Master's Degree in Gerontology

2024/2025 · 60 credits

What you learn

According to the three aspects that the MUG consists of, the students, once the Master's Degree is finished and according to the different subjects studied, will be able to join geriatric and/or gerontological care resources, devote themselves to teaching in the field of aging or join the research career according to the competences acquired.

Complete study skills

Generic skills

The basic competences will be guaranteed, collected in the Royal Decree 861/2010, of July 2, which amends the Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, in addition to those listed in the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education (MECES) and which include:

-To possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.

-Students should be able to apply their acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to gerontology and geriatrics.

-Students should be able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of their knowledge and judgments.

-That students know how to communicate their conclusions - and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them - to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.

-That students possess the learning skills that will enable them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.

Specific skills

-To train and accredit professionals in the field of Gerontology.

-To know the main social and socio-health problems affecting the elderly population and be able to detect them and act accordingly.

-To know the main geriatric pathologies and syndromes affecting the elderly.

-To know the method of comprehensive geriatric assessment in order to establish the basis for the individualized plan of care of the elderly person.

-To know the main geriatric intervention guidelines in order to be able to incorporate them into individualized care plans.

-To be able to join the interdisciplinary teams of geriatric assessment and intervention, both in the social and health care field.

-To know the main care resources for the elderly, as well as the suitability of their location according to their socio-sanitary characteristics.

-To know the bases of research and to facilitate the incorporation of professionals in the field of gerontological research, both in public and private organizations or companies.

Transversal skills

-To acquire the necessary competences to apply the scientific method in the drafting of projects.

-To know how to disseminate the results obtained in the development of their activity through the sources of information available to the scientific community.

-To favor the exchange of students and professors in order to broaden their healthcare, teaching and research perspective.

-To favor the incorporation of professionals in the field of research, facilitating the completion of doctoral theses.

Professional and academic career

Professional and academic career

The profile obtained by the student will qualify him/her in competences to develop in assistance centers, carrying out tasks of coordination and management of resources; in city councils, by means of the elaboration and follow-up of different assistance programs; and, in addition, qualifying him/her to develop tasks of attention and care to the elderly. In the field of health care (nursing homes, day centers ...) can act as coordinator and manager of the resources of the elderly attending to their needs and capabilities. In the field of social care, and especially in municipalities, he can work as a professional in charge of knowing the present and future needs of the elderly and their environment (family, caregivers, home adaptation ...) in order to implement the necessary measures to alleviate these needs. He/she will therefore be qualified for the planning, coordination, development and validation of the various care programs.

We cannot forget its suitability for the training of professionals dedicated to the care of the elderly, at any level, but with special dedication to basic care (assistants and caregivers).

In addition, the possibility of taking a specialty in the clinical or social field will complement the quality of training when the student chooses clinical care (Clinical Gerontology) or social intervention (Social Gerontology) with a profile more appropriate to the tasks to be developed.

Planning for teaching

The MUG consists of 60 ECTS credits, which are taken over one academic year divided into two semesters and three modules:

Module I, of a compulsory and common nature, is taken in the first term of the first year and consists of six common subjects.

The Module II, which is optional and is offered according to the chosen specialty, is taken in the second term and consists of two subjects, as well as the TFM and the Practicum, all of which are specific to each specialty.

Once enrolled, the student must choose the specialty to be taken in the second term of the first year, and in addition to taking the 24 ECTS required for each specialty, another 6 ECTS will be taken corresponding to the electives (Module III) included in module III and taught by either of the two Universities. The student will have to choose the ones he/she will take. Students will have to select 6 ECTS for each of the four-month periods of the year. In this way, they will complete the total number of credits per four-month period (30 ECTS).

This elective will only be necessary to complete it in one specialty when the student wishes to take both specialties. As students who begin full-time studies in bachelor's and master's degrees must enroll in 60 ECTS or the number of ECTS equivalent to one academic year. Therefore, in the event that the student chooses to study both specialties, he/she should do so in two academic years (1st year 60ECTS: the degree with one specialty; 2nd year: 24credits to 2nd specialty).

This study has teaching guide
You can read it to learn more about the study. In the table below you can see the individual teaching guides for each subject.

Study structure

The masters are organized by modules. Click on a module for more information.

