PhD in Literature Studies



The doctoral programme in Literary Studies has interuniversity nature and provides an advanced training in the area of Spanish, Galician and Portuguese literature. Moreover, it lays the foundations for the basic research which applies in this area of knowledge. The University of A Coruña and the University of Vigo, which acts as the coordinator body, take part in this programme. This proves the interuniversity nature of the PhD.

This study is verified and published

This study renewed its accreditation on 24 May 2021.


Annual PhD tuition fees
Approximate price applicable to all students (non Spanish and non EU included). Secretarial expenses, school insurance and training complements (if applicable) are not included.
Offered place for academic course 2022/2023

Why study

The study of the literatures, as holder of the social legacy, affects the basic knowledge, the critical analysis and the utilization of the speech. The scientific interest of literature research lies in the exploration, preservation and interpretation of the sociocultural collective memory, as well as in the training and research of both pragmatic and theoretical aspects.

This is an interuniversity study, in addition to University of A Coruña, the following universities also colaborate in teaching:

  • Universidad de Vigo


Starting academic year 2013-2014
Last update/verification ACSUG date 26/07/2013
Authorization DOG publication date 20/12/2013
Official BOE publication date 11/03/2014
BOE syllabus publication date 11/03/2014