Official Doctoral Program in New Perspectives, in Documentation, Comunication and Humanities



Students who meet some of the criteria listed in Article 15 of the UDC PhD Policies and Regulations will be able to access to UDC PhD programmes.


Candidates matching one of the general entry requirements for PhD students will be assessed in accordance with the specific criteria and merits for each programme. Information relating to application procedures and requirements are included in the programme structure for each course.

The decision to offer a student a place on a UDC PhD programme is the result of an application-specific evaluation process, and does not affect the academic or professional status of the candidate’s existing qualifications.

See also UDC PhD Policies and Regulations, Article 16: Applications.

20 places offered in academic year 2023/2024

Recommended profile of admission

The Program may be of greater interest to various types of students:

a) Those who have completed a Master's degree—especially if it is an official Master's degree (RD 1393/2007)—mainly in the thematic fields related to Documentation, Communication or the Humanities;

b) those students who have studies equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree (five academic years) in the thematic areas of Documentation, Communication or the Humanities;

c) students who have completed a previous Doctoral Program (for example, with a Diploma of Advanced Studies or with research proficiency) in those thematic fields and now wish to present the Doctoral Thesis.

Application general procedure

Applications and registration for PhD programmes will be made using the online application system on the UDC website, accompanied by all necessary supporting documents. Applications and registration for external students will be made here.

If you need more information, you can check this sources the Application general procedure.

Applications procedure for students whose foreign degree/diplome has not been officially recognised

See EIDUDC Application and registration.

General procedure by the CAPD

See EIDUDC Application and registration.

Specific access requirements of the CAPD

All access requests must be made through the UDC website, using the student's Virtual Secretariat. The supporting documentation is delivered to the UADI of Esteiro (Calle Dr. Vázquez Cabrera, s/n; 15403-Ferrol, A Coruña).

The email is the following:

In general, each student must prove two things:

1) compliance with the formal requirements for access to Doctoral Studies required with the regulations in force, with special attention to those candidates from countries with regulations other than the European Higher Education Area, and

2) propose a research topic that, within the framework of the three thematic areas of the Doctoral Program (Documentation, Communication and Humanities), links with any of the lines of research offered by the Program.

In relation to these aspects, to facilitate personalized attention to each applicant for admission, an interview is planned with the Coordinator of the Doctoral Program.

The CAPD will publish the provisional and final lists of those admitted in the places provided for this purpose.

When you wish to make a claim from the admitted list, the letter must be sent to the corresponding administrative services (Uxai Esteiro Departments), in a text addressed to the Coordinator of the Doctoral Program.

To request part-time enrollment, as well as to change the enrollment modality or possible temporary withdrawal, you must write to the corresponding administrative services (Uxai Esteiro Departamentos), located on Calle Dr. Vázquez Cabrera, s/ n; 15403-Ferrol, A Coruña.

The text of the application must be addressed to the Coordinator of the Doctoral Program.


The application for admission (or registration renewal) and enrollment in PhD studies will be carried out according to the terms approved by the Governing Council of the UDC.


See information on how to register for UDC PhD courses.

Predoctoral grants

See UDC predoctoral grants.