Programa de simultaneidade do Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios e o Grao en Galego e Portugués: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios

2024/2025 · 324 credits

Access and admission

Students who meet the eligibility and entry criteria required under Royal Decree-Law 1892/2008 (14 November), and who have been admitted for undergraduate studies in any of the Departments of the University of A Coruña, should complete their registration according to the indicated dates for their course.

Incoming first-year students should complete their registration within the dates announced by the Galician Universities Commission (CIUG).

Students transferring from recognised degree programmes in other Spanish third-level institutions should submit their application for the UDC course in which they wish to enrol. Transfer students must have a minimum of 30 transferable credits and meet the eligibility requirements established under Art. 56, Royal Decree-Law 1892/2008 (14 November) and the UDC Academic Management Code of Practice. Candidates who do not meet the aforementioned criteria should apply through the general admissions process.

If you need more information, you can check this sources:

Recommended profile

El programa está pensado para todas aquellas personas con interés y especial sensibilidad hacia los fenómenos lingüísticos y sus manifestaciones artísticas en la literatura, principalmente en el mundo anglófono y gallego-portugués. También es apropiado para todo aquel alumnado con inquietudes literarias y culturais en esos dos espacios.

General applications requirements

Eligible candidates must match one of the following profiles, in accordance with Art. 2, Royal Decree-Law 1982/2008:

  • Certified completion of secondary education (or equivalent), and pass result in University Entrance Examination
  • Candidates who fulfil the eligibility requirements of university systems in other EU countries, or in non-EU countries with which Spain has an international cooperation agreement that includes this provision
  • Students over 25 with a pass result in the University Entrance Examination, in either its current form or any of its earlier forms
  • Mature students with a pass result in the University Entrance Examination for students over 45
  • EQF Level 4 Certificate in Professional Training, Art and Design Studies, Sports Studies, etc.
  • Undergraduate degree, or other university qualification obtained under previous curricula (Diploma/General Degree Honours Degree, Engineering Degree, etc.)
  • Eligible according to criteria prescribed in statutes prior to 2008 reform, not mentioned above.

Application and admission

Applications for places on UDC degree programmes should be made using the centralised online applications system(NERTA), or by submitting the completed documentation at the appropriate LERD (Documentation Submission and Collection Point).

Students are entitled to submit one application form only, indicating (in descending order of preference) the degree programmes for which they wish to apply. Students may include a maximum of five options, or ten if applying for the same programme in different universities.

Dates for each registration period will be determined by the CIUG and announced via NERTA. Students who fail to register by the appointed deadline will lose the place they have been offered.

5 places offered in academic year 2024/2025

Admission procedures and criteria

An official registration calendar for UDC undergraduate and Master’s programmes is determined each year by the university commission responsible, and runs from July to October. As soon as the calendar is approved (some time in May), candidates will be able to access the information on the CIUG website. In the meantime, students may find it helpful to consult the registration calendar for the current academic year (available on the SAPE student advice and support section of the main UDC website), as an indication of what to expect.

For undergraduate programmes with a capped number of places, candidates in Galicia who have completed their secondary education are required to sit the University Entrance Examination coordinated by the Galician Universities Commission (CIUG), a mixed board comprising representatives from the Xunta de Galicia (Galician regional government) and the three Galician universities. Examination sessions are held in June and September each year. Information on entry procedures and requirements is available on the CIUG website or the SAPE student portal.

El acceso al programa viene reglado por el Real Decreto 1393/2007 de 29 de octubre sobre la organización de la enseñanza universitaria oficial. Aquí se indica que para acceder a las titulaciones de este nivel es necesario estar en posesión del título de bachiller o equivalente y superar las probas de acceso a la universidad.

No existen pruebas o exámenes especiales para cursar este programa. Sin embargo, es recomendable (pero no necesariamente imprescindible) la existencia de una cierta formación previa en el ámbito humanístico o social, a través del hábito de la lectura, el interés por las manifestaciones culturales y literarias de expresión inglesa y española y el hecho de conceder importancia al conocimiento de idiomas.


New students 2018/2019:

Ongoing students 2020/2021:

  •  Right now, we've not set applicatons dealines yet.



There is a system of aids and scholarships for students in need. The different criteria, application procedures and deadlines depend on the body that convenes (own, regional and state) and the type of aid. You can consult the following links:

Study admission scores evolution

In chart below you can check which were the lowest, average and highest admission scores of the PAAU for the students who enrolled the study over time.

2012/20132013/20142014/20152015/20162016/20172017/20182018/20192019/20202020/20212021/20222022/20232023/20240.00.014.0Lowest scoreAverage scoreHighest score