PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning



The official doctorate program in "Architecture and Urbanism" is organized by the University of A Coruña. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the social and cultural levels of Galicia in the Autonomous Community of Galicia.

The program is aimed at training doctors in the different disciplines of Architecture and Urbanism. As it is a question of answering researches with very different fields, the program has seven lines of research that respond to the areas of knowledge typical of architecture and urbanism and that form the student in the knowledge of degree and master. These lines of research are:

  • Space and Project in Architecture (Architectural Projects)
  • Structures in Architecture (Continuous Media Mechanics and Structure Theory)
  • Genesis, Language and Representation of Architecture (Architectural Graphic Expression)
  • Mathematics applied to the Mechanics of Continuous Means (Applied Mathematics).
  • Heritage, Theory and History of Architecture (Architectural Composition).
  • Plans and Projects. From the Territory to the Landscape and the City (Urban Planning and Spatial Planning)
  • Rehabilitation, New Construction Systems and Sustainability in Architecture (Architectural Constructions).

The aim of this multiplicity of lines of research is to be able to collect all the possibilities of realizing a doctoral thesis in the field of architecture and urbanism, oriented to any of its own areas of knowledge

This study is verified and published

This study renewed its accreditation on 07 September 2022.


Annual PhD tuition fees
Approximate price applicable to all students (non Spanish and non EU included). Secretarial expenses, school insurance and training complements (if applicable) are not included.
Offered place for academic course 2022/2023

Why study

The objective of this program is to allow the students who choose to achieve the necessary skills to carry out a doctoral thesis. This includes both methodological aspects and concrete techniques that allow the development of an original research and with the sufficient level to be presented and defended.

The main objective of architecture is and will always be the creation of a work that remains fundamentally for its artistic values. Architecture is one of the Fine Arts and therefore the creation and creation process are essential. But at the same time architecture is not an immaterial art, but must be supported by a series of material elements with very specific properties that have an unavoidable effect on the design process. That is why research in the broad sense is a process that is in every architectural fact. And it is necessary to investigate the forms, functions, materials, processes, constructive systems, structural or installations, basic sciences, etc. Also in the aspects of the history of architecture, both for their knowledge, and to guide possible interventions.

In addition the architecture is inextricably linked to the construction sector of the greatest relevance in the economic activity of the country. That is why research, development and innovation in this field is of the utmost importance and constitutes a challenge and a professional opportunity for our graduates.

 Program web site


Starting academic year 2013-2014
Last update/verification ACSUG date 24/07/2013
Authorization DOG publication date 20/12/2013
Official BOE publication date 11/03/2014
BOE syllabus publication date 11/03/2014