PhD in Information and Communications Technology



The doctoral program, Information and Communication Technologies, was taught for the first time in the 2000/2001 academic year, coinciding with the creation of the University Department with the same name. The Department's areas of knowledge are Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and Telematics Engineering, which determine the basic contents of the program. Since its inception, the doctoral program has been oriented towards research in these thematic areas, with a large number of applications, year after year exceeding the demand for the places offered.

The development of the so-called "Information Society" by some and "Knowledge Society" by others, has made the computing and telecommunications sector one of the most active, fastest growing and with the greatest specific weight on the macroeconomic indicators of all the advanced countries.

The European Commission has shown in recent years a special interest in jobs/research related to the Information Society, by promoting the use of new technologies in all social fields (eGoverment, eLearning, eHealth and eBusiness etc.).

We thus have that the development of online information systems involves multiple technologies: networks, multimedia, intelligent systems, development and testing methodologies, knowledge management and development of hybrid systems, among others. All of this is applicable to bioinformatics, the environment, basic sciences, civil engineering, etc. For this reason, we believe that the proposed Doctorate Program is of great interest to our University and its social environment.

This study is verified and published

This study renewed its accreditation on 07 September 2022.


Annual PhD tuition fees
Approximate price applicable to all students (non Spanish and non EU included). Secretarial expenses, school insurance and training complements (if applicable) are not included.
Offered place for academic course 2022/2023

Why study

ICTs are one of the fundamental engines for the innovation of small and medium-sized companies to improve their competitiveness both nationally and internationally. For example, in the university sphere, of the spin-offs generated from the University of A Coruña, the largest proportion have been in the field of ICT, demonstrating its economic viability and entrepreneurial spirit. In addition, in all calls for projects, both for research and innovation, at regional, national and European level, ICTs in themselves and applied in other areas continue to be a fundamental part.

 Program web site


Starting academic year 2013/2014
Last update/verification ACSUG date 24/07/2013
Authorization DOG publication date 20/12/2013
Official BOE publication date 11/03/2014
BOE syllabus publication date 11/03/2014