  Guide Type QTR. credits
Old Age Demography Compulsory 1st 4 ECTS
Assessment in Gerontology Compulsory 1st 4 ECTS
Intervention in Gerontology Compulsory 1st 4 ECTS
Social Gerontology I Compulsory 1st 4 ECTS
Clinic Gerontology I Compulsory 1st 4 ECTS
Research Methodology in Gerontology Compulsory 1st 4 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
Clinic Gerontology II Optional 2nd 4 ECTS
Geriatric Pathology and Intervention Optional 2nd 4 ECTS
Work Placement. Clinical Specialty Optional 2nd 8 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
Social Gerontology II Optional 2nd 4 ECTS
Socisanitary Attention Optional 2nd 4 ECTS
Work Placement. Social Specialty Optional 2nd 8 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
New Technologies, Support Products and Accessible Environment Optional 1st 3 ECTS
English Optional 1st 3 ECTS
Gerontological Management Optional 1st 3 ECTS
Biology of Aging Optional 1st 3 ECTS
Law and Gerontological Civil Liability Optional 1st 3 ECTS
The Research Project in Gerontology Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Clinic Psychology Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Non-Pharmacological Intervention in Dementias Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Gerontological Economy Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
Sociopedagogical Intervention in Gerontology Optional 2nd 3 ECTS
  Guide Type QTR. credits
Master`s Dissertation. Clinical Specialty Compulsory 2nd 8 ECTS
Master’s Dissertation. Social Specialty Compulsory 2nd 8 ECTS

 BOE with syllabus (PDF)

External references

They were external referents of this degree:

The WHO, in its "World report on aging and health (2015)", indicates among other aspects the need to update knowledge in gerontology and geriatrics. It also takes into account the guidelines raised by ANECA in its White Papers of the European Convergence Program (

As for the curricula of Spanish universities, European and international universities, , we could point out the following: Salamanca (, Barcelona (, Deusto (, being in social gerontology the one offered by the University of Zaragoza (; M.A. in Gerontology (Northeastern Illinois University), Research Master in Gerontological Sciences (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Master of Science: Gerontology and Rehabilitation Studies (University of Wollongong-Australia), Master in Gerontology (Politécnico de Portalegre-Portugal), M. S. in Gerontology (St. Cloud State University-USA), MS in Human Development and family Science-Gerontology (North Dakota State University-USA), M.A. in Gerontology (Youngstown State University-USA), MS in Gerontology (Loma Linda University-USA), among others.

In addition, scientific societies such as the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology ( and the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (, recommend training in gerontology and geriatrics in order to face the aging population in which we are immersed. Thus, the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology has elaborated a consensus document on Common Competencies of Clinical and Social Gerontology Professionals.

Query procedures used

The UDC and USC regulations for University Master's Degree studies are elaborated based on Royal Decrees 1393/2007 and 861/2010 and the "General guidelines for the implementation of undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the Galician University System", approved in the plenary session of the Galician Council of Universities on November 5, 2007, and sets out in detail the different stages and procedures to be followed for their elaboration and approval. According to these regulations, the initiative for the elaboration of proposals for University Master's Degrees will be developed by a center, which, in the case of the UDC, is the Faculty of Health Sciences, which will submit its proposal, after being approved by the center, to the University's Governing Council. In the case of the USC, the proposal for the Master's Degree will be developed in the Faculty of Nursing.

Based on these principles, the MUG proposal was presented, discussed and advised by the Drafting Committee formed for this purpose and which is made up of members of the Inter-University Academic Committee of the Master's Degree in Gerontology (90 ECTS) from which the one we now present (60 ECTS) is derived, It was then agreed upon by the Faculty Boards that teach the degree (Health Sciences of the UDC and Nursing of the USC), to be subsequently submitted to the opinion of the Governing Boards of both Universities as a prerequisite for the formulation of the agreement for the implementation of the master's degree. The agreement includes, among other aspects, those related to the custody of records and issuance of the degree, the procedure for modification and termination of the curriculum, as well as other responsibilities. As a final step, the project is submitted to the Social Council of both Universities for final approval, prior to its presentation.

Throughout the entire process, the Drafting Committee has been advised at all times by the Quality Assurance Committees and the Quality Technical Units of both Universities.


The study is taught by the following teachers:

The masters are organized by modules. Click on a module for more information.

  • Teachers assigned to study
  • Teachers assigned to study
  • Teachers assigned to study

Student mobility

UDC holds student mobility agreements with universities and other third-level institutions across four continents. Students are offered several opportunities each year to apply to study abroad in one of these centres (for a single term or for a whole year), with the guarantee that all credits obtained will be duly recognised in their academic record upon their return.

For each round of applications, the University publishes the list of exchange options available to students and, where relevant, the specific conditions associated with each. Students may also apply to the University for funding for international work experience placements and internships.

Work experience placements are accredited in the student's academic record and the European diploma supplement. Students are free to decide in which host company or academic institution within the EHEA they wish to carry out their placement. To assist them in their search, the University has created an online noticeboard with jobs postings and other news.

Work-study placements in A Coruña are arranged by the International Relations Office (ORI) of the UDC in collaboration with the international relations coordinators in the student’s home university. The general entry criteria, rights and obligations of students, and admission and acceptance procedures for the programme, are regulated by the UDC Mobility Policy.