Health, Disability, Dependency and well-being



The PhD Program in Health, Disability, Dependency and Well-being is an inter-university program coordinated by the University of A Coruña and is taught jointly at the Universities of León, Murcia and Salamanca.

This program is aimed at training researchers to study, analyze, propose and implement evidence-based solutions related to disability, dependency and well-being.

These PhD studies are designed with the aim of training researchers who, through their projects, are capable of improving care for people with disabilities and dependency, developing new social and health care programs and optimizing existing ones.

The training of new doctors specialized in this field will result in an improvement in the health, well-being and quality of life of people with disabilities and society in general.

This study is verified and publish pending

This study renewed its accreditation on 18 January 2023.


Annual PhD tuition fees
Approximate price applicable to all students (non Spanish and non EU included). Secretarial expenses, school insurance and training complements (if applicable) are not included.
Offered place for academic course 2022/2023

Why study

The PhD Program in Health, Disability, Dependency and Well-being offers the possibility of acquiring research skills in this field to a large number of professionals.

In this sense, professions that come from the health field (Physiotherapy, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, Speech Therapy, Medicine) or from the psychosocial field (Psychology, Education, Social Work, Social Education, etc.), may consider this PhD program as a priority option to continue your Bachelor's and Master's studies.

 Program web site

This is an interuniversity study, in addition to University of A Coruña , the following universities also colaborate in teaching:

  • Universidad de Leon
  • Universidad de Murcia
  • Universidad de Salamanca
