervisor and/or tutor for approval by the Academic Committee for PhD Programmes (CAPD). Improvements to the plan may be introduced with the approval of the supervisor and/or tutor based on the annual review of the student’s research progress.

Research plans are subject to annual review by the CAPD, including the report(s) of the supervisor and/or tutor and the candidate’s record of activities. Students will be permitted to continue with their studies if the outcome of the review is satisfactory. If the outcome is negative, the student will be required to submit a new plan within a period of six months. If the committee is still not satisfied, the candidate will be removed from the programme.

See also UDC PhD Policies and Regulations, Article 30: Research plan.

Student mobility

UDC holds student mobility agreements with universities and other third-level institutions across four continents. Students are offered several opportunities each year to apply to study abroad in one of these centres (for a single term or for a whole year), with the guarantee that all credits obtained will be duly recognised in their academic record upon their return.

For each round of applications, the University publishes the list of exchange options available to students and, where relevant, the specific conditions associated with each. Students may also apply to the University for funding for international work experience placements and internships.

Work experience placements are accredited in the student's academic record and the European diploma supplement. Students are free to decide in which host company or academic institution within the EHEA they wish to carry out their placement. To assist them in their search, the University has created an online noticeboard with jobs postings and other news.

Work-study placements in A Coruña are arranged by the International Relations Office (ORI) of the UDC in collaboration with the international relations coordinators in the student’s home university. The general entry criteria, rights and obligations of students, and admission and acceptance procedures for the programme, are regulated by the UDC Mobility Policy